“How can you…”When the Wuzu Lu Yuanjie died, the sword-bearers, including Leslie Dracula, discovered that a heroic girl stood on her own with a sword carrying blue blood. In front of him, it is obvious that the girl who killed the Wu ethnic group Lu Yuanjie.

    Only these sword-bearers couldn’t understand why they had just been able to directly cut off the tongue of Wu Yuan Lu Yuanjie, but this girl had cut off the three tongues of the Wu nationality Lu Yuanjie.

    “Why?”Solid Black Tortoise ignored the doubts of these sword-bearers, but turned his head to look at the cold around him. “Why is this sword primal chaos not reaching your 1/10 effect?”

    “You think too much! Even if I use primal chaos to open the sky is this degree! ”Chilling and shaking his head, he touched the head of Black Tortoise. ,

    “The sword I just had was not simple. In fact, the two swords I used just now…It was only the first sword that I found that I couldn’t directly cut off his tongue. In the second sword, I joined the sword and I was cut off. ”The sound of the solid Black Tortoise appears in the cold ears through the sound. It is also no wonder that Black Tortoise will complain to the cold that his Sword Skill can’t reach the level of 1/10. It turns out that her sword is secretly using the sword.

    “Can you use sapogen?”It’s a bit of a surprise to listen to the solid Black Tortoise. Because the cold is essentially a normal sword-bearer, even the cold can not use the power of the sword, and can not liberate his own sword.

    It’s natural to hear that Black Tortoise is able to use his own swordsman. However, when I think about it, it seems that things are not unexplained. Because the solid Black Tortoise is not a human being, but a mixed blood of the Lantern and the human, the body naturally has its own special place.

    Moreover, as the only one in the world who can coordinate with the swordsman and have the swordsmanship and the swordsman, the Black Tortoise must have its extremely special, even the setting of the cold is not known, maybe this setting In the middle of the game, the Black Tortoise can be used within a large array of stars in the sky.

    “I don’t know why, I feel that the sapphire in my body has not been affected, and it is the same as the normal situation.”Solid Black Tortoise said through the voice, “I don’t want to open the topic. You tell me why we obviously use the same sword method, but my power is less than 1/10 of your power.”

    “From your word move, although there is some gap with me, the gap is not big and will not have much impact.”Cold weather began to analyze “but my primal chaos swordsmanship is not as simple as a simple sword.” It is a set of swordsmanship that is formed by a combination of many other swordsmanships and my life’s sentiments, so there is only one thing in it that can be said to be unspeakable. ”

    “You said that I am missing this thing that can only be said, can’t be said?”Solid Black Tortoise’s brow wrinkles tighter. “What the hell is this?” Can you say it more simply and clearly? ”

    “Sorry, I can’t do this.”Chilling and shaking his head “I haven’t figured out this set of swords. I can only use it now, so it is still a semi-finished product. I don’t know anything inside, how can I teach you? ”

    “you liar……You must be unwilling to teach others…”Solid Black Tortoise did not believe in the cold, and said with a mouth.

    “Then you should be a liar…”Anyway, I don’t care…”Cold and cold face said indifferent.

“………”Solid Black Tortoise has nothing to say, although she is unwilling to face.


    Because the whole conversation was carried out by secret transmission, these sword-bearers only heard the conversations at the beginning of the cousin, and then the black and cold Tortoise remained silent.

    But there were just a few conversations that were enough, because it made these sword-bearers think of what had just happened in the hall.

    The battle between the cold in the hall and the battle today is similar! Similarly, in the case of not using the swordsman, the cold is only a sword that does not use the swordsman, and consumes more than 3% of the shield shield energy of their swordsmen…Their personal shields are sword-level body shields, and at least they have a 20,000-30,000 body shield energy.

    The sword that fixes the cold is equivalent to not eliminating the energy of the body shield around 1000 points…The toughness of the tongue of the Wuyuan Lu Yuanjie is probably equivalent to a few hundred points of personal shield energy.

    Solid Black Tortoise is the cousin of the cold. I want to come to her and learn the sword of the cold. Therefore, she seems to have no idea to curious about the tongue of Wu Yuanjie. Of course, these sword-bearers also have curious places. They are curious about the word move primal chaos mentioned by Black Tortoise. It is obviously the name of the sword just now. These sword-bearers can’t help but rush to the primal chaos, if you can learn this too. If you have a move, it will undoubtedly have a great life-saving ability in the next battle.

