“This is the big starry battle!”Get off the bus from the levitation bus, stand on the sun-lit ground, and watch the huge starry sky in front of you. Everyone starts to tremble from the depths of their hearts, because this Sunday starry battle is too Spectacular.

    Looking at the starry sky from the outside, it feels like a huge black iron pot buckled on the ground, covering the entire northeast region. In the interior of this iron pot, you can see countless stars shining in it, as if you were putting a whole piece of starry sky into the iron pot.

    On the outermost side of the iron pot is a huge wall that can’t be seen. Whether in terms of height or length, this wall seems to have exceeded the strength of the most peripheral wall of Yanjing City. This wall only sets a gate in front of the floating bus stop, and at the gate of the gate, the huge mountain customs are carved on the wall.

    Looking up the wall, you can see the starry sky inside the iron pot and the stars of the sky.

    There are a lot of stars in the wok, but to say that the most conspicuous and brightest stars are two stars in the position of the fish eye in the taiyin yin and yang. One of the stars blooms in red and the other star shines in blue and yellow.

    These two stars are the eyes of the starry sky, the sun and the sun, the sun and the moon in the traditional sense. This solar star and lunar star are the absolute eyes of the Sunday stars, it is the key to the suppression of the whole large array, once any one of these two stars has been breached, then the entire Sunday stars will disappear in an instant, the hundreds of years of human repression of the 12 Zu Yu and Wizardry family will also gush out, the most lethal revenge on mankind.

    Now, the Witch is besieging the Sun Star, and the coldness seems to be visible. There are some tiny lights around the Sun Star that are only about one pixel in size. This does not seem to be a big deal, but the cold is clear, and each of these radiances represents a fierce battle going on, and the Sun Star’s decisive battle should have reached its most intense time.

    In addition to the two most desirable Sun and Taiyin stars, there are seven stars that are second only to the Sun and Taiyin stars, representing the Ziwei Dixing and Taiwei Dixing. , Tianshi Dixing, Oriental Azure Dragon, Southern Vermillion Bird, Western White Tiger, Northern Black Tortoise.

    In addition to these seven stars, there are 365 stars that are as big as sugar beans. According to the brightness, they belong to the third level of the Sunday Star Wars. This is the guest star in the big starry battle.

    Finally, the most tiny number of tiny stars in the Zhoutian Star Fighting Array is also known as MSI. This is the most fundamental force of the Sunday Star Wars, representing 14,800 small Sunday stars, and also representing 14,800 ancient sword-level swordsmen. Speaking of these ancient sword-level swordsmen, it is said that Sword Spirit also temporarily collected 3,000 ancient sword-level swordsmen in Yanjing City.

    The seven main stars have a total of 365 guest stars and 14800 microstars of control, which is the backbone of the Sunday Star Wars. Once more than three of the seven main stars have fallen, it means that the Sunday Star Wars will burst in an instant.

    “Well, you can experience the existence of these stars in person later, but now you must immediately enter the battle of the Sunday Stars and join the Battle of the Sun Star!”The last Sword Spirit from the car said to all the reinforcements, then the black shop Sword Spirit made a gesture to the Zhou Tianxing big battle, next to the darkness of the Shanhaiguan gate, suddenly opened a small door.

    “You enter the Starry Stars through the small gate. In the city gate, there will be people from the Shanhaiguan Management Committee to assign your mission.”After saying this, the Sword Spirit of the temple re-jumped the floating bus. Then the suspended bus did not return to the direction of Yanjing City.

    What happened He left us here and left. ”A middle-aged and old-fashioned sword-level swordsman is very dissatisfied. For the Sword Spirit, the guy who took himself to the dead end, he had a sigh of relief. However, he did not even think that this Sword Spirit was actually slipping after taking them to Shanhaiguan…Is he so afraid of death?

    “Don’t understand, don’t talk.”The flow of cold and cold said, “In order to maintain the Stabilization of the Sunday Star Wars, any sword-level sword or above is not allowed to enter the Zhou Tianxing battle. Otherwise, their power will destroy the basic structure of the Sunday Star Wars, and destroy the Zhou Tianxing battle. So Sword Spirit, he is not unwilling to accompany us, but he can’t accompany us. ”

    “Sword Spirit, but he is a sword-bearer who has been fighting in Shanhaiguan for six years. Is he still afraid that this place will not be completed?”If you are a young man, you can say that the middle-aged sword-bearers who spoke just now have nothing to say, and they can only smile and smile.

