Since Sang Spirit, the director of the Shanhaiguan Dispatching Office of the Swords General Committee, three years ago, the Sword Spirit began to play a blood-blowing policy. Encourage more sword-bearers to walk in Shanhaiguan…The result is that in just three years, Sword Spirit has assigned more than 480 sword-level swordsmen to the Shanhaiguan practice, which is more than the Shanhaiguan Administration of the other eight base cities. The sword-level sword-bearers are less than 100 people.

    The sword-level sword-bearers assigned by Sword Spirit are said to be still alive and there are not many people living in it. Many families have received notices of death. These sword-level sword-bearers are for the great cause of mankind. , dedicated his precious life. Later, after the exploration of the sword-level sword-bearers, they finally found a clue. It turns out that this Sword Spirit is an eccentric character. Anyone who offends him, regardless of his talent, will be remembered by him in a small black book, and then all sent to Shanhaiguan. The small book of Sword Spirit is the tool used by Black Sword Spirit to fight revenge.

    What is even more terrifying is that there is a dragon lion sword emperor behind the Sword Spirit. As long as the dragon lion swordsman survives for one day, no one dares to raise any doubts about the Sword Spirit, so that most of the swordsmanship How can the sword-bearer dare not fear the Sword Spirit.

    What is even more exasperating is that this Sword Spirit also likes to run around the world. From time to time, it appears in a certain base city, and then a large stroke, brushing the brush and sending a batch of sword-level swords It is horrifying to enter the Shanhaiguan, and all the sword-level sword-bearers are far away. If you have heard that Sword Spirit is in your own city, you will immediately shut yourself down at home, or simply go out of town to take risks. In short, you don’t want to turn around in the street, so as not to encounter the mourning star, he will be sent to Shanhaiguan. Go inside.

    Someone may have to ask, this Sword Spirit is so excessive, why not gather all the sword-level swordsman’s strength to complain to the Sword Spirit like the Swordsman? In the face of the power of all sword-level swordsmen, even the Dragon and Lion Swordsmen dare not openly do anything. If the Sword Spirit is like the son of Emperor Sui Tianjian, it is a weak and incompetent sword-level sword-bearer, and it is naturally indignant. But this Sword Spirit is itself a fierce person who has been killed from Shanhaiguan.

    Originally, every sword-bearer guarded the time in Shanhaiguan for three years, but Sword Spirit, who became a sword-level swordsman, directly applied for Shanhaiguan, and then stayed for seven years… …No one deliberately fixed him and forced him to stay inside. Instead, he volunteered to stay in Shanhaiguan and refused numerous orders from the Swordsman General Committee to request a substitution.

    Until the Sword Spirit accumulated in the body of the Sword Spirit too much, had to come out and coordinate with the sword-level swordsman, and then hit a hit, become a sword-level swordsman, only to end his battle career in Shanhaiguan . It is said that Sword Spirit is guarded by Shanhaiguan in the most dangerous main star Ziweidixing. For the simple example, in the past 100 years, the main star Ziweidi star has been compromised 172 times, averaging 1.7 times per year. Everyone knows how dangerous this is.

    In the seven years of Sword Spirit’s guarding, the Ziwei Dixing has not been compromised once, and more than four-digit witches die every month in the hands of Sword Spirit. The witches who got the last vicious wars took the initiative to avoid the Ziweidi star, so that the last few months of the Sword Spirit of the temple did not have a shelf to play, and the Sword Spirit could make a trip to Yanjing City. The result has become a sword-level sword holder.

    Therefore, the Sword Spirit Sword Spirit, the general manager of the Shanhaiguan mobilization office, did not find the backstage, but the hard work of his Sword Spirit. When there is no conclusive evidence to prove that Sword Spirit is using his black book to retaliate, the sword-level swordsman has no reason to complain about Sword Spirit.


    To get to the point, when solid cold hear black Temple sword Spirit say “Put the sunken Dragon Sparrow she loosened, then kneel down to hit himself 20 slaps, and then to Wind Inspection Commission, saying that your sword Niang initiative to sink the Dragon bird she launched an attack, ask you and your sword Niang together for three years of confinement, this matter will forget, I’m going to kick you out of my book. ”At the time of this sentence, the solid cold smiled. It seems that the rumors in the workshop are not empty. This Sword Spirit is really using its own rights to retaliate.

    “If you have the ability, you will solve your own swordsman, why bother me?”Between the cold and the words, I looked at the Sword Spirit. Although the name of the Sword Spirit has a black character, but the appearance is black and dark, on the contrary, it is very white, golden hair, tall nose, pale skin, if not the pupil in his eyeball It is black, otherwise it is really hard to believe that there is still a bit of Chinese blood in his lineage.

