In fact, when the quarrel started this morning, the cold should come out of your room. However, when the cold opened his eyes, he was very helpless to find that the poverty in his arms did not know when he had completely stripped off his clothes. The small body was stuck in the cold and cold, and he sucked himself from time to time. The nose looks like a cold. Jian Niang naturally does not catch a cold, but the habit of naked sleep is not good after all, so the cold is out of the room after helping the poor to wear clothes, but I don’t want to meet the attack of Shen Tian’s sinking dragons. The next scene.

    The cold is directly returned to his room to educate the poor, to help the poor to get rid of the bad habit of sleeping naked, while on the other side, the rest of the swordsmen will be surrounded by the sky, so that there is no room for Eternal.

    “What does that sinking dragon bird say?”The starting point is a question of concern.

    That is, That is, What happened inside? ”Betta fish took a mouth

    “Eternal, we are all good sisters, you tell us what happened, we help you kill her together, we have six people! There may be twelve people in the future. I think we are organizing a football team. ”When the water is gone, the topic is biased.

    I don’t talk, the orange I look at is also staring at her eyes with her curious eyes. This is simply to force the rhythm of the sky…Even more so that Yitian felt unlucky, there were oranges and the starting point of the two metamorphosis in front of her, she did not have the opportunity to escape.

    “Goodbye.”Etienne all spit out his tongue, then turned into a light and flew into the cold room. This guy actually escaped with a sword.


    What is the fastest spread in the world? Of course, the gossip spread is the fastest. In just one morning’s effort, a small number of sword-bearers in Yanjing City received the latest news. Sword Spirit has been completely overwhelmed with the former Sword Court of Yuzhang City. This guy is destined to be sent to Shanhaiguan by Sword Spirit. It is estimated to be sent to the most dangerous position. Can you live, then only God knows…However, the focus of everyone’s attention is not on the body of the cold, but on the black book itself in the Sword Spirit. It is said that the black book has been ruined by Sword Spirit himself. This suddenly made many sword-level sword-bearers grateful and felt that they had escaped.

    What they didn’t know was that after leaving the Xusanduo Super Luxury Hotel, Sword Spirit bought a small book in the stationery store on the side of the road.

    In this news, it was quickly passed to Yuzhang City and passed to Liu Lei’s ear. When the cold is educating the poor and not allowed to sleep naked, Liu Lei’s phone was called.

    “What the hell are you doing? How did you get into the Sword Spirit guy! ”The anger of Liu Lei’s words is obviously very dissatisfied with such a person.

    “There is no big deal for the master, and he will offend him if he offends him. I have already been on the list of key concerns of the General Committee of the Swordsmanship Committee. I will go to Shanhaiguan sooner or later. This is a thing that cannot be escaped. Why should I be afraid of his broken book! ”The cold is calm and calm.

    “What do you know, even if you have to go to Shanhaiguan, you have the difference between leaving early and going late.”Liu Lei’s coughed two times. “With my old bones, I can at least let you spend a year outside, let you accumulate a little more swordsmanship, and the possibility of stocking in Shanhaiguan will also be possible. It’s bigger, you don’t understand?”

    “This is not much different. The people who went to Shanhaiguan on the previous wave have not gone for a month. The next wave will take four or five months. These times are enough for me. Maybe it will become directly The sword-level sword-bearer may also be!”The cold is not careless.

    “Hey, do you think you still have four or five months?”Liu Lei’s anger laughed. “I tell you, the next wave of Shanhaiguan’s personnel will be added next month. With the temperament of Sword Spirit, you will be stuffed into the list of the next group of people, you will wait. Go to Shanhaiguan next month.”

    How did this happen?The cold hand trembled a little, and felt some incredible questions. “According to the rules, Shanhaiguan does not replenish personnel once every six months?”

    “Shanhaiguan has never had such a rule. It is just a hidden rule of existence.”Liulei Voice suddenly become more weak up “just received the news, in the Shanhaiguan yesterday Zhurong tribe, such as the tribal eight tribes of the Wizardry family suddenly at the same time to too micro-star, Crape Myrtle, Orient House Azure Dragon, North Palace Black Tortoise Four main stars at the same time attack, Too micro-star and Orient House Azure Dragon’s guarding sword-bearer has been sacrificed, the two main stars of all the Sunday star streamers all lost their role, leaving only Crape Myrtle and North Palace Black tortoise Two main stars of the sword holders are still struggling to support. ”

    “There was such a terrible thing!”The cold face suddenly became difficult to look at, not because I was going to Shanhaiguan, but worried about the situation in Shanhaiguan. As I said before, the most dangerous situation of Zhou Tianxing’s big battle is that two swordsmen of the main star died at the same time, causing the Sunday stars under the control of the two main stars to fall…Once the three main stars fall, it means that the starry sky is completely collapsed, and the twelve ancestors will also break out.

