Who is the cold? No father and no mother! He is a bachelor in Yuzhang City, and there are no relatives worthy of his concern. And even if there is, the Shanhaiguan Management Committee can not punish the relatives who are cold. As long as Liu Lei and Lucifer are the chairman of the Jianzhang City and the chief of the Jiange Pavilion, the cold can be stable in Yuzhang City, and no one can move his relatives.

    Therefore, after listening to the Shanhaiguan Management Committee, the cold has no worried expression on his face, and he still has an uncooperative attitude. Pulling Black Tortoise tightly on his side, he did not follow the instructions of the Shanhaiguan Management Committee and entered Taiweimen.

    “Or else! I changed the position with Solid Black Tortoise, and let Miss Black Tortoise and the cold brothers go to Taiwei. ”Seeing this situation, Lu Ren took the initiative to stand out and solve the road. It is reasonable to say that the program with the law is very good, there will be no problem in doing so, just change it and all the problems will be solved. However, how can the Shanhaiguan Management Committee agree to the advice of Renren? Does this mean that the Shanhaiguan Management Committee has succumbed to the small threat of cold weather? How to manage so many swordsmen after that.

    “It turned out to be a guy without a father and a mother. It’s no wonder that I dare to speak out here!”The owner of the voice seemed to understand why there was no fear of the cold, so he said in a very mocking tone. If you stay a few months ago, the cold will surely rush to find the real person PK who dares to insult his parents, but the current cold is quite windy, only when this person is farting.

    “Oh, don’t think that no one in the Shanhaiguan can deal with you, but on the gatehouse, there is…”Half of this voice said that it suddenly got stuck. He originally wanted to say that a team of elite swordsmanship swordsmen who were stationed in the Guanyu area were specially used to deal with such unruly thorns. But when he talked to his mouth, he remembered it. Because the battles in Shanhaiguan were tight, all the discipline committees were also stationed in the battlefield. The entire customs building was actually empty, and only a few maintained the basic building. The manpower of the operation.

    “You shameless villain…Actually taking advantage of our Shanhaiguan, we are at the juncture of the entire human crisis, threatening us with this despicable means, I…I……YouThe master of this voice is no longer calm, and the tongue of the gas begins to roll.

    “You guy, what can you do with your cousin temporarily?” You are a selfish guy. ”

    “Yes, I can’t stand it anymore. This kind of person is still a young talent of the younger generation of shit. Let the old bones of Laozi teach you the truth of being a man.”

    That is, That is, Don’t think that the people of the Discipline Inspection Commission are not here, you can be crazy. When Lao Tzu is young, he is also a good hand of the Discipline Inspection Commission. It is a great lesson to teach you that this little boy is really killing a chicken with a knife! ”

    “Hey, the old brothers are together, let us educate this little guy and tell him the truth of being a man!”It was irritated by the arrogant attitude of the cold, and those middle-aged sword-level swordsmen soon surrounded the cold, and surrounded him in the middle, ready to teach the truth of the cold.

    However, unlike those who are swordsmen in the middle and old age, the younger generation who know the strength of the cold have not acted rashly, but stood still and did not intend to join the siege.

    Nice! Sure enough, the eyes of the masses are bright, and even your companions can’t stand your evil deeds! ”The voice was full of momentum in an instant. “When you are old, you should pay attention to it. Although this person is abhorrent, he is still human. After he grabs him, he will seal the swordsman in his body, and will hold him up, not to hurt his life! ”

    These middle-aged and old-fashioned sword-bearers are actually not bad people. Even if this voice does not say, they can’t really hurt the cold. So one of the more prestigious sword-bearers said, “Young people, we don’t want to embarrass you, you will be awkward, wait for the judgment of the Wind Discipline Commission!”

    The cold did not speak, but directly pulled out his own sword. “Everyone is an old man, and it is also the pillar of our humanity. Now I am in a crisis place for the survival of mankind. I should not draw swords for my predecessors. But my cousin must be with the younger generation, so the younger generation can only offend. ”

    “In this case, the little guy, if we use the swordsman to fight here, if you consume too much, then I am afraid that the witches are cheaper. It’s better to use only the simple Sword Skill to fight, without using any skills. Once the personal shield is attacked, who will withdraw from the battlefield and take the initiative to admit defeat. What do you think? ”Said the old man.

    “So great!”Of course, the cold is good, just like the old man said. If the two sides played a real fire here, they used swordsman to fight…It is also impossible to let go of your hands and feet. Otherwise, these middle-aged sword-bearers will suffer a lot of injuries. It is really just cheaper for the witches.

