The oasis that the tribes snatched from the scorpion tribes is not too far away from the scorpion tribe, that is, it took less than ten minutes to arrive………Of course, there is also the merit of the cold, which is to hold the neck of Yi Qing all the way to the past with a speed of 60 yards. Under normal circumstances, Yi Qing does not go for an hour or two, it is impossible to get there. An oasis.

    “Cold and cold, we are here, we are careful, don’t be discovered by the tribes.”Arrived at the outskirts of the anglerfish anglerfish tribe, Yiqing hurried to shout the cold stopped, some of the tribes are unwilling to secretly detect this oasis, see if there is a chance to recapture the oasis, the result was anglerfish anglerfish tribe of people found, all the way back to the temporary stronghold, dead three or four young, so Yiqing instinct let solid cold stop , watch your guard.

    “Be careful?”The cold has thrown Yi Qing on the sand. “We walked in with the light and the big, and the tribe dared to be a sword-bearer?”

    “They don’t dare…”Yi Qing touched his head. “Don’t dare to attack the sword-bearers.”

    So, solid cold with the king and Yiqing, so swaggering close to the oasis in the desert, observation on the fence on the observatory on the two spies immediately found the trace of the solid and Yiqing, immediately grabbed a stick, to their side a broken gong on the beat, very big, A large group of people in the clothes-basket were holding all kinds of weapons and rushed out.

    These people have different weapons, and some people hold black-hole guns in their hands, which is full of deterrence. And most people can only be very tragic with a sharpened stick. However, depending on physical fitness and status, these people are indeed much stronger than the people of the Scorpion tribe. Each war is so high that it is no wonder that the scorpion tribe can be driven out of this oasis.

    “Who am I? It turned out to be Yi Qing, this kid. Before you let me escape a life command, how can I wait for me to send it back?”Inside this group of imposing people, there is a teenager in a complete set of clothes. Although this set of clothes is full of puddings, but the punctuality that he can wear complete clothes, it can be seen that this boy’s status in the tribe is extraordinary.

    “His name is Anquan, the son of the tribal chieftain. He is very brave. The first person who rushed into the oasis on that day was him!”Yi Qing whispered to the cold, he also specifically pointed out that this boy is the son of the chief.

    “It doesn’t matter, no matter who he is, it doesn’t matter. Go tell him, my identity, let them let us in. ”Cold and disdainful.

    “Yes, adults!”Yi Qing had a strong cold support, and he was very arrogant. He swayed to the opposite side of Anquan and shouted loudly, “Anquan, this is a sword-bearer from Yanjing City. Now adults have something to enter the oasis. Let’s get out of the way, don’t block the way of adults.”

    Seeing the arrogance of Yi Qinghu and Hu Wei in front of him, the cold has not only some sighs, but also the time when the imperial swordsman also gave himself a message as a younger brother. Unfortunately, this is only in the game, and there is no practical meaning.

    “The swordman!”Anquan was taken aback. He noticed that there were two people around Yi Qing. One man and one woman had clothes and pants and various strange props. They didn’t know where to go higher than their own. . Losing myself, I still feel that this suit is the best dress in the desert. Compared with others, I don’t know where to go.

    The routine of the general novel, this Anquan will immediately command all the men to attack the cold, because this guy actually dares to wear than oneself fortunately, oneself must take this guy’s clothes to rob come over, oneself wears, then completely does not consider the solid cold this person’s strength question, anyway gives the solid cold to send the force the opportunity to be right, you do not start, How to install forced cold!

    Unfortunately, this Anquan does not follow the routine, he is just a boy with IQ. By observing the suit, Anquan believed half of Yi Qing’s words, and together all the clothes of all the tribes in the desert could not make a set of such clothes. These two people must have come from outside the desert. The mountains are wading through the water and passing through the territory of countless Yuanxiao. The ordinary people have long since died. I don’t know how many times, that is, the sword-bearer is possible.

    “It turned out that the sword-bearing adult came, and Anquan lost his respect. You let it go, let the sword-bearing adults enter our tribe!”Anquan immediately ordered all the men to spread out and let go of a road. An Quan’s idea is very simple. If the cold is really a sword-bearer, then he can’t beat it anyway. It’s better to be honest and wait for the sword-bearer. If the cold is not a sword-bearer, it’s just for Yi Qing’s use. It doesn’t matter, if you enter the tribe, can these two people escape?

