Once upon a time, the cold has also suffered such a serious injury. It was still in the Meiling Mountains. It was only hit by Medusa with a snake head. The bones that hit the cold and shattered were exactly the same.

    Fortunately, however, only a little faint consciousness remained after the cold injury. However, the current cold can really be his own eyes, and still remain awake in consciousness.

    “Medical warehouse! Must have a medical cabin! ”The flow of years is very excited, then immediately pulled out his pocket, want to take out his medical cabin from inside…But when the hand of the young man is placed on his pocket, he thinks that he has lost his sword, and he has no ability to open the pocket of this dimension, let alone take out the medical compartment inside.

    “Miss Black Tortoise, your sword is still right!”In the middle of my mind, I immediately recalled the scene of the fight against the Black Tortoise with the Tai Ajian. I quickly grabbed the hand of the solid Black Tortoise and said, “Hurry up and open your pocket and take your medical cabin out!”

    “It’s useless, I can’t open the pocket of the yuan!”Solid Black Tortoise calmly wipes the gun of the sniper gun in his hand. “You should find it!” I am no longer a human being. I am only the Lantern in your mouth. ”

    “What the hell are you, why can you…”It’s only after thinking about the strangeness of the solid Black Tortoise, I just want to ask a clear understanding, but I heard a scream of coldness around me!

    “what happened to you? Don’t you scare me? ”Every year, all the attention is put back to the cold.

    sternI beg youDon’t……Don’t……Pipe solid Black Tortoise ……IHer business…I promise.”WARRANTIESIWill not do things that are harmful to our humanity…Otherwise I will be the first…Firstpersonally……personally……KILL HER!After the cold, I tried my best to finish this sentence, and then my body suddenly became red and bloody. A lot of blood was poured out through the cold skin. It looked like a sponge full of water!

    “No, no more!” You must find a way to save you, or you will really die! ”When I saw this situation, I knew that the body of the cold body had already been stirred into a paste…When the ordinary person is put on the ground, the two people are already dead, and it is really unbelievable that the cold can still maintain a clear consciousness. How strong the will is to withstand the great pain? at this point?

    “You don’t want to move, I will save you now!”For the third time, Liu Nian teared open his collar and tore the pendant on his chest…What is the use of this pendant in the end?

    Before the flow of years, I wanted to use it to deal with Kuafu, which shows that it has a strong ability to destroy. However, now that I want to use it to treat the cold, does it still have the medical ability?

    “What are you doing…”Chilling quickly and intermittently said “clothing…Inside my clothes…take it out……”

    “What is hidden in your clothes…ButBut how can I take it! ”After a long time, I listened to the shackles, because I had to take off my shirt to the old age, so the cold is now in a state of shirtlessness, the upper body has no clothes, only the lower body is wearing a pair of pants.

    If there is something hidden in the clothes, it must be hidden in your own pants, but the problem is that the pants that hold the cold have no pockets…Could it be that the cold is hiding things in…

    “Now is not shy…You put your hand in…In my boxer…”Sure enough, just like the guess of the current year, the shameless villain who hides the cold actually hides things in his own boxer.

    It is necessary to reach into the cold-sleeved boxer pants to get the things that the cold said.

    After all, it was a pure girl. After a while, I accepted this kind of thing, so the scene was deadlocked. A solid Black Tortoise seems to be inconspicuous. She is very arrogant and will sway her hands and shake her hands. The heroic said, “I am coming!”


    “No!”At the same time, the cold and the young man shouted, and the reason why the cold is not allowed to make Black Tortoise is because the Black Tortoise is likely to be his daughter. As a father, where some people let their daughters touch their own things.

    However, it is hard to say why it is difficult to stop the Black Tortoise. Is it that you want to do it yourself?

    AHEM! The Kuafu may come over at any time, and other witches may be hidden around. You must protect us. It is better for me to find something. ”Sure enough, I hope that I can do it myself.

    “Then you hurry! He is dying! ”Solid Black Tortoise glanced at the white, and then, according to the flow of years, with his gun of the magic bullet, watched the surroundings.

    KnownI took a deep breath and then put my hand on the cold belt and squeezed it hard…Use force to pinch…Use force to pull…Use force to pull…

    “what are you doing? What are you honing? ”Seeing that there was no action after the flow of years, Solid Tortoise asked very eagerly.

    ThisThisHow to unlock this belt? ”Liu Nian said that the complete individual is almost ashamed to die.

    “This is not easy…”The words of the solid Black Tortoise have just been spoken, and the tongue is stuck. Oh, it’s a long time, it’s very discouraged to throw a sentence, “You just have to try it a few times.”

    “There is a small ring on the side…Pull it up…Enough……”Poor cold, people are almost dying, and actually have to work hard to teach a girl how to solve their waistband, this is really a sad thing.

    Fortunately, it was not stupid, and after getting the hint of fixing the cold, it was very smooth to open the waistband of the cold.

    “Is this something?”Asked about the flow of years

    “Yes,” the cold road

    “The blood!” How do you have this thing? ”The flowing cockroach pumped out the cylindrical object and found it was a small bottle of test tube with golden blood. Seeing the knowledgeable flow of the year, I naturally recognized the blood in the face.

    Moreover, it was discovered by the way that a tiny sign was engraved on the bottle, and this sign is the emblem of the Noble Family. In other words, this bottle of blood is a Noble Family.

    “This is what your grandfather gave me. In the specific situation, I will explain it to you in the future. You should feed the blood to me first, otherwise I will die!”This sentence seems to have consumed the last strength of the cold. After finishing this sentence, the cold is lying on the ground and motionless. It looks like a dead person.

    Although the doubts in my heart, but now only the blood of the emperor can save the cold. Before the medical cabin, the blood of the emperor is the artifact that the sword-bearer relies on to save lives. Only a drop of imperial blood can be used to gain weight. No matter how serious the injury is, only five drops of imperial blood can be healed…Of course, the blood of the emperor is useless to the sword emperor.

    This small bottle is filled with 50cc of blood, which is equivalent to 1000 drops of blood. It is definitely enough to help the cold.

    This small bottle is specially made. There is no cap on it. There is only one tiny hole. After opening the switch, just press the rubber above the bottle slightly, and you can force a drop of blood. The reason why this design is to use the value of the blood to the limit, not everyone can be like the cold, 10,000 CC of the blood directly into the Heaven and Earth oven.

    Do not say anything, just open the small switch of the test tube, and then open the mouth of the cold, drip five drops of imperial blood into the mouth of the cold.

    What is the taste of the blood of the emperor?

    This is a kind of unspeakable taste. It feels like hundreds of stinky socks are cooked in the radix root solution, and the taste of the concentrated broth is…Anyway, unless you have to, cold weather is definitely not to taste this taste.

    On the other hand, in the moment when the blood of the emperor enters the cold mouth, the color of the cold can be improved with the speed visible to the naked eye, and the face is finally a little more bloody. The blood that constantly oozes out of the skin has finally stopped…But the effect will stop here, and the five drops of imperial blood will seem to have such an effect.

    This blood is not enough for the cold.

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