The sword-sword ritual of the ancient sword level is actually similar to the process of the ordinary mortal sword-sword ritual. The biggest difference is probably the medicine sword material used in the ancient sword-level sword-sword ritual. The cold sensation feels far stronger than the last time. More potency is poured into your body, improving your ability.

    After the Ming Sword Ceremony was completed, the cold was directly attached to the second floor of the Jiange Pavilion from the entrance of the ancient sword-level sword-bearer. The ancient sword-level swordsman was placed on the first floor, and the sword-level was placed on the second floor. The swordsman.

    “Welcome to the cold, please come with me.”A guide lady, with a formulaic smile, led the solid cold on the second floor, although spent a thick makeup, but can be seen, these are the original dress of the beautiful ladies have even a heavy make-up also conceal the black eyeball, smile is also reluctantly can not be forced, it seems this young lady these days sleep is very bad.

    “We collected a total of 358 natural sword-level swordsmen and 1698 artificial swordsmen in Yuge City, and 187 of them were synchronized and coordinated. The remaining 171 natural sword-level swordsmen also In the squad, waiting for her swordsman.”The guide lady first introduced the basic situation of the Jiange 2 Layer.

    According to the sentence, the total number of sword-level swordsmen is 3,216, including artificial swordsmen. Yuzhang City only collected 2056, and there are more than a thousand that are not here. I don’t know because there is no artificial copying. The reason is because of the reason why Yanjing City is not willing to provide templates.Without a template, the strong swordsmith can’t imitate the artificial swordsman. From this point, it can be seen that the contradiction between Yanjing City and Yuzhang City is so prominent.

    “Although the number of natural sword-level swordsmen in Yuge City is only the third in the eight base cities, we have the top three natural swordsmen in the top three in the sword class. This is even the Yanjing City. Want to marry our little one!”Speaking of this, the guide lady began to be proud of it. Obviously, she felt the glory for her city’s ability to suppress Yanjing.The entire Yuzhang City is almost like this kind of virtue. As long as it can suppress Yanjing City, even if it is only a small point, people in Yuzhang City will feel glorious and glory, just like a certain industry that heard China in a thousand years ago. A certain technology surpasses the US emperor, almost all of a nature.

    But to be honest, the ability to collect all the top three swordsmen in a rank is in a sword. This is indeed a unique thing. Even if it is a wealthy Yanjing base city, you can’t do this.

    The three natural swordsmen in the mouth of the guide’s mouth are respectively the first sword of the sword-level, the second sword, and the third sword. Among them, the Tianjian Sword has been synchronized and coordinated, and the fish sausage is missing. The remaining one in the sword court is left with the last ranked Etienne sword.

    “Cold-cold adults, what you are seeing now is the sword-level swordsman, Zhenshan sword!”To guide her sister to a house with a sword-mother at the counter, pointing to a thick big sword Dao in the Brocade box “Zhen Shan Jian ranked in the No. 545 place of the sword record”, is the sword of the second emperor Liu Chan of Shu in the Three Kingdoms times, she incredibly formidable defense ability, can defend the massive injury which comes from the frontal attack, is a very strong ability to survive a sword Niang Oh! ”

    The cold noticed that in this box, there are actually two gold and one silver colors that can be placed in the groove of the sword, and two identical swords are placed in the two grooves. Knowing the cold, this means that the natural swordsman and the artificial swordsman of Zhenshan Sword are stored in the sword court and have not been taken away.

    At the first sight of the Zhenshan sword, there was a very strong impulse in the heart of the cold that I wanted her…This is not the first time I experienced this feeling, the last time I came to Jiange, solid cold is such a sword edge induction to torture ********, almost all the ancient sword-class sword Niang all to solid cold issued a sword edge induction, but also is the strongest edge induction, estimated solid cold closed eyes at random take out a natural sword class sword Niang, can be synchronized and coordinated successfully.

    If it is not the flow of the year, suddenly jumped out and proposed to coordinate the Yixian sword, and bring the cold into the funeral sword, it is estimated that it will not be able to withstand these strong swordsmanship and find a powerful swordsman to coordinate. Naturally, there is no such thing as poverty.After all, it is necessary to thank the dying year for the cold, and the wood has a long history. It is impossible to get poor in the cold.

    Along the way, there were more than a dozen counters with sword-level swordsmen. The guide ladies tried their best to sell the advantages of these swordsmen to the cold. They planned to let the cold and fast coordination and failure, and then rushed out of the sword.They got the news that the people waiting in line for synchronization and coordination have already broken through 100 people. They must speed up the simultaneous coordination test in the sword court. Otherwise, they have to work overtime until 11 or 2 o’clock in the evening.