    “There is a lot of cleverness in this copy!”When the cold smiles, he walks forward.

    “Hey, count your luck with the Horde.”Yi Qing’s heart sighed, and he was very much looking forward to this Anquan brain attack, attacking the cold, angering the cold, and then driving the entire tribe out of the oasis, so that their chances of the scorpion tribe came.

    “Whether, as long as I can become a sword-bearer, it is not too late to find a tribe to settle the bill!”Yi Qing said silently that between the two tribes of the Yizi tribe and the Yi tribe, the water and fire were incompatible.

    PleaseAnquan led the cold into the oasis. It is within this oasis that the cold has seen some shadows of the south of the Yangtze River. There is nothing excessive in the sand dunes of the sky, directly connected to a wet land, and in a blink of an eye, it comes to the land of fish and rice. Green trees and safflowers, one after another, and the smell of straw in the air.

    “Let’s see, this field is the most important thing to feed our more than 300 people in the tribe. It is the most important thing we can live.”Anquan suddenly came up with such a sentence, and seemed to fear that the cold is the one who will destroy the field.

    “Oh, shameless villain, these fields are obviously planted by our scorpion tribes. When did you become a tribe?”Yi Qing, who was behind the cold, said loudly, anyway, there is no cold, he is nothing terrible.

    “A decade ago, it was your nephew tribe who took this oasis from our tribe. Now we are just regaining what we belong to us. What is wrong?”Anquan said righteously, the oasis of feelings is also the scorpion tribe grabbed from other people’s hands.

    “Yi Qing, I am here only to help you find the swordsman who belongs to you, the things between your tribe and the Anquan tribe, I will not intervene, you take care of your thoughts.”The cold faint said a word, Yi Qing suddenly dimmed his face, and An Quan was completely relieved, it seems that he can not worry about the swordsman to his own tribe, but also more confirmed, this The man is a genuine sword-bearer.

    The pedestrians walked silently in the oasis. This oasis is not big, and the fields will be gone for a while. Seeing this scene, Yue Wang asked with some curiosity. “Weird, I see that the sand below is normal land. Why don’t you clean up the sand, can you create more oases?”

    Yue Wang asked a word in a sentence. After all, it is the Jiangnan water town, and the sea is not far away. Although the magic transformation of the Lantern Festival has turned into a desert, the effect of magic is not unchangeable, as long as these surviving humans work harder. The fertile land hidden by the sand can be re-opened, and it will not take long for the desert to return to its original state.

    However, when I heard the question of Yue Wang, whether it was Anquan or Yi Qing, it was silent. I didn’t say a word. It seemed that I didn’t want to answer the question of Yue Wang.

    “How come you don’t talk? Answer the king’s question! ”The king is a little angry, such a simple question, why no one is willing to answer her?

    “The reason is very simple. It’s not that these people don’t want to restore this place to the land of fish and rice, but because they can’t restore it to the land of fish and rice. I’m right, Yi Qing, An Quan?”The cold is full of a deep look at the two non-speakers.

    “Adults Mingjian!”Yi Qing and An Quan Qi Qi said that they are not willing to live a good life, but if the cost of food and clothing is their own life? The reason why this desert can make humans survive is because the Lantern Festival does not like the living environment of the desert. They are not willing to enter the desert, and naturally they are not willing to kill the survivors in the desert. This is where these survivors can The root cause of struggling for more than two hundred years in the desert.

    Once the desert has disappeared, it has become a water town in the south of the Yangtze River. I am afraid that it is time for these survivors to die, so they would rather live a hungry life than to change the environment here, all for survival.


    The father of Anquan, the chief of the tribe, had already respectfully arrived at the door of a brick house to welcome the cold. Anquan sent a message to the chieftain early on. Compared with Anquan, his father’s vision is more pungent. If Anquan is only six points and he is sure that the cold is indeed a sword-bearer, then Anquan’s father is still affirmative because he used to play with the sword-bearer. After one time.

    A hypocritical guest set is no longer stated. The cold has simply explained the intention to the chieftain. The chieftain has been indulging for a while. “Adult, I am not willing to listen to the instructions of the adults. Only this Yiqing tribe and our tribe are enemies of life and death. If I give these swords to him, he will really become a sword-bearer. . ”

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