    This simple comparison of Sword Skill is the best. Under this day, the cold does not think that any Sword Skill of the sword-bearer can surpass him.


    was Dozen Dozen Kill this stinky stinky boy! ”In the broadcast room, a little girl screamed and said. This little girl is at the age of eleven or two years old. It is estimated that even the sword-bearers are not. I don’t know how it will appear in the key place of the Shanhaiguan customs building. It is also responsible for controlling the entire Shanhaiguan dispatching.

    “Come on! Come on! Kill this stinky boy! ”Soon, in the monitor, the cold is fighting with the middle-aged sword-bearers, and the little girl is holding his fist to cheer those middle-aged sword-bearers!

    In the beginning, these middle-aged sword-bearers also had their own restraints, and only one of them had a sword-level swordsman. Although there is only one sword-level swordswoman, these middle-aged sword-bearers are still very confident. Because this sword-level swordswoman is not high in the ranking of “Swords”, but the sword method is one of the best in existence. It is said that it can rank the top fifteen grades of Sword Skill among the sword-level swordsmen. So in the minds of these middle-aged practitioners, this nasty little guy is definitely losing.

    Unfortunately, these middle-aged sword-bearers do not seem to be concerned about the battle of the Eighth House Conference, otherwise they will not be so contemptuous of the Sword Skill.

    After only three seconds, the little girl in front of the monitor had no sound. Because the arm of the sword-level swordsman was struck by the sword of the cold hand. According to the agreement between the cold and the middle-aged sword-bearers, this swordsman has already lost.

    “It turns out that you are a sword master! No wonder the character is so arrogant! ”The sword-bearer who was responsible for communicating with the cold has frowned and said that he has felt that the cold is not good. And the Sword Skill’s top-ranking sword-level swordsman has failed. Among other middle-aged and old-age sword-bearers, I am afraid that no one can beat him in the one-on-one test.

    Of course, the people present are not the ones who can beat him one-on-one, such as this one…The middle-aged and old-fashioned sword-bearers cast their gaze on the long-distance flow. He is very certain that as long as the descendant of the Noble Family is willing to take the shot, this arrogant young man will definitely be defeated.

    It is a pity that the dying eyes turned a blind eye to his gaze. Obviously she did not want to break into the cold fighting.

    “Old guys, let’s get rid of our face today, and let this little guy understand the truth of being a man!”Helpless, this sword-bearer can only use the tactics of the group to deal with the cold.

    So under his command, the four sword-bearers simultaneously liberated their own swordsmen, and then the four swordsmen also launched an attack on the cold.

    Good job! It’s time to get this bad guy! ”In the radio room, the little girl said with a fist in his mouth. In her thoughts, although the one of the swordsmen just failed, but now there are four swordsmen at the same time, this cold is definitely lost!

    However, the reality soon hit a small slap in the face of a slap in the face, the two sides have not yet three or four rounds, there are two swordsmen who were hit by the cold shield to the personal shield, in accordance with the rules agreed in advance. This made the middle-aged and old-fashioned swordsmen have a hot face, and then quickly sent four swordsmen again…Send another four…Eight…Ten…In the end, there are 18 swordsmen who simultaneously carry out the coffers against the cold.

    A classmate with good math may say, this is not right! Shouldn’t 4+4+8+10 be 26? How can there be only 18 swordsmen in the cofferdam to fix the cold?

    The reason is very simple, this is because at the same time as this oil-adding tactic is carried out, there are always swordsmen who are forced to withdraw from the battle by being caught in the shield. So when these middle-aged and old-aged swordsmen are all sent out, there will be at most 18 left.

    However, when the eighteen swordsmen started siege at the same time, the cold could not solve the speed of a swordsman like two or three strokes. This feeling took a full two or three minutes. Eighteen swordsmen continued to attack the cold, while the cold seemed to lose the cost of the attack and could only passively defend.

    Although it was besieged by eighteen swordsmen at the same time, there was no confusion in the swords of the cold. The swords in the hands of the swords were so airtight that even if the 18 swords attacked themselves at the same time, the cold could be blocked.

    “Come on! We won! ”The little girl’s film was also seen in front of the monitor, and the whole person was constantly waving his fists as if she were in this battle, and her fist could be hit on the cold.

    In her cognition, although the cold has been very arrogant, it has now fallen into a position of defense. And the blind defense is destined to have a day when the defense is broken. So she felt that this cold is lost!

    However, she did not know that in the process of this battle, the momentum of the cold has accumulated more and more. Finally, when this momentum accumulates to the apex, the cold has completely broken out.

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