The Wu nationality is the life created by the twelve ancestors using their own blood. It is the same as the twelve ancestors, inheriting the name of the ancestral witch and dividing it into twelve different tribes.

    They are the 部落 部落 tribe, the sentence empire tribe, the Gonggong tribe, the Zhurong tribe, the Houtu tribe, the Tianwu tribe, the Xuanming tribe, the Qiang tribe, the 翕zi tribe, the emperor tribe, the candle nine yin tribe, the extravagant corpse tribe .

    The witches of these twelve tribes have different looks, each with the appearance of a part of the beast. And Lu Yuanjie, who is in front of the cold and others, has changed the head of the human ear and the monster wearing two green snakes in the ear, which is the most conspicuous character of the corpse tribe.

    What on earth is going on here?Some sword-bearers saw Lu Yuanjie’s amazing changes and shouted in panic.

    “Obviously, the real Lu Yuanjie is dead. The Lu Yuanjie in front of us is nothing more than a corpse that is occupied by the witches of the corpse tribe!”Leslie Dracula frowned.

    I remember my details I have read the information about the twelve witches. The witches who are extravagant than the corpse tribes are born with the ability to occupy the bodies of others and be able to control the actions of others. ”Immediately, the sword-bearer responded and quickly replenished the entire process through the Lenovo brain.

    The real Lu Yuanjie did not know when he died. Then the extravagant witch of the corpse tribe occupied Lu Yuanjie’s body and pretended to be Lu Yuanjie driving the star shuttle to pick them up.

    “If I guess that’s right, at this time in the ruins of Shenyang, I am afraid there are already many witches waiting for us?”Looking at the witches, I looked at the cold. When I heard the cold, all the sword-bearers who were present couldn’t help but shudder. I thought that when I had a star shuttle, there would be countless witch warriors besieging myself…I dare not think about it anymore.

    “God! Do I have to die here today? ”A sword-bearer thought sadly.

    “Mom! I don’t think that the first day of coming to Shanhaiguan is my death. I am really reluctant! ”There is more than one person with this idea.

    “hahaha!!”After the restoration of the real body, the voice of the Wuyuan Lu Yuanjie is no longer the standard human Mandarin, but the feeling of a strong dialect taste, just like a foreigner is speaking Chinese.

    “You think too much, there are not many warrior tribal warriors waiting for you, to deal with you, as long as two physically strong Zhurong tribal warriors is enough! Hahaha “This witch is laughing wildly.

    “Do you say it is true? There are really only two witches waiting for us below.” These sword-bearers heard that only two Witched tribe warriors waited for them below, and they immediately breathed a sigh of relief. Just kidding, two little witch tribe warriors want to deal with twenty sword-level swordsmen? Isn’t this a big joke?

    “Don’t be fooled, this witch must be deceiving us. There can be only two witches below, and there must be thousands of horses waiting for us. ”Immediately, there are middle-aged sword holders who remind everyone.

    Bah.Wu Yuan Lu Yuanjie spoke to the talking swordsman. “Don’t be self-righteous. It is enough to deal with you two witch warriors.” Do you still think that you are the powerful sword-bearer outside the Starry Stars? Don’t forget, now you are in the depths of the starry sky, and no one has ever held a flag-raising ceremony, so you are just an ordinary human now! ! ”

    “Maybe even the two warriors of Zhurong tribe don’t need to start, I can kill you alone.”Wu Yuan Lu Yuanjie opened his strange mouth and laughed. Through his big mouth, the sword-bearers were surprised to find that there was not only one tongue in his throat, but three tongues in his foot. Swinging in his mouth makes people look like a creepy feeling.

    Immediately afterwards, the three tongues of the Wuyuan Lu Yuanjie’s mouth quickly extended out, like three flexible pythons, trapping the necks of the three sword-bearers in a blink of an eye.

    These sword-bearers immediately subconsciously wanted to liberate their own swordsmen, but when their hands were on their swordsman’s hilt, they suddenly remembered that their swordsmen had been starred in the weekdays. The power of the stars can not be used for suppression, and they cannot liberate their own swordsmen.

    At the same time, the tongue of Wu Yuan Lu Yuanjie began to shrink, just like the three tight whites want to live to kill the three swordsmen. The three unlucky swordsmen instinctively grasped the tongue tied to their neck and wanted to open him…But this is destined to be futile. After losing the swordsmanship, their physical fitness is at most the level of ordinary people. And their opponents, but a witch…Although I don’t know the level of this witch, but even the lowest witch in the witches, it is equivalent to the level of the tiger-level Lantern. It’s not that the three sword-bearers who have returned to the ordinary level can open. of.

