A few minutes later, Liu Lei, who is playing an indescribable game called radish with his own swordsman, came to the hall near the hall. He got the news after the synchronization of Yitianjian was successfully coordinated. Don’t let go of the things at hand, come here to deal with these trivial things.

    “You two, the more you live, the more you go back. Is this little thing going to be done by the old man? You will not make your own decisions? ”Liu Lei met, and the face was covered by two sword-level swordsmen. Under the two people on weekdays, above the 10,000 people, the sword-level sword-bearers who enjoyed all kinds of admiration lowered their heads and let Liu Lei swear. No way, people are higher than themselves, and older than they are, they can only recognize.

    “Cut, if you think we can handle it, what do you do in person?” Just staying at home and granting us two rights is all right…”The two sword-level sword-bearers groaned, but their faces became more and more embarrassing.

    “Well, this thing can’t blame you, the old man I have lived so big, I have never seen such a thing.”Liu Lei was so cool that he gave the two unlucky ones a step down.

    “This is the guy who is forced to coordinate with the sword. Bullying to our Jiange head, you look, even if he synchronized with the sword, I also want to let him good in the wind discipline review for a few months, tell everyone, we Jiange rules, not what people can violate, crime is to pay the price! ”

    Liu Lei’s old man’s reprimanded the cold, but unfortunately, at this time, the cold is a stone, and he can’t hear the old man’s skunk.

    “Hey, this stomach looks like it’s almost eight months, and it will be born in a little more than a minute.”According to the regulations, when a sword-bearer synchronizes, in a non-emergency situation, other people are not allowed to be within five meters of his body to avoid dangerous situations. However, Liu Lei’s old man did not care about this kind of thing. He walked to the side of the cold, and he was very wretched and touched on the cold belly. He came to the conclusion that the cold pregnancy is close to eight months old.

    “Hey, how does this kid look familiar!”Yunxiao Sword Immortal Liu Lei took a look at the cold, and the eyes could not move. This guy, how to look more and more familiar, always feels like he has seen him in some place!

    “Who, I ask you, what is the name of this sword-bearer?”Liu Lei looked at the guide who was holding the cold. When the guide heard Liu Lei’s question, he tightened like a spring. ,

    “Reporting the owner, this sword-bearer is called Gu Han, an ancient sword-level sword-bearer. It is the first time to come to 2 Layer for the simultaneous synchronization of the sword level.”The guides shook the things that they knew, and shook them all out.

    “Cold the cold, it’s really this kid!”When I heard the name of the cold, Liu Lei’s memory came out instantly. After all, this was only happened less than a month ago. Liu Lei remembers that this kid and Liu Nian ran into the funeral swords together with him. Not only did he get the sword of the ancient sword-level swordsman who he had never heard before, but he also saved the life of the singer and got the life of the scorpion. Friendship.

    I was able to save my life and get the life of the family. Liu Lei thought that the lucky guy was very cold. I can’t think of this guy’s luck more than a little bit. Actually, it has been successfully coordinated with Yitianjian, who has not been in motion for three hundred and fifty years. This guy, the lucky degree is estimated to have broken through the sky.

    “No, wait, this kid is an ancient sword-level swordsman who became a month ago!”Liu Lei’s mind flashed through this thought, and this is even more amazing. The sword-bearer who crossed the ancient sword level to the sword-level one month is not without, even said that it is not rare, because those Noble Family children often In half a month to twenty days, you can reach the standard of 1000 swords of sword-level swordsman. Even if it is said that the three-day work of the district has completed the advanced sword to the sword.

    But note that these fast guys are all Noble Family children, not only have the bloodline that is easier to coordinate with the swordsman, but also have a huge family resources. Practical training, so they can reach this speed in a thousand miles.

    But the cold is not the same, Liu Lei after that, specifically looked at the information of the cold, a standard civilian son, Phoenix male, but also an orphan who died. Children who grew up in such an environment, although the will is very good, but the hardware is too bad. Without a year and a half, it is impossible to complete the accumulation of the sword-level, and nothing else, just the first time and the Lantern Festival Don’t be scared to escape in actual combat is a very good person.

    And this cold can complete all this in a month, what does this mean? It shows that the cold is not only determined, but also very talented. It is good at commanding his own swordsman to fight. Because he wants to reach 1000 quarks of swordsman within a month, he must go through a lot of battles.

    If you are fighting a rat-level Lantern, you need about 500 battles to reach 1000 quarks, which is equivalent to killing 18 mouse-level Lanterns every day. This is simply impossible. Therefore, this little guy who is chilling is bound to fight the Tiger-level Lantern. In this case, it takes only about 100 games to reach the goal, killing three to four on average every day.

