In the end, it is still impossible to confirm whether the immediate fixation is not my own sister, but in the face of the same face as the solid, and some things that happened from time to time when the squatting, the cold can not go outside. Hurry. If a loved one you have already died suddenly appears in front of you, and everything is the same as before, then I believe that everyone in the room can’t resist her living in her own life.

    Only, solid cold for solid non-success or maintain a considerable degree of vigilance, face solid non-success requirements and before, sleeping together the request, solid cold Resolute refused, directly let solid non-success live into a small bedroom, also deliberately told warm Mei Rhyme, must open 24 hours solid non-success room camera, monitor live in the life of a solid non-success drip, Have Kaoasaki experience in the side, solid cold can no longer believe any stranger, especially solid Yun this and his sister grow so similar person.

    It may be that the black hand behind Gao Li Linai is placed in the spy around him, the role of the killer, and the cold must be handled with care.

    When eating, the cold is more to find a place that is different from the previous one. For example, when I was a child, I never used to eat fish. However, the current solid sputum is so fascinating to the fish that it is more than the hobby of the poor.

    When Wenmei Yun’s braised big blue-and-white fish came up, Gushu took the braised big blue-and-white fish to occupy it. While eating, he watched the cold and watched the cold, and was afraid of smashing his own big blue-and-white fish. general. Before she started, she drilled into the aquarium and caught the fish directly. She still had a scene of holding the fish without letting go. The cold began to have a headache. It seems that these girls in their homes are in addition to Wen Meiyun, who is a normal person. There are various problems.

    “Oh, why do you like to eat fish like this? I remember when my mother bought a fish back, you never eat it. ”Asked if it was cold.

    “Cut, brother, when did we eat fish when we were young, mothers have to count a few minutes to buy a piece of potatoes, when can we afford to eat fish?”I looked at the cold and looked at it. It’s true. I have never eaten fish since I was a child. I’ve just been a small means of trying to test the cold. If it’s a fake, then it’s like this sudden attack. The problem will definitely be revealed.

    “Brother, I don’t know why, since I woke up, I smelled the fish and couldn’t help but want to eat. I wonder how I became like this.”Speaking, Gu Yu took the last bite of fish into his stomach, and then he got into the cold-cold arms. He looked at the cold with his eyes. “Brother, we will eat fish every day.”

    CasualNo matter how cold he nodded, he never missed what he ate, but he was shocked by Wen Meiyun. He remembered the price of a big blue-and-white fish, even if he bought the cheapest fish every day. 200,000 is also a glass of water.

    The money Wen Mei to paste, so Win Mei rhyme shilly-shally want to raise money, the result of their personal terminal directly ding dong, see a look, the boy, fixed cold directly turned 1 million RMB come in, Wen Mei immediately shut the mouth, Do not know when his master became such a spendthrift tyrants, this is only a few days, seemingly one months ago, but also to their 1 million preoccupied again.


    After eating, I lie back directly to my bed.

    Because of the doubts about the true identity of Gushu, this led to the fact that the happiness of the resurrection of the cold was weakened a lot. Looking at the poverty that is still sleeping around him, there is no pleasant mentality in the cold. He holds a poor hand and feels the temperature that does not exist in poverty.

    “Brother, is this your daughter?”Suddenly, there was a solid voice in the ear. This guy didn’t know when he ran to the cold bed, watching the cold hand hold the poor hand, so he took it for granted…From this point of view, Gushu is still quite pure. If you change someone like a dead house, you can directly ask if this is a small housewife with a small loli.

    “No, this is your brother’s swordsman.”The cold replied.

    “Hey, brother, you actually become a sword-bearer, so amazing! Haha, Xiaoxiao’s brother is a sword-bearer! ”I heard that my brother is a sword-bearer, and the bed is full of excitement. I am upset by the cold, and I feel a little warm. I really hope that Guzhen is really my sister. There is such a sister in myself. By the side, my own life, it will not be so painful.

    “But my brother, how is your swordsman just a little higher than the solid?”After a long time of squatting, there was a new question. She found that the height of the poor was somewhat wrong. “When the cold watch TV, the swordsmen are all as high as their mothers.”

    “Don’t know…”I don’t bother to answer this question.