    These sword-bearers looked at the cold eyes and became eager for an instant. They seemed to want to learn the swordsmanship called primal chaos from the hands of the cold.

    However, these sword-bearers have not spoken yet, and they have found that the Star Shuttle has begun to tremble violently. At the same time, through the scenery outside the window, it can be found that the position of the Star Shuttle is steadily declining. Obviously, this Star Shuttle has entered a state of decline. Among them.

    “This is not good!” The Star Shuttle is about to land soon, and we will soon be surrounded by the Witch! ”A sword-bearer made a whining, and then the atmosphere calmed down by the killing of the witch Lu Yuanjie returned to the tension. They were afraid that when the door of the Star Shuttle opened, there would be countless witch warriors rushing in, and they would lose the swordsman to them.

    “Go to the cab! Hurry up and go to the cab to control the Star Shuttle, let the Star Shuttle fly back and fly to the Sun Stars! ”The swordsmen immediately rushed to the driver’s position and wanted to re-drive the star shuttle.

    But when they saw the driver’s seat with their own eyes, everyone was forced! Because the manual driving device in the entire driving position has been violently destroyed, all the buttons on the panel and the wires of the joystick are pulled out. Even if the workers responsible for building the entire Star Shuttle come here, I am afraid that they cannot be short. Repair this severely damaged manual driving device within time.

    The auto-driving equipment of this Star Shuttle is also suffering. The computer screen has been opened with a big hole. The electrical components inside are constantly sparking. Only a small red light next to the screen is constantly shining. This small lamp is printed with a small line next to it, clearly saying “Emergency Return”

    “What does this light mean?”A sword-bearer shouted and asked.

    “This is an emergency return light!”Immediately, the sword-bearer answered him. “I have studied the books related to the Star Shuttle. Once the internal driving equipment of the Star Shuttle is damaged or malfunctions, the Star Shuttle will automatically return to the control of his original ownership according to the mechanism set by him. station.”

    “This is a star shuttle belonging to Taiwei Dixing, so this star shuttle is returning to the console of Taiwei Dixing!”A sword-bearer said in a panic.

    “You still don’t understand? This witch is afraid that we will re-control the Star Shuttle to return to the Sun Star, so we deliberately destroyed all the equipment, using the automatic return system, so that we can only return to the console of Taiwei Dixing. ”

    “Yes, it’s no wonder that he has been telling us about the battle, and what the flag-raising ceremony is. I really thought that he was trying to let us know about Shanhaiguan at the beginning, so I listened very seriously and didn’t look at the detailed situation around me. Now think of it, he is just to attract our attention, let us not pay attention to the fact that the cab has been destroyed. ”When I heard this sentence, I couldn’t help but feel awkward. Because even if he was at the beginning, he was attracted by Lu Yuanjie’s mouth. He did not expect to pay attention to the cab. Otherwise, he would not find the truth of the 3D map in the last few minutes. .

    “These witches are really vicious, this is their carefully planned plan. Knowing that we humans are as strong as they are, they are powerless. So I put my mind on our reinforcements. I want to kill us before we can do the flag-raising ceremony! ”

    The sword-bearer made the whole thing together in a few words, and the fact is almost the same. But as the whole fact was pieced together, the confidence of some people in the place also fell to the bottom. Since this is a plan carefully planned by the Witch, then these human beings will die. As long as this star shuttle falls, it must be the end of all people.

    “You don’t have to worry! I believe what the witches have just said, there may be only two witch warriors outside. Because in the eyes of these witches, we are ordinary people who do not hold the flag-raising ceremony. ”

    “A small witch-level witch has dared to arbitrarily attempt to kill us in the spacecraft. This shows that he is extremely contemptuous of us. Even if the outside witches are more than two, they will not really go anywhere. . This is our chance. After you all listen to my command, I will take you out of a bloody road! ”At the crucial moment, I still stood up and said to everyone present.

    Because the sword primal chaos just opened the sky, the sword-bearers present still raised awe in the cold, and also know that if it is possible to escape the birth, then it must rely on the cold. Power is enough.

    Therefore, when the cold-holding initiative took the initiative to take over the management of the entire team, including Leslie Dracula, no one raised objections, and the coldness became a temporary captain of the entire team.

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