    There have been four such incidents in the past, the most recent one was more than 90 years ago…This is a very long time. At that time, the Emperor Swordsman had just become a sword-level swordsman. This sentence is as absurd, strange, and incredible in the ears of most other human beings, as if in the 21st century, when you suddenly heard the Eight-Power Allied Forces entering Beijing.

    Driver How is the situation now? You can now rush to Shanhaiguan immediately! ”The cold can never let the twelve ancestors escape from the Zhoutian Star Wars, otherwise the human beings will inevitably face the catastrophe. As long as it can stop this from happening, the cold can now immediately rush to the Shanhaiguan Fortress…Even if you sacrifice your life, you willingly.

    “Okay, you don’t need to go.” Fortunately, the sword-level sword-bearers sent over the past month are still working with the sword-level sword-bearers who are preparing to replace them. The Shanhaiguan customs building has exactly twice the usual strength. With their full support, the situation of Ziwei Dixing and Beigong Black Tortoise has been Stabilized, and the sword-level swordsman who guards there is also very safe. It is impossible for the witch to break through in a short time. You You don’t have to worry about it now. ”Liu Lei’s words made the cold and sigh a long breath.

    “Master, I understand, it must be because the sword-bearers lost too much during the battle, so the sword-bearers who were originally prepared to replace them had to be re-sponsored to guard Zhou Tianxing, and we will force us next month. Want to send the swordsman who took over them?”Said cold.

    “Where is the next month, after the war, there will be three or two kittens and puppies in the customs building, and a large number of wounded people are sealed by the medical cabin, ready to be sent back for meat weight. If the Witches come back to even a small-scale battle, I am afraid that Shanhaiguan will not be able to support it. So they can’t wait for us to send the support force to us tomorrow, but how is it possible, from the recruitment of personnel to the delivery of personnel, how can it be done in a month? Therefore, we can only pray that Shanhaiguan will continue to do so. Otherwise, we humans will only be able to fight in Yanjing City and fight again with the 12th ancestors. ”Liu Lei said with hate.

    “No, at the same time, the joint battle of the eight Witch tribes still failed. The witches themselves must also suffer heavy losses. It is not necessary for them to launch a decent attack in the next month, let alone to break through our main star. Shanhaiguan has no problem even if it insists for another three months. They are just scared and want to escape from Shanhaiguan. ”The cold has directly exposed the minds of the sword-bearers in Shanhaiguan.

    “No matter what their minds are, we humans can’t allow Shanhaiguan to lose a little. The following reinforcements must go to Shanhaiguan next month…Wait, the Swordsman will send me a document…Oh, well, the list of the next batch of people has been fixed. The name of your cold is the first position in the first line of Yuzhang City. How is it, it is a great honor! ”Liu Lei’s words sounded like jokes, but in fact they were full of fire.

    “I will handle the good Master. You don’t have to worry about this matter. After you go to Shanhaiguan, you may still bring Shanhaiguan a few decades of peace!”Solid cold.

“……”Liu Lei did not speak, because Liu Lei suddenly found that the cold is not a big talk. After entering the Shanhaiguan, the strength of the cold-fixed swordsmanship is better than that of the Wu people. This is also a matter of uncertainty. Finally Liulei can only very tired sigh “your things I also don’t want to control, you remember, you are our chapter of the future of the city, the future burden of Yu-Zhang City will fall on your shoulder sooner or later, you must give me a good life, always live to master after I died, to take over the city of Yu-Zhang, and all the people of the city of Henan …Master, can I believe in you? ”

    “Despite the reassurance of the master, the disciple will not let Master disappoint!”It’s said that it’s fixed.

    “But, Master still has a lot of business to deal with, just like this!”After talking about Liu Lei, he hang up the phone.

    “I feel a little wrong!”After hanging up the phone with Liu Lei, the cold suddenly stood up with a sad face…This kind of expression is very unusual for the cold, because in the cold view of life, worrying is meaningless, and it is better to think about the solution to the problem. But now, the cold has really started to scream.

    “Master, he doesn’t know if he can get back to the day I came back from Shanhaiguan!”

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