    “And, how did she sleep all the time, let her play with Gushu?”Gu Yu has a new idea.

    “If you can wake her up, you are free.”If you are cold, you will be able to wake up. If you want to keep your cold and play with her, there is no problem.

    “In the costume drama, if you are sick, feed him a round fairy.”Gu Jie said nothing, then he took out a shiny pearl from his pocket and stuffed it into a poor mouth.

    “What did you put in the poor mouth?”When the cold was not observed for a while, it was so that Gu Jie stuffed the inexplicable stuff into the poor mouth…What if a poor stomach is bad for eating?

    “I don’t know, but I think it looks like an elixir.”Solid smile, the cold patted the head, just now he vaguely looked at the so-called medicinal medicine, looks very familiar.

    Good guy, isn’t that the remaining diorite? Look at the color, or a male lord! My God, how do you put the stuff into the poor mouth?

    The cold hastened to open up the poor mouth, but it is already late. The diorite is no longer in the mouth. It is estimated that it has been eaten by poverty.

    “Oh, where did you get the stone, where did you get it?”Cold face is cold.

    “Take it from the pocket of my brother!”Solid refers to the pocket of the dimension placed on the table.

    “She can open my pocket!”It’s really a big surprise to fix the cold. The pocket of the second dimension is bound to your own blood. Except for yourself, even the sword-level sword holder can’t force it to open. Otherwise, the space in the pocket will be broken. Items will be lost to the gap in the dimension. Otherwise, there is no need for the ten parties to ask themselves, and directly grab the pocket of the yuan to open it and see it.

    There is only one possibility to open someone else’s pocket, that is, the opener has a certain blood relationship with his master…It is not certain that it can be opened, but there is a certain chance that it can be opened, and the closer the blood relationship is, the better. For example, the sword-bearing parents, children, have a half chance to hold the sword’s pocket. As for the biological brothers and sisters, there is a quarter chance, more than three generations of direct blood relatives, then the probability is infinitely close to zero.

    If Gushu can open his own pocket, then does it mean that Gushu and himself do have blood relationship! Suddenly, I felt that I had become stupid after I came back from Meiling. I want to know if my sister is not simple. It’s good to go directly to make a blood test. The genetic level is impossible. fake.

    Fixing the cold and making up your mind, take the solidarity tomorrow and make a paternity test yourself…Oh, it’s not right, the brothers and sisters appraised, if the proof is related to oneself, then even if it is a spy sent by someone else, the killer will recognize it.

    When I was thinking about these things, I suddenly heard the cold and smothered the words “Smelly cold, poor and want to eat meat.”

    “Speaking poorly!”In the heart of the cold, I was happy. Since I fell asleep, I have not said a word about poverty. I can’t think of it at this time. Suddenly I said, is this a sign that poverty is to wake up?

    There was a lot of waiting for the cold, but the poorness only said such a dream, and the rest of the movements never happened.

    “Is it the role of the diorite?”The coldness suddenly reminded me of the dilute spar that was stuck in the poor mouth. “Small, your body, and the kind of stone you just had?”

    “Not a stone, it is a remedy!”Solidified his mouth, and pulled out three barons of the kind of “small air bag, the solid one took three out, they are returned to you, a small air bag brother.”

    “I will give you a better look later.”The cold winter took a look at the forehead of the solid, and took three male lords from the hands of Gu Yu, and then all of them were fed into the poor mouth. Sure enough, after eating these diorites, the poorness of the gas is obviously much better, and the fingers, toes and anything can be slightly moved.

    “I understand that the transformation of poverty is a lot of power, so we need a spar with a sapphire to replenish her energy. Keeping the cold, you are smart, even the simple things are not thought of! ”The cold was immediately taken to the hand pocket, and the seed of the prince and the baron were all fed in…Although the situation is better, there is no sign of waking up in poverty.

    “Continue” to fix the cold and unscrupulously put the Earl’s species into the poor mouth. As a result, all the Marquis species are used up, and the poverty is still not sober, but she can already roll and twist, say various Shameful dreams.

    “Continue” to fix the cold, and the remaining Marquis species were also taken out. As a result, the first Marquis planted the belly, and when it was poor, it jumped directly from the bed. “Stinky cold, poor meat to eat, poor to eat no stone. ”

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