[Nima, it’s the most hurtful night, and the hair is falling off…One day for me, I am still a loss for office workers. I don’t even say it, I fill in the pit I dug myself, and I will take a break after writing in June…Ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a recommendation, and ask for a reward. You look at it…”

    When the cold was opened again, I found that I was still lying in the bathroom. The water temperature in the bath still maintained the proper temperature. It can be seen that Wen Meiyun has been controlling the water temperature for the cold.

    The cold stretched out, stood up from the bath, wiped the water drops, then put on the bathrobe, went back to his bedroom, found that everything in his bedroom was normal, the medical warehouse and the poor were quiet. Lying on my bed, the lid of the medical warehouse does not know when it will open.

    Wait, the lid of the medical warehouse is open? After a cold sigh, I hurriedly walked to the medical warehouse and looked inside. I was empty and there was a figure.

    “Solid, solid?”I was shocked by the cold, and I turned my bedroom over and I didn’t see the shadow of the solid. Then the cold rushed out of the bedroom and shouted warmly and charmingly. “Warm and charming, where are you, give it to me.”

    The host The host Meiyun is here! ”Wen Meiyun ran out of a small bedroom with a broom and looked at her dusty look. It should be cleaning.

    “What about solid? What about my sister? ”Seeing the look of Wen Meiyun’s face, the cold is only remembered. Wen Meiyun does not know who Gushu is, nor who her sister is. “The little girl, the little girl who has been lying in the medical warehouse, she Where have you been, have you seen it?”

    “Sorry, the master, Mei Yun did not pay attention, Mei Yun has been cleaning in several small bedrooms.”Wen Meiyun replied.

    Suddenly, a burst of “Ji Bang when” voice from inside the kitchen passed out, solid cold instantaneous reaction, dashed rushed into the kitchen, found the whole kitchen has been a mess, all kinds of pots and pans are all fell to the ground, even Wen Mei has cooked half of the rice cooker, also was thrown down, All the rice cookers were spilled.

    “Hip and haha” This time, in a small room in the kitchen, it sounded like a little child’s laughter.

    “What is inside that little room?”Cold weather asked Wen Meiyun.

    “Master, that’s the warehouse for storing ingredients.”Wen Meiyun quickly replied. “Yes, there is a blue-and-white fish. I think the owner is coming back today, so I bought a blue-and-white fish for a big price and I want to make up for the owner. ”Fish is also a very expensive food in the base city, because the demand for fish culture space is also very large, the output has been small, the price is naturally expensive, even the income of the sword-bearer every month, I want It is impossible to eat fish every day.

    Of course, it is very simple to have so many sword-bearers with such extra income as the cold.

    Ingredients Mackerel? ”The cold door decisively pushed the door open, first of all, it was a large refrigerator, then a large glass fishing rod, which contained a live fish and a female baby…Wait, what is the ghost in the fish tank?

    I saw that in this fish tank, a large blue-and-white fish was struggling to move forward and desperately escaped. Because behind it, a bear child struggled to swim behind it, trying to grab its tail.

    Although this is just a small fish tank of less than one square meter, this one fish fully demonstrates the tenacity of life and the predator’s desire for prey…It is ugly to say that this girl’s swimming technique is more than a dog crawl.

    Although this big blue-and-white fish has a strong desire for life, and swims very quickly. Unfortunately, in such a small fish tank, facing a predator whose size is several times its size, after it was forced into a corner, it was helplessly held in the arms by the girl.

    But soon, the girl was also pegged by the new predator. A big hand grabbed the neck of the girl and then slipped her out of the fish tank, just like someone slipping the poor neck. .

    If the poor is caught in the aquarium by holding the cold, it is estimated that she will use her hands and feet to escape. However, after the solid scorpion was caught, it did not shout, but it was tightly held in its arms. This scene is similar to the fat doll that has fish in the New Year.

    “Brother, brother, give you a fish!”The solid scorpion that was caught thought about it with his eyes closed, and then lifted the tight blue-green croaker. It looked like it was intended to give the fish a cold.

    Although the fish looks tempting, the attention of the cold is not at all on this fish. The question of solid and cold is “What do you call me?”

    “Brother!”Solidly holding a head “Don’t you be my brother? You still owe me a few hot and sour potatoes, hey, don’t want to deny it. ”

    Is this really my own sister? Listening to the meaning of Gu Yu’s speech, it seems that she is the sