“Little guy, you are very good!”Seeing that the cold has returned to normal, Liu Lei has slowly walked to the front of the cold.

    “Cold the cold and see Sword Immortal!”When I saw the cold, I saw that Liu Lei had a big gift. This made Liu Lei’s face look a little better, but it’s still very ugly. “You’ll go with me to the Discipline Inspection Commission. Let’s talk about it, you’re forced to coordinate. The sin, what should I do?”

    Although Liu Lei is not very eager to shut down the cold for a year or two because of the heart of love, but toss him, it is necessary to shut down for a month or two.

    It is also good to sharpen the boy’s spirit. This cold has dared to violate the rules of the Jiange, and he is not allowed to taste a bit of power. Is this kid going to heaven?

    “Oh, I can’t think of the first thing that this woman has come out of, that is, I saw that my sword-bearer was taken to the Discipline Inspection Commission. Oh, it’s really fun!”On the side of Yitian did not know when to do the chandelier on the roof, swaying, like sitting on a seesaw.

    “Right, it seems that I used to go to the Wind Discipline Committee to play for a few days. The old heads of the Wind Discipline Inspection Commission are good for this woman. It is really good to have a good reception.”Etienne said, let the people under the whimsy, hundreds of years ago, Etienne and her swordsman did something, and the horror of the Wind Discipline Commission as a restaurant.

    AHEM!Liu Lei coughed, “Okay, you two, let me go.”

    “The seniors of Yunxiao are naturally no problem with you, but why should you bring the kid to the Discipline Inspection Commission?”I don’t know how to fix the cold. I am very wronged.

    “Do not understand?”Liu Lei’s eyebrows are all erected, pointing to the guide. “Who is that, come over and tell him why he wants to go with me to the discipline committee.”

    “Yes!”The guides came forward with fear and shrinkage. She was actually reluctant to answer Liu Lei’s question, because if she answered it, she would offend the cold again. Before the cold is only the sword-level sword holder, can you really synchronize and successfully become a sword-level sword holder or a big question mark, this guide has the background of the sword, but really not afraid of cold.

    However, once the cold has become a sword-level sword-bearer, or a sword-level sword-bearer of Yitianjian, it is different. In front of the sword-level swordsman, he really can’t even count a fart, if people want to deal with themselves deliberately…You don’t need to directly target yourself. For your own relatives and family, you will be able to get enough of your life.

    However, this guide did not dare not answer Liu Lei’s question, joking, Liu Lei is a sword-level, or his own boss, he is even more guilty of offending him.

    “The cold man did not pay the hero coin and directly coordinated with the Eternal Goddess, which violated the rules of our sword.”The guide first told the sin of the cold first, and then quickly added a sentence, “This also blames me. First, it may not be clear, so that the cold man does not respond, this is the villain’s fault. , are the fault of the villain.”

    “I have already blocked the cold-cold adults, and I have taken part of the responsibility. This should not be a bit of a hateful self!”The guide thought silently.

    In fact, through this process, the guide has basically no other mistakes except for his bad temper and the dog’s eyes. The things that have been done have also been done. The reminder of the cold has also reminded me that I have completed my own job. I should not take half of the responsibility and take the initiative to back the pot.

    However, she is still taking the initiative to back down. This is the sorrow of the little man. If you don’t become an ordinary person with a sword-bearer, you must bear such sorrow. After all, their lives are preserved in the fighting power of the sword-bearers. Drink a meal, have their own number.

    Seeing this guide said that this is against the heart, help the cold when the pot is full of helplessness, full of grievances. I feel bored in the heart of the cold, and I am forced to do this kind of thing, and there is not so much pleasure in the legend!

    “Okay, you go down, no matter what you are, you have already reminded me before I touched the sky. You have done your duty, you have not done anything wrong.”Fix the cold road.

“…………”The guide did not know what to say, but looked at the cold with gloomy face. The disgust and cold hatred of the coldness disappeared without a trace, and the cold was regarded as a good person…It is clear that the cold has caused her to the present situation, but she is sincerely grateful for the cold, only because the cold has pulled her instead of pushing her.

    After many years, when the guide was old, he liked to give her grandson a large poster to hold the cold. The great-grand-child saw and proudly told them that their grandmother had said dozens of sentences with the cold. I got help from the cold, which made several young people feel sincere admiration and envy of their grandmother.

    Ok, if you run the question, you won’t say it, and you will return to the sword. Liu Lei smiled and looked at this scene, waiting for the cold to let the guides leave, this is the “how, confess, you can go with me to the discipline commission.”

    “I still can’t go!”Chilling and shaking his head, once again refused Liu Lei.

    “Hey, I am going to be angry now!”Liu Lei’s hands on his hips: “Boy, the old man, I am a man of the sword-level swordsman, hundreds of heroes per second, and you dare to play with me?”

