“How can I find my own swordswoman?”Yi Qing asked the cold man at this time. At this time, in the eyes of Yi Qing, there was a kind of flame called “Desire” burning. After learning that he could become a sword-bearer, the arrogant desire of Yi Qing’s heart burned up.

    “Any sword may be your sword Niang, of course, they probably can’t be your sword Niang” solid cold will sword Niang situation simple and easy to Green explained again, “I suggest you go to search the vicinity now to see if there is a sword or something, hold in hand for 10 seconds, know she is your sword Niang. ”

    The fact that the cold is fixed is actually quite nonsense. You think about modern society. Many people have tried it again and again in the place where the swordsman is full of swordsmen. They have not found a swordsman who can coordinate with themselves. . You can let ordinary people try to find a few broken swords in this desert area, how can they succeed?

    However, the above sentence only applies to ordinary people, not applicable to the emperor of the sword, such as God, if his estimate, estimated casually picked up three or four sword Niang, will be able to coordinate successfully one, not to mention the system’s mission hint plainly tell the cold, in this vicinity, there is to Yiqing synchronous coordination of the ancient sword-class sword Niang tin Sword.

    “Well, I remember that the chieftain had collected a few swords, and I went to the chieftain to try it out!”Although Yi Qing is witty and has a certain city, he is still a young man, and he cannot hide the excitement in his words.

    “Yes, but what about these Yuanxiao!”The cold has pushed the issue of Yuan Zhen to the front of Yi Qing. “If they run away, I am afraid to hurt other human beings.”The cold smiled and looked at Yi Qing, there are always some elusive things in the eyes.

    “Yi Qing understands, Yi Qing is daring, like the cold man to borrow your swordswoman.”When Gu Han and Yi Qing explained the basic situation of Jian Niang, they once told Yi Qing that only Jian Niang could attack Lantern.

    “sure, no problem!”The hand of the cold was touched on the hilt of Yitianjian, and then the Tianjian sword immediately screamed through the cold-stained sword mark. “If you dare to give the aging mother to Yi Qing, you will be in this life.” Don’t even want to command the old lady again!”Good guy, Yi Tianlian is not a woman, and she calls herself an aging mother. It seems that she is really getting angry.

    “The more king, trouble you!”Cold and helpless, can only ask for help from Yue Wang.

    “I don’t want to let the sky go, the king is naturally not allowed, otherwise the king is not even lower than the sky!”Yue Wang also refused the request to fix the cold. He calmed down and smiled. He had to take out the poor sword. Fortunately, the deity of the deity did not like to land the game, otherwise the three swordsmen would not let people be touched. I have to smash it.

    “Give” the cold to hand the poor sword to the hands of Yi Qing, Yi Qing took over the poor sword, the body suddenly began to tremble slightly, especially the sword tip of the poor sword, constantly shaking, fully showing Yi Qing Fear in the heart.

    Despite the fear, but the movement of Yi Qing’s hand is not much slower, his eyes are very embarrassing, staring at the four women in the hands of the girl lying on the ground, and then the sword fell, the poor sword Accuracy pierced Among the four women’s high school students’ hearts.

    “Is this okay? Cold man? ”The girls on the ground began to bleed a lot, and the blood quickly stained the entire floor with a bright red. At the same time, their bodies began to twitch constantly, just like a chicken and duck that had been cut from the neck and blood. Yi Qingqiang resisted the urge to vomit and returned the poor sword to the cold.

    “The first time I killed the Yuanxiao?”The cold has taken over the poor sword and asked casually.

    “Yes, the first time!”Yi Qing nodded. At this time, these Yuanxiao girls had stopped convulsing and the skin was pale. At the same time, a vortex in the space formed in the middle, which means that these Yuanxiao girls have completely died.

    “That’s good, it’s very easy to get started, the action is very simple, the position is very Accuracy, you will become a good sword-bearer in the future, or you will stand at the top of all sword-bearers.”The cold has taken the shoulder of Yi Qing. “This is the first time. You will experience it many times in the future. If you kill and kill, you will get used to it.” We are all people with blood on their hands, but remember that these blood must not contain the blood of our own human beings. ”

    “System prompt: The mission goal is easy to kill the Lantern Festival, the number is 4, please continue to work harder. The more the number of Lanterns killed by Yi Qing, the higher the copy evaluation.”

    [PS: I don’t know how many people guessed which of these four girls’ high school students came from…I hope that fans of this anime will not blame the author. This is a plot need, the author has no prejudice against this animation. In fact, I like it very much. On the day the author wrote this chapter, I finished watching the theatrical version. 】


    “Cold the cold! Dear cold man! Thank you for saving our scorpion tribe. The gratitude of our scorpion tribe to the cold-cold adults is like the continuous stream of the Yangtze River, and the flooding of the Yellow River is unstoppable. When I saw the cold, the chieftain Yi Yun was kneeling in front of the cold, and the voice was touted and warmed up.

