“Impossible! For the sword-level sword holder, five drops of blood is enough to repair any injury! ”Seeing that the physical condition of the cold is only slightly improved, the flow of years is incomprehensible.

    “Do you think his fighting power is like an ordinary sword-level swordsman?”The black Tortoise, who is on the alert, screams like this, and when I hear it, I feel very reasonable. This metamorphosis of the cold, on the combat power has been a real sword-level sword holder, and indeed can not be seen with ordinary sword-level swordsman.

    “Then give him five more drops?”Hesitated for a moment, and he dropped five drops of imperial blood into his mouth. The effect is very obvious, the cold-cold injury is better, the consciousness is restored, the surface of the skin is restored to normal, but if you touch the cold body, you will find the bone inside his body. Still broken.

    “Four drops!”

    “Four drops!”

    “Four drops!”The flow of years is like a little girl with a small gas. Five drops and five drops of water are poured into the mouth of the cold, for fear of wasting a drop of blood. This not only makes the black Tortoise on the side of it look a little bit inconspicuous, but even the cold that has recovered its consciousness feels uncomfortable.

    “Come fifty drops at a time!”The chilling convection that consciousness has recovered is directly said.

    “Fifty drops?”The flow of years reveals an exaggerated expression. “Do you know how hard it is for us to store these blood in the Noble Family? Even if I was injured when I was a child, my father was only willing to give me half a drop. You will need fifty drops at a time. What if you waste? ”

    “This is my blood, I waste it when I love it, you can’t control it.”The cold is about the temper is also coming up, not angry.

    “What?” What did you sayThe face of the old man suddenly became red, and she grabbed the hand of the blood of the emperor, and the whole glass bottle was pinched, and all the blood of the emperor was dripped into the mouth of the cold.

    “Drink it!!! All for you! Here you are satisfied! ”It’s like an angry little daughter-in-law. When I’m angry, I’m still taking a little trick, and watching the coldness of the dance…My own words seem to have been a bit too much. It’s actually a good heart, and it helps me save the blood of the emperor. I have quite a bit of a dog biting Lu Dongbin’s feeling.

    No matter what, when a whole bottle of imperial blood enters the cold mouth, the treatment effect is immediate.

    A bottle of imperial blood flowed directly to the position of the cold heart, forming a bloody Dandan like NeiDan. From this water lily, a golden thread was launched, and the flesh and blood that was touched by the golden thread began to change dramatically.

    The cold body is like a broken, crisp-packed body, and it instantly expands. The pieces of bone broken into glass slag are like pieces of the inverted pieces. They miraculously merge together and change back to the original bones.

    It became the internal organs of the meat sauce, and it was re-aggregated together and changed back to the original appearance. The nature of blood vessels and blood is also restored. In just three seconds, under the strong resilience of the blood, the body that has been cold has fully recovered.

    At this time, the emperor blood Dan of the heart of the cold is consumed about 1/3 or so, and 2/3 of the Emperor Blood Dan is condensed in the heart of the cold, and is suspended there quietly.

    Whenever the cold blood flows from the heart, it will pass through this blood, and the blood of the cold is contaminated with a thin layer of gold, just like the gold in the blood. .

    “50CC consumes one-third, which is about 17CC, which is equivalent to 340 drops!”The cold was silently calculated to repair the blood used by his body, and he came up with such an amazing number.

    “A complete repair of the body below the sword level requires five drops of imperial blood; the body of the sword-level body needs a hundred drops of imperial blood; the body of the sword-level body needs five hundred drops of imperial blood…Can it be said that my body is already equivalent to the body of the sword-level swordsman? ”The conclusion that the cold thinking is more than oneself, the heart can not help but be amazed, the consumption of 340 drops of blood is the consumption of the sword-level swordsman!

    Before the sword-level and the sword-level, the body of the sword-bearer was still the body of an ordinary person. At most, it was only slightly strengthened, so there was not much blood required. After becoming a sword-level sword-bearing person, the human body will be greatly strengthened. Even if it is separated from the sword-naughter, there will be no situation where the Kuafu is squeezed into a group of bone slag as if it were just cold. .

    The blood of the blood that is needed to repair such a body is naturally many, and when the sword-bearer becomes the swordsman, the body is greatly enhanced. The blood of the swordsman itself can heal the damage of the sword-level sword-bearers, and the swordsman’s own body can be imagined.