    However, the attention of the cold is not in the hundreds of thousands or even thousands of Jian Niang, because the goal of the cold is here is very clear, he is the first sword against the sword. The game has been successfully coordinated in the game, and in reality, you can certainly.

    In fact, more than half of the dozen sword-level swordsmen who have come all the way have produced a strong sense of sword edge for the cold, although the proportion of the ancient sword-level swordsmen is much lower than that of the ancient sword level. But it is also a very scary thing. This shows that more than half of the sword-level swordsmen have recognized the cold, and actively invited, hope that the cold can become their own swordsman…Half of the sword-level swordsmen have recognized the cold, do you still run away from the sword?

    “Well, you don’t have to waste time on these swordsmen, tell me directly, where is the Eternal Sword.”The cold blocked the introductory introducer who introduced the artificial swordsman, and asked directly.

    “Cut, it’s another kid who doesn’t know how to be tall and thick. At first glance, it’s a newcomer with just over 1,000 quarks!”The guide secretly despised the cold, and then smiled and said, “You may not know that the cold swordsman can’t imitate the artificial swordsman of Yitianjian. Until now, there is no template for Yitianjian. Being analyzed, we are not artificial swordsmen who rely on Tianjian in our swords.”

    “What is the relationship with the artificial swordswoman?”The cold brow wrinkles “I don’t need artificial swords, I only need to be a natural swordsman, Etienne will not be synchronized and gone?”

    How come?Definitely not.The guide smirked and smiled. “Yitian Niangniang has been successfully coordinated for more than three hundred years. I want to go back for a few hundred years, and no one can take away the Eternal Goddess!”

    The guide is completely cold and cold, saying that he is an idiot and dreams. It’s nothing more than this guide will feel this way, because Yitianjian is indeed a very difficult to serve the swordswoman. From her first birth to the present, in reality, she has experienced two sword-bearers in total, and it is said to follow two The relationship between the sword-bearers is terrible. The last sword-bearer later became a powerful sword-level sword-bearer. After possessing the sword-level swordsman, the sword-bearer completely gave the Etienne sword to the high court, and until his death, he never used the Yitian sword once.

    After the sword-bearer, Yi Tianjian seems to have completely died of humanity. No matter how many people come to her to coordinate with her, she is unresponsive. For three hundred and fifty years, Yitianjian has refused. More than 50,000 ancient sword-level swordsman’s simultaneous coordination request.

    “You will take me in the past, so there is so much nonsense!”The cold stunned the guide and his tone became very unkind. In the face of the strong cold, the guide began to look at her mother, but her face still smiles. “Okay, please come with me, cold and cold, this is your right.”

    After a turn of the guide, the cold finally came to the place where the Etienne sword was stored. This is a separate hall. There are one counters in front of the front, left and right walls. These three counters should be placed separately. Yitianjian, fish and sword, the place where the sword is asked.

    Sure enough, the cold look at the names of these counters, it is the name of these three ancient sword-level swordsmaids, but the box on these counters has two empty spaces, nothing, only In the box of Yitianjian, there is a sharp sword placed there.

    This sword is naturally familiar and can no longer be familiar with it. After all, the game has been fixed in the hand.

    “Cold-cold adults, as your guide, I must remind you, please carefully consider whether you want to conduct a coordinated test with Etienne.”The guide lady tried to persuade the last sentence to say, “I am a good man, but I know that you are a talented person, but a talented person, facing the Tiantian sword is also a failure to end.”

    “I will tell you a few data. With me 300 years of records, on the blood, more than 5,000 people of the Sword Emperor Noble Family children in front of the Zhejichensha, all noble Family in the blood of the most top of the fleeting noble Family, each generation of direct descendants will come here to try and rely on the Sky sword Synchronous Coordination, But they all failed, just more than 10 days ago, a new generation of descendants also came here a trip, the same is the failure to return, leaning on the sword without any reaction. ”

    “On talent, in the 50,000 people who failed in the trial against the heavenly Sword, of these, 30,000 of them succeeded in becoming sword-class bearer, with 10,000 of them entering the sword-class swords, and 1000 of them entered the spiritual sword class, 1000 of whom were born 86 sword immortal, and five sword emperors, Hao Tian Jian Emperor is still the ancient sword class bearer, also came here, of course, he also failed. ”

    “Cold and cold, do you think your blood and talent can compare with the Noble Family and the Sword Emperor? If you are a cold man, please don’t waste all kinds of precious resources consumed by the ancient sword-level sword-sword ceremony. Try it with other swordsmen! ”The guide finally ended his advice.

    “It’s very good, but I insist on my choice.”It’s a waste of time for the guide to be so long.

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