    However, it is impossible for the cold to fight for a month. At least half of the time is to prepare and learn. If you don’t say anything, just the Yuzhang College, you will never approve a new person who is holding the sword. Before the battle training, the sentence left the city and the Lantern battle to capture the swordsman. Therefore, in those days when the cold is really fighting, it is necessary to kill seven or eight tiger-level scorpions every day, and it is possible to accumulate 1000 quarks of swords.

    However, this little guy called cold can really do this? With his sorrow, what was originally the half-sword mother used by Sword Grandma to dance the square dance to kill seven or eight tiger-level scorpions? Just kidding, Yi Xianjian can’t do it well.

    When I think of Yi Xianjian, Liu Lei immediately remembered the dying year, and at the same time, I remembered the matter of fixing the cold and Yixian to the sword-sword method, and saving the dying from the hands of Yi Xian.

    At that time, although Liu Lei was joking, he pushed the cold to the end of the year and gave the gun a chance to create a hero to save the beauty. But in fact, only Liu Lei’s old man talked about juvenile madness and wanted to find some fun for himself.

    At that time, Liu Lei had already thought about it. If the current year is really dangerous, he will certainly be able to rescue him. It is impossible for a sword-level sword-bearer to save people from the ancient sword-level swordsman.

    But later, Liu Lei discovered that the script was not played in accordance with his own routine. The cold has actually saved the stagnation, and the speed of the cold-study learning five years can really scare Liu Lei. At that time, Liu Lei was on the solid. The talent of the cold has a very deep impression.

    In summary, Liu Lei judged that the cold should be a guy who is extremely determined to withstand high-intensity combat day after day; at the same time, the cold is still a talent, and may even become a genius of a sword master.

    For such a genius, Liu Lei’s thoughts gradually produced some changes. Originally, he intended to wait for the cold to complete the simultaneous coordination and then sent him directly to the Discipline Inspection Commission, Liu Lei, and decided to observe again.

    When Liu Lei turned these thoughts around his head, there was no movement to keep the cold, and the belly began to shine. For such a phenomenon, the people present are very clear that Etienne will soon be born from the purple house.

    Sure enough, soon a baby floated out of the frozen purple house, and then completed growth and development in a second, turned into a man in his twenties, with a gourd headpiece on his head. The female man in the TV, lazy and scattered appeared in front of everyone.

    “Ah, I haven’t seen the sun for a long time!”The first thing that came out of Yitianjian was that she had stretched out a big lazy waist. She did not appear a few hundred years, and she seemed to know the preciousness of the sun.

    “Yi Tian Niangniang, Liu Lei is polite.”Seeing that Etienne was born, Liu Lei gave a sigh of relief to Etienne. In fact, Liu Lei, who is a sword-level swordsman, can not make any representations about the sword-level swordsman of Yitian. However, Liu Lei’s respect for the swordswoman is still awkward.

    “Congratulations to the goddess of birth!”

    “Congratulations to the goddess of birth!”

    Seeing that the sword-level sword-bearer Liu Lei is stunned, the rest of the people still dare not ritual, is this not embarrassing to Liu Lei? Ever since, everyone present has given a sigh of embarrassment to Etienne.

    “Haha, everyone is really enthusiastic, it is really warm!”Yitianjian smiled and smiled at the person who gave her a gift. It looked very amiable. “I have seen all the heroes in the sky.”

    “Strange, isn’t it true that Eternal Goddess is very difficult to get along with? Isn’t this very good talk? Very polite! ”All the people who know the rumors of Yitian are all face to face, not the same as the legendary Eternal Goddess.

    “Eternal, I said, I will have you in reality!”The cold that recovered from the petrochemical state was weak and went to the side of Yitian. This weakness is a unique reaction after the birth of the swordswoman. Compared to the poor mothers who have been working for a month or two, the cold can only be weak for ten minutes, which is lucky.

    “This hero, do I know you? Are we familiar? ”Yi Tian twisted his head and squatted to hold the cold.

    “That’s good, introduce myself, my name is cold, solid solid, cold cold. From today, I am your sword-bearer.” Cold-hanging stretched out a hand and wanted to come with his own swordsman. A friendly handshake.

    CutYitian first ignored the hand that stretched out the cold, but turned around the cold, especially the face that was cold, and carefully licked it several times, almost giving every detail of the cold face After reading it again, this took hold of the cold hand.

    “Yes, it looks very good, I am very satisfied. It is more ugly than Liu Bei, and I am much more savvy.” From today, I will cover you. You just need to do your job and buy me dozens of pounds of wine every day. You don’t have to worry about other things. ”

    “Let’s make a song about wine, live awesome…”After that, Etienne actually sang.

    At this time, all the onlookers suddenly realized why the last sword-bearer of Yitian would be out of control with Yi Tianen. Spreading such a swordswoman, I don’t know if it’s lucky or unfortunate…

    Everyone looked at the cold eyes and suddenly had a little more pity.

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