    “Don’t dare, how dare the juniors to wash Sword Immortal adults, but the juniors really did not destroy the rules of the sword, the juniors are in accordance with the rules.”The cold smiled and raised his arm. “The cloud is a predecessor. The villain has a message that you want to send to your terminal. You can see why the junior did not destroy the rules of the sword.”

    “Okay, I have to see, what do you have!”Liu Lei and the personal terminal of the cold have touched it, and it has become a good friend with the cold.The cold has earned this, and actually added a friend to a sword-level sword-bearer. This is equivalent to becoming a good friend before the smashing of the Standing Committee.If you show your own WeChat, show yourself and Xi XX, Li XX becomes a good friend, this is a matter that can be blown for a lifetime.

    However, Liu Lei is only the second singer-level sword-seller friend in the cold-cold address book. The first one is the undisciplined ten-party. After all, he promised to settle the cold as long as the conditions were completed. He will fix the cold as a disciple and leave a communication number for easy contact. Still very necessary.

    After adding a cold friend, the cold sent a picture to Liu Lei’s newsletter. Liu Lei saw this picture, his face changed several times in an instant, and finally had to nod. “Yes, although the old man is not very Happy, but your kid did not destroy the rules of our sword.”

    When I heard Liu Lei say this, the people present at the scene suddenly whispered and talked about it. What kind of message was there, it would make the owner unhappy, but recognized the behavior of the cold.

    “Will it be the thing inside “Jian Niang OL”…”Suddenly, someone’s head flashes. “There is not a rule in the sword. If you successfully coordinate with the swordsman in the game, you can avoid the cost of the hero.”

“……Oh, how can I forget this…”Others have suddenly realized that, in accordance with the rules of the Jiange, they want to coordinate and coordinate the top swordsmen, or they can surrender the heroic coins, or the game will be synchronized with the swordsman.

    Most of the sword-spinners coordinate the same way by paying the hero coin, but the sword-in-law in the game pays very little, so many people will not remember this rule for a while, such as the guide, she is thoroughly Forgot this rule. But when she had a long time to remember, and asked about the game of the cold, it would not be like this.

    Fortunately, the famous net Red Admiral in the game has to rely on the days of the sword only a few and solid cold fight with the people know, most people do not know the Prefect’s sword-class sword is leaning against the sword, the presence of people are rarely playing the kind of game, some even the prefect is no one knows, There is no one to the fixed cold to the admiral above Lenovo.

    “The younger generation of Yunxiao, since there is no violation of the rules of the sword, then the villain will leave.”I got the cold weather of Yitianjian and I was ready to leave the Jiange. I was forced to run, really exciting.

    “And slow!”Liu Lei is screaming, “You still can’t go, and relying on the goddess is a big deal. There are some things that the old man has to tell you. You come to my office.”

    “Yes!”There was no hesitation in the cold, and immediately obeyed Liu Lei’s order. A sword-level swordsman invited you to his office. Can you refuse? Anyway, it seems that it should not be a bad thing.

    In the eyes of everyone’s envy, the cold is behind Liu Lei, slowly walked to the elevator of the 2 Layer, and then through the elevator, go straight to the 6 Layer, where Liu Lei’s office.

    According to the standard construction mode of the sword court, 1 Layer is the storage place of the ancient sword level swordsman, 2 Layer is the sword level, and so on, the above are the 3 Layer sword level, the 4 Layer spirit sword level, the 5 Layer sword level. And the 6 Layer of the Emperor Sword level, the 1 Layer guard is stricter than the 1 Layer.

    As the chief of the Jiange Pavilion, the office was directly placed in the 6 Layer, and the Imperial Sword was alone in the 1 Layer. In this way, if you want to play the idea of ​​the Emperor Sword, you must first pass the level of Liu Lei, the sword-level sword-bearer. Unless it is the sword-level sword-bearer or the flood level, the ruling class is simply impossible.

    Liulei’s office is big, but the layout is very simple, there is nothing fancy, all is a book of thick books, solid cold note that many of them are protected by High-tech protection of books, such as this to use High-tech protective equipment to protect books, all should be the great burst before the precious books.

    For example, if you are cold, you will notice that in a conspicuous position, you have placed a three-year simulation of five-year college entrance examination mathematics. This is a rare treasure. There are less than ten books left in the world. Whoever passes it to future generations? One, after selling, the kind that didn’t work for two hundred years.

    “I don’t have any other hobbies, I just like to collect these books. It is too stupid for us humans to make mistakes before. We and our future generations have done their best, but they have recovered seven or eight percent.” This is what Liu Lei said after entering the office. first sentence.

    “sit down!”Liu Lei pointed to a chair in the room. This is the second sentence.

    “From now on, you are my apprentice.” This is the third sentence.

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