“Not a young lady, why are you here too? Are you supposed to go to work now?”Cold and glanced at the costumed Song Yifei, this guy, not only did not go to work, even the white coat did not wear.

    “I am taking time off today!”Song Yifei was blinded by the cold. “As for why I came here, it is because my swordsman has already been filled with 1950 quarks. I am going to coordinate and coordinate.”

    “Yes, congratulations!”Unable to think of cold, Song Yifei is also to coordinate and coordinate, this child is too pitiful, all 1950 quark swordsmanship, synchronous coordination experiments do not know how much, but actually have not become an ancient sword-level swordsman, but people The girl of the genius template of the congenital swordsman 1700+.

    “But today seems to be late! Today, people are too much of a thing. “Song is not embarrassed to touch his own head.” No way, when I think of rest today, I will not consciously fall to bed. ”

    Song Yifei did come quite late. At this time, there were less than fifteen people standing in front of the cold, but the one behind the cold has already turned a corner. It is estimated that there will be at least 50 people. If Song is not discharged. Finally, if you wait, you have to wait until the afternoon to turn her.

    “You stand here!”The cold has stepped back and left a position in front of me to give me Song Yifei…Don’t get me wrong, it’s not that you want to please Song Yifei, but just want to give her a human heart.

    “That’s not good!”Seeing the position where the cold is empty, Song is not hesitant. This is a blatant cut-in, and it will be embarrassed.

    “You are free, if you want to wait until the afternoon.”The cold-cold sentence made Song Yifei lose his shame. She lowered her head and reached the front of the cold, completing the queue.

    The people who are behind may not have seen the behavior of Song Yifei, but the few people behind the cold have watched a solid, they suddenly did not do it.

    “Rely on, there is no quality, why jump in the team!” You are so licking. ”The man started to pick it up.

    “TMD…¥%@&*……When you come out, I will kill you.” This waving fist is about to start.

    “Young people don’t want to be too arrogant, let your girlfriend return. When you come late, you have to line up. Has your mother taught you the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation?”Hey, this is quite harmonious, but the girlfriend’s two words confirm that Song Yifei’s face is low and she has lowered her head. She whispered her sleeve and whispered, “I’m going to queue up later.”

    Don’t use it [or “don’t need it”]The cold man took a shot of Song Yifei’s hand and said to the most joyful people called “one person and ten thousand pieces”.

    “One person, ten thousand, what do you mean?”These people face each other and, for a while, did not understand what it means to hold the cold.

    “One person and ten thousand, buy you shut up!”In addition to the cold and cold, these few people can earn 10,000 in one white, and suddenly shut up, and they say nothing, and they all show bright smiles.

    Don’t think that these people are greedy for money. If you are in the queue, someone will give you 10,000 pieces and buy you a position to cut the team. You will also let go of the fart, not to mention 10,000. One hundred will also let you open, who can’t go with the money!

    Of course, it is also because these people are not sword-bearers. At least they are not sword-bearers now. They are just waiting for the coordinated civilians. They are still very short of money. If they are all sword-bearers, then they will not give in for this 10,000 yuan. On the contrary, they will throw out 100,000 pieces of shackles on the head of the cold, so that they can get cold and cold, this is a face problem, it is a big problem. It is going to kill people.

    (PS: This is a protagonist, and you should never imitate it. In reality, don’t jump in the team. Well, be a quality person.)

    “Hey, do you want such a local tyrant!” Ten thousand pieces! ”Song Yifei has a small star in her eyes. Her monthly salary is only 3,000 yuan. It is too local.

    “Do you like it? Then I will give you 10,000. ”Let’s say something like this. In the face of such temptations, Song Yifei struggled and eventually shook his head and declined 10,000 pieces of cold. She does not insist on holding her face. She just thinks that if she receives this 10,000, her relationship with the cold will become a separate interest exchanger.

    After such a trip, the cold and the Song did not enter a relatively silent stage. Song Yifei is afraid to talk too much with the cold, and will make those people behind him really misunderstand that they are the girlfriends of the cold, and the silence is because he does not want to talk to Song Yifei.

    It was so quietly lined up for a while, and finally it was Song Yifei who was in front of the cold. The staff responsible for registering at the entrance were almost familiar with Song Yi. When Song Yifei appeared, he immediately tweeted, “Hey, isn’t this our princess?” Are you full of 1950 quarks so soon? ”

    Feelings These people and Song are not too familiar, and the familiar Lian Song is not clear every time the swordsman who comes to coordinate and coordinate.