    “I don’t know if this bloody Dan is good or bad in his body!”Seeing that this bloody Dan has always been suspended in his own heart, it is good or bad to fix the cold, because this is something that has never been seen before.


    “Let’s go.”The recovered cold was re-established, shaking his body and found that the body was full of strength, much stronger than before the injury.

    “Do I also go with you?”Solid Black Tortoise suddenly said that her face was hesitant.

    Seeing the energy of the circle outside the solid Black Tortoise body, I am afraid that as long as any sword-bearer sees the solid Black Tortoise, she will understand that she is a Lantern, so that Black Tortoise may even die under her own sword, so solid Black Tortoise naturally cannot appear in front of others in the form of a sacred scorpion.

    “Can you change back to human form?”Asked cold and frowning.

    NoSolid Black Tortoise shakes his head. “I need to wait three days for each change of shape. I can only maintain the shape of the Lantern in three days.”

    “This is a little trouble!”Cold feelings touched his chin and thought for a while, suddenly thought of something, and asked the solid Black Tortoise “other people?” Follow those of our swordsmen? ”

    By the way… And those swordsmen who followed me! ”When I heard the cold, I rushed to shoot my thigh, and she forgot all of her swordsmen.

    “When I caught up with Miss Yan, I had already let Miss Sui’s swordsman meet with our people, and then let them find a place to hide. I don’t know what they are doing now. ”Solid Black Tortoise said coldly.

    “Go, let’s go find those sword-bearers first!”The cold is saying.


    “Hey, I don’t know where the little brother and his sister went!” Why haven’t you returned yet? They won’t be in danger of it! ”In the ruins of a broken building, several sword-bearers whispered.

    “You didn’t pay attention? Just in the place where the cold brothers went, there seems to be a huge monster. I can still hear the buzzing sounds of various battles. I suspect that the cold brother and his sister must have met a powerful witch. ”The sword-bearer guessed that it was not far from ten.

    “Then aren’t they two dangerous?”Another sword-bearer said with concern.

    “They are not dangerous, don’t know! Anyway, we are very dangerous. Now all the people who can fight are gone. We are left with these old and weak, and there are a bunch of seriously wounded. At this time, I am afraid that we can kill us as long as we have two or three witches. Now! ”The sword-bearer’s face showed a bit of fear. “I want to say that we can’t sit here. It’s too dangerous to stay in one place! We must leave here and find a more hidden place! ”

    “What are you talking about?”The voice of the sword-bearer has just fallen, and Leslie Dracula shouted loudly. “He warmed him and told us again, let us wait for him here!” We must believe in him, he will come to us! ”

    “Little sister, this can be said not necessarily…”A team from the rogue, the sword-strapped man with half a leg immediately retorted, “You may not have seen it, but I see it clearly. The last big-bodied witch is the great witch of the strong family.” That is the equivalent of the swordsman of the sword-level swordsman. The cold-cold brothers have no swordsmanship. They must not be the opponents of the father. Maybe they are dead now. What are we waiting for here? According to me, I still leave early, otherwise maybe the Kuafu will find it again and kill us all. ”

    “True.” This brother said it is good, we can’t wait here to die”

    “Yes, we have to get out of here!”The sword-bearers in the entire ruin suddenly quarreled, all clamoring to leave the ruins, which led Leslie Dracula, who attempted to control the entire team, to completely collapse. When you are cold, you can also rely on your own strength to constrain these sword-bearers. You can leave the cold, and only the family aura of Leslie Dracula is an ordinary person in the hearts of these sword-bearers. .

    Those who hold these swords are about to leave, and the two figures suddenly flash into the ruins.

    “Who wants to go? Who can go now! I will never stop him! ”The sound of anger in the cold and cold desert made the entire ruin instantly quiet. Those who follow the cold-holding swords are a little smirk, and where they dare to say anything to go, they don’t dare to look down on their eyes.

    As for the sword-bearers who are not following the cold, they also dare not look at the cold, because they are looking at them in the face of the cold.

    “When did they get together?”Several sword-bearers snorted, and the combination of cold and cold years completely suppressed the minds of these sword-bearers, so that they would not dare to say a word.

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