    “And Sword Spirit, he has more important things to do. In Shanhaiguan, not only the sword-level swordsmen suffered heavy casualties, but the ancient sword-level swordsmen also sacrificed more than 3,000 people. Starting this morning, Yanjing City has begun to fully mobilize the ancient sword-level sword-bearers to participate in the war, so the Sword Spirit of the temple must be rushed back to Yanjing City, and then brought to the ancient sword-level swordsman who was supported tomorrow morning. Here. ”If you are a long-lost person, everyone in the room will sink into the heart. They did not think that the ancient sword-level swordsman has actually suffered more than 3,000 casualties. And there will be more ancient sword-level swordsmen coming to Shanhaiguan.

    These sword-level swordsmen are far more powerful than the sword-level swordsmen. Those ancient sword-level swordsmen are fighting without fear, and if they are afraid of shrinking, is it not a big joke?

    As a result, the sword-level sword-bearers who were present at the scene improved a lot in an instant, and then, under the leadership of Liunian, the small gates from the Shanhaiguan city wall sneaked in and officially entered the Shanhaiguan for the sword-bearers. It is a place of desperation.


    After entering Shanhaiguan, the cold and other people first passed through a slender, invisible passage of light. When everything was suddenly open, the cold and others found that they had entered a hall. The hall is very simple, without any bells and whistles, just a few chairs in the middle of the hall.

    There are eight different small doors on the two sides of the hall. In addition to the door that the cold and others enter the hall, the other seven small doors seem to be the exit of the hall, leading to different locations and direction. The seven small doors are marked with the different words of Ziwei, Taiwei, Tianshi, Azure Dragon, Vermillion Bird, White Tiger and Black Tortoise. It seems that these seven gates represent the seven majors in the Sunday Star Wars. Main star.

    “Andreich…Harry often if…xxxx…Seventeen of you enter the Azure Dragon Gate, and naturally someone will arrange your mission within the Azure Dragon Gate. ”A voice came from the broadcast in the hall. Andreich, Harry Changruo seemed to be assigned together, and they looked at each other and then neatly labeled Azure Dragon in the seven small doors. The door to the two words went.

    “Ashima…Latiya…Thirteen of you enter the Vermillion Bird door. ”Then Ashima and Retia were assigned to the main star of Vermillion Bird.

    “Cold cold…Leslie Dracula…With the law…20 of you enter Taiwei. ”The next mysterious voice will be cold, Leslie Gula, and another 17 people will be assigned together.

    Upon hearing this distribution, the brow of the cold was wrinkled on the spot, because the solid Black Tortoise was not assigned to him, which is unacceptable in any case. Because if the cold can not be assigned with the solid Black Tortoise, it means that the next stationed area of ​​the cold and solid Black Tortoise will be in the same place, and how the cold can enter her home through the solid Black Tortoise.

    Besides, if Solid Black Tortoise doesn’t look cold, God knows what she will do. And there are a lot of other troubles inside, so the cold must be assigned with the solid Black Tortoise, which is the bottom line for the cold.

    “I object!”In the horrified eyes of everyone, the cold only responded to the person in the broadcast with a loud voice, “My cousin must be with me, and I refuse to be separated from my cousin.”

“……”The voice inside the radio was silent for a while. “You have to listen to the management of our Shanhaiguan Swordsmanship Management Committee. Our distribution must be observed. Now please enter the Taiwei door immediately. else

    “How else can you do? What can you do with me? ”Not waiting for the person to finish the conversation, the cold will directly interrupt him.

    “Otherwise our Shanhaiguan Management Committee will let you know what is the rule!”The voice in the broadcast is very majestic. But how to listen to this kind of majesty has a bit of a sense of overwhelming. Obviously, the Shanhaiguan Management Committee has not met anyone who dared not listen to the guys they commanded for a long time.

    “Well!”Keeping your eyes open and cold, “Let me see the rules of your Shanhaiguan management committee. I have to look at it. What is the rule?” Can make me cold and give in. ”

    “Foolish!”The sound in the broadcast is still majestic. “Your behavior is provoking the entire human race. Is to provoke the dignity of the Jian Jian. We will immediately inform the Yuzhang City Swords Committee to punish you severely. When necessary, we will even rid the privilege of you and your loved ones! ”

    This is the first punishment for the Shanhaiguan Management Committee for those who dare to provoke themselves. It must be said that this punishment is useful in most cases. Because the sword-level sword-bearers entered the Shanhaiguan, the most concerned about the fate of their loved ones, care about their lives. Therefore, when the Shanhaiguan Management Committee proposed to cancel the privilege of the swordsman’s relatives, most of the sword-bearers will be honest.

    Unfortunately, the Shanhaiguan Management Committee met the tricky guy who fixed the cold.

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