    “Everyone can rescue them together!”The other sword-bearers immediately began to act, although they could not liberate their own swordsmen, but it is no problem to hold the sword body to fight.

    It seems that in the twinkling of an eye, there are more than a dozen swordsmen cut on the tongue of the Wuyuan Lu Yuanjie. Although these sword-bearers only have the power of ordinary people, the sword-woman itself can cause considerable harm to the witches. The three tongues were cut off a lot of wounds, and some positions were cut open for a short period of time. The painful Wu nationality Lu Yuanjie’s expression was distorted.

    Yes! Our attack has worked! Everyone continues to attack these tongues! ”The sword-bearers said excitedly, but after the Wuyuan Lu Yuanjie suffered a loss, it is possible to suffer the second time. Therefore, when these sword-bearers are ready to attack again, Wu Yuan’s body suddenly releases more than a dozen air blades…The power of these air blades is actually not very big. Usually these sword-level sword-bearers will not be put in the eyes, because these gas blades will hit them, and even 1% of the body shield energy can not be consumed.

    However, these sword-bearers have forgotten that they have no physical shield. Ever since, these gas blades have been cut directly on the body of the sword-bearers, cutting their clothes apart, and leaving a trace of blood on their bodies.

    These injured sword-bearers sighed with sorrow, and the sword-bearing mother in her hand could not help but fall down, and the body fell directly on the ground.

    “hahaha haha! You are the sword-bearers, you have no swordsmen, you don’t have your own shield, you can’t even have a fart! ”The witch Lu Yuanjie screamed madly, but these words deeply hurt the hearts of the sword-bearers. As he said, after losing the power of the swordsman, these days are high. The swordsman’s performance is not as good as an ordinary person.

    Ordinary people can still fight with their own perseverance after being seriously injured, but they can’t bear the pain of the wound and can only fall to the ground.

    “I will send you three on the road first, and then deal with the rest…Ah, ah…”The Wuyuan Lu Yuanjie suddenly made a scream, and then saw that the three blue liquids spouted like a water gun, and instantly the surrounding ground turned out to be a blue color.

    These blue liquids are nothing but the blood of the Wuyuan Lu Yuanjie. The witches are different from humans, and the blood of the witches is blue. It is as if there was a very popular novel “Blue Blood Man” before the big break. Although this novel classifies blue blood people as extraterrestrials, it is an alien. But in fact, the blue blood people are the characteristics of the witches. It is said that after the demise of the witches in history and the ultimate mixed blood of human beings, human beings have a very small chance of returning to the ancestors, and the direct performance of the phenomenon of rentback It is the blue blood.

    At this time, Lu Yuanjie’s three tongues used to tighten the three sword-bearers have been completely cut off, and the remaining length of the tongue and the incomparable cut can be judged. The three stones are cut off with a sword. Absolutely no second sword is used.

    “No…MayEnergyNoMayBecause the tongue is gone, the Wuyuan Lu Yuanjie has been unable to speak normally, and can only make a loud sound like a nasal sound. The sword-bearers present must be carefully identified to be able to hear what Lu Yuanjie wants to say.

    WasteAnother sword flashed, and the head of the Wu nationality Lu Yuanjie flew up and finally fell to the ground. The body fell down straight, and a blue blood spurted out through the broken head, dyeing the entire carriage into a strange blue.

    Surprisingly, although the Wuyuan Lu Yuanjie is dead, but the dimension vortex did not appear, this is contrary to the common sense of the world.

    However, other sword-bearers are not surprised by this performance. Although they may not know the details of the witches in Shanhaiguan, they still know about the basic common sense of the witches.

    That the Lich itself is immortal, their strength and blood came from their Zu Yu, so that even after they were killed, they would go back through the Terra of the Earth, into the bodies of the suppressed Zu Yu, and, after some time, could revive again, and once again become a witch fighting against mankind, And so the resurrection of the Lich will inherit the life of the appearance and name, in the strength of the attributes and the same as the previous generation, is equivalent to rebirth general.

    Of course, the witches born out of this way cannot recover their previous memories…This is also one of the reasons why Shanhaiguan has always been keenly guarded by tens of thousands of sword-bearers for hundreds of years, because the power of the witches in Shanhaiguan cannot be fundamentally consumed, and there will only be a period of lows. It only takes this period of time that the Witches of the Twelve Tribes will be able to return to the power of the heyday, so humans cannot relax the shreds of Shanhaiguan.

    The only thing that can be called fortunate is that no matter how fighting and cultivation, these witches cannot improve their abilities. What kind of ability level is the first time it is born, what kind of ability level is in this life, even if it is the same level of ability after rebirth…Otherwise, if these witches can always rely on rebirth cultivation, then Shanhaiguan has long been unable to keep up.

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