    “Great.”Sword Spirit nodded, then took out his small black book, and then took out the pen “What is your name?”

    “Don’t bother you!”Solid cold smiled, hand forward an extension, Black Temple Sword Spirit has not responded to the time, his hands of the dark small books to the hands of the solid cold …The crowds around the crowd were stunned and saw what they saw? Someone actually snatched his black book from the hands of Sword Spirit? The sky collapsed and the ground subsided. This guy died, and Sword Spirit will definitely put him in the highest mortality area in Shanhaiguan.

“……”Sword Spirit didn’t talk. He just looked at his black book that was taken away. No one knew what he was thinking.

    But solid cold don’t feel to take black Temple sword Spirit Small books is what great things, because the Black Temple sword Spirit is not what the Sword Lord, in no sword Niang body case, fighting only than the ordinary sword-bearer stronger on some just, Otherwise, the solid cold can not be so easy to take away the Black Temple sword Spirit’s small notebook.

    “This sword-bearer took away the black book that Sword Spirit of the temple wants to do?”Asked by a crowd of curious people.

    “I don’t know if he wants to ruin this small black book, so that Sword Spirit can’t take him.”A bystander guessed.

    Bah. This small black book is not important. Where can I buy a book with a piece of money? What is important is that in the heart of Sword Spirit, I am afraid that this sword-bearer has already been remembered. This person can’t escape to go to Shanhaiguan. ”Someone said, but he immediately smiled happily. “But this is good news. Sword Spirit may not remember all the names on the small black books, so other sword-bearers who remember them in small books will have A line of life. I want to tell my little nephew. A few days ago, he was recorded in a small book by Sword Spirit, and he was doing the last time with his family. I want to tell him this good news right away. ”

    Unfortunately, the good news of the onlookers is that it is impossible to tell his little nephew, because the cold has not destroyed the book after taking away the black book, but also took out a pen, and then 唰I wrote a bunch of words on the small black book.

    “Give you! My name does not need someone to help me write! ”After writing the words in the cold, I lost the small black book to the Sword Spirit.

    “It turns out that you are the cold of Yuzhang City!”Sword Spirit at the temple looked at the text on the small book. “You couldn’t escape the fate of Shanhaiguan. I can’t write it, it doesn’t matter!”

    After saying this, Sword Qi in the hands of Sword Spirit suddenly burst into flames. The black book that made countless people tremble was turned into a black powder.

    “I don’t like anyone writing on my things.”Sword Spirit said in a blank expression, and then his arm slaps on the sinking dragon’s body, and the still-sinking drowning dragon bird turns into a light and returns to the Sword Spirit’s hand…This is a good way to crack the lock of the cold air machine. It is better to change the swordsman back to the sword form…Even if the cold Sword Qi is a hundred times stronger, it can’t stop the swordsman from returning to the sword form.

    “We will meet again!”The Sword Spirit, with the sinking dragon bird, is ready to leave the cold room, and it seems that it is not intended to entangle with the cold. It is reasonable to say that this kind of cold-holding should be reconciled. After all, cold-fixing is a person who hates trouble. It is not good to entangle this matter. But this cold does not do this. It seems that the cold does not want to let go of the Sword Spirit. When the Sword Spirit has just taken a step, the cold suddenly said, “Your sinking dragons are taking the initiative to me. Do you want to forget this? Shouldn’t you give me an account? ”

    “What do you want to explain?”Sword Spirit did not look back, and asked back against the cold.

    “Come on a duel. I have to teach the truth of the Shenshui Dragons and the Niangniang as a swordswoman, as well as the agreement of the Sister Treaty.”Cold weather actually took the initiative to send an absolute invitation to the Sword Spirit.This is the first time that the cold has given a duel to people in reality.

    I declineAfter the Sword Spirit was finished, it disappeared into the cold room.

    “The Sword Spirit in the temple actually refused the duel?”

“……How come, how can such a provocation be rejected? ”Seeing this scene, all the onlookers have expressed their opinions, saying that they cannot understand the rejection of Sword Spirit. According to their thoughts, such a arrogant sword emperor, such as the Sword Spirit, should give a fierce environment to any insult, and the opponent’s active duel can not be rejected like a coward.

    In fact, Sword Spirit refused, and there was no hesitation in rejection. How could it feel too unreal…In any case, it is imaginable to fix the cold. What happened just now will inevitably become a big news, detonating all the topics in Yanjing City. It is estimated that the topics of discussion in the next three days will be in the body of Sword Spirit.

    “bored.”When the cold shook his head, he closed the door of the suite and went back to the room to go to sleep…When I left, I didn’t seem to have a quilt for the poor. I don’t know if it’s cold and cold.When did this stupid guy learn the bad habit of sleeping naked?

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