    It is said that this line is still the line passed down by the grandfather of the grandfather of Yi Yun’s grandfather. It is said that if you face an invincible opponent, you must decisively recite this line, and you may be able to keep your own life.

    This old man still hugged the feet of the cold, wanting to kiss the shoes that are cold, and was forced to push away the disgusting cold. “Mr. Chieftain, destroying the Lantern is what our swordsmen should do. You are so Can’t afford it. You look like this again, I will leave here immediately. ”

    “Yes, yes, yes, it is the old man Meng Lang, Meng Lang.”When I heard the cold, I said that Yun Yun had hurriedly stepped back and kept a certain distance from the cold.

    “Cough, Mr. Chief, I want to tell you a good news. When I was fighting Yuan Lan, I found that this little brother actually has the talent of a sword-bearer. With a little bit of dialing, there is some luck, he can Become a true swordsman.”

    “Was I?I thought that I would like to hear how happy my own tribes would be. I would like to say that I would like to say something, but I have a strange face. I want to say something, but there is a language and it is vague, and there is something that I don’t agree with, and I hate it.

    “Yes, that’s really great. Yi Qing is a child of Yida. He has the blood of Yida. Our tribe has long thought that he can become a sword-bearer and he can become a sword-bearer.”It is even more audible from this sentence. Yi Yun is not happy with Yi Qing becoming a sword-bearer, and even reluctant.

    “Grandpa Grandpa, you put 10,000 hearts, I am not the easy to use the easy to reach. I Yi Qing was raised by the tribe in a single meal. Without the care of the tribe, I am an orphan of Yi Qing, who has long been a bone in the desert. If I became a sword-bearer, I must spend the rest of my life to protect the peace of the tribe. I will make our tribe the most powerful tribe in the desert. Yi Qing is definitely not going to leave this tribe! ”Yi Qing saw the worry in Yi Yun’s heart. He took the hand of Yi Yun, who was holding on to the front, and was stunned and touching. He said sincerely.

    Nice! Nice! Good.Yi Yun heard Yi Qing’s words, the moving tears of the “Easy Youth, the tribe did not raise you white, the chieftain will know that you and your father are not the same people. After the grandfather left, the entire tribe grandfather will hand it over to you. Grandpa believes that under your leadership, our tribes will be able to live a personal appearance! ”

    El Abuelo


    With both hands, one hand is white and tender, and one pair is dry, so tightly held together, no one knows how much sincerity is there.

    “Hey, liar, at the end, you haven’t left here, saying that you will stay in the Scorpion tribe forever, it’s a complete joke!”Etienne in the scabbard constantly sneered, it seems that Yi Qing still left the Scorpion tribe, and did not fulfill his promises made in front of the chiefs at this time, and made a promise.

    “Grandpa, I remember that we have a few swords in our tribe. Can you take it out and let me try it? Maybe there will be my swordswoman inside!”Yi Qing said urgently, he is eager to get his own swordswoman.

    “Of course, no problem, Grandpa will take you to try it!”Yi Yun promised to be very refreshing. He led Yi Qing into the small building where he had met with the cold. He took a pocket from a hidden place and opened the pocket to see it. There were a few rusty swords in it. .

    Cold weather just glanced at this pocket, knowing that Yi Qing could not find his own swordswoman in the pocket. Because the sword inside is rusted, and no one is like a white iron sword. Since the system says that the ancient sword-level swordsman of Yi Qing is a white iron sword, then Yi Qing is bound to be a white iron sword. The messy sword inside is impossible to succeed.

    Sure enough, Yi Qing held several swords in his hands for dozens of seconds, but there was no reaction from a sword.

    Although it failed, Yi Qing did not appear to be frustrated. He returned the swords to Yi Yun, and then asked, “Grandpa Grandpa, I remember that there should be more than a dozen swords in our tribe. How do you leave four here? What?”

    “Hey, boy, you don’t know, we rushed out of the oasis a few days ago, and the rest of the sword was left in the oasis. I am afraid that I am in the hands of the tribe, and Grandpa has no way! ”Yi Yun sighed a few breaths, and suddenly the flash of light flashed “just right, the cold man is here, or else you ask for the cold man, ask him to take you to the tribe, there is a cold man to come out, the tribe absolutely dare not resist the solid The will of the cold man!”

    “This is not good…How can this kind of thing be troublesome for the cold! ”Yi Qing shook his head desperately and refused.

    “It’s okay, go to a tribe. Compared with adding a sword holder, this is not a trouble.”Of course, the cold will not be rejected, otherwise his copy will not be completed.

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