    “Cut, ignore you, always be like me.”Song Yifei whitened the person in charge of the registration, then went to the staff, and whispered to his ear, “Why, is the fish intestines found back?”

    “Don’t mention it!”When I heard this question, the staff’s expression suddenly seemed to be like a cockroach. “The body of the white pool was found. I told you quietly, don’t tell anyone, this time you lost the old man.”

    The staff looked around vigilantly and then told Song Yifei very whispered. “We thought at the beginning that Baichi was outside, and found that he actually died in Yuzhang City, or died in a brothel. Hang up…Unexpectedly, he said in the TV that he only loves his wife, and the result is actually such a person. ”

    “No, if it is dead in Yuzhang City, it is impossible for the fish goddess to be lost!”Song also did not understand. If the white pool is because of the wind immediately, then he is not attacked by the Lantern Festival. Naturally, there is no such thing as the Lantern Festival blocking the return of the fish goddess to the sword.

    Song Yifei also always speculated that Baichi was because he met a powerful Yuanxiao battle, which caused the fish-intestines to be stopped by the Yuan Zhen, or simply broke into pieces, so they could not return.

    “So our lord gave a fire, and this morning is still swearing. I have smashed the 18th generation of the ancestors of Baichi, but we suspect that someone may have slandered Baichi. Because Baichi’s personal terminal disappeared, because the personal terminal recorded all the circumstances before the holder’s death, the murderer took his personal terminal to avoid revealing his identity. We are investigating the swordsman who has contradictions with Baichi. There are hundreds of people in the preliminary statistics, and they are being investigated one by one! ”The staff said everything, and then put a chapter on Song Yifei’s application form, and put Song into it.

    The two men thought they were whispering, and no one heard it clearly. They didn’t know that they were all caught in the ear. The martial arts people had a good hearing, and they got the blessings of the swordsmen. Not to mention, even if their voices are five times smaller, the cold can be heard clearly.

    I don’t think there is a such a murder case in the fish sausage. If the cold is involved, maybe you can make a guest appearance and write a question called “Detective Guarding the Cold”. Ok, of course, this is not Possibly, there is absolutely no interest in participating in these troubles.

    NextWhen there is a bleak face, it is estimated that the person who failed the synchronization coordination came out of the sword court, and the staff member shouted a sentence and saw the application form for the cold hand.

    “It turned out to be an ancient sword-level swordman!”The staff was taken aback, and the attitude toward the cold has also become a respect for the casualness. He is only an ordinary person after all. Although he works in the most important department of the Swordsman Service Center, the ordinary people are ordinary people. For those who hold swords, they must be respected.

    “How do you always line up here?”The staff first stamped a chapter and asked inexplicably. “You are an ancient sword-level sword-bearer, you can go straight in, you don’t need to line up! ”

    According to the regulations of the Jiange, it is already the sword-builder of the ancient sword-level sword or above who wants to upgrade the ranks. If the swordsman is re-coordinated, it can be directly entered into the sword court without queuing. However, this does not blame the cold, many newcomers with swords do not know this, and like the cold, the team that has been here for a long time, only know that they have this privilege.

    “Oh, I will remember it next time!”There is no expression on the face of the cold, which makes the staff who are looking forward to seeing the cold and constipation look very disappointed. They have no entertainment when they work, that is, those who see the new sword are not aware of it. The constipation-like expressions after queuing lead to some thrilling pleasure.

    “The cold-stricken adult, the sword-sword of the ancient sword-level sword-holding ritual in the small room to the left of the sword court, you should not go wrong.”

    请指定两种不同的语言Solid cold straight into the Jiange, in the hall, you can see that song is not a solid cold once had to stay once in the altar of ordinary people Ming sword ceremony of the recipient medicine Sword acupoint, solid cold suddenly think of their last to accept the ceremony before, is also seen in the above accept the ceremony, so many days past, also don’t know how the unease.


    “Young Master, Miss Liu, after the probe, we can be sure that the goal is in this mountain.”On top of a bare boulders, Liu Nianyuan and Xu Tianyuan stood side by side. On the opposite side of them, an old sword-bearer was reporting the news.

    “Our swordsmen joined forces to display the Dafa induction method. It can be confirmed that there is a strong but weak swordsman reaction in the mountainside. It is certain that the goal will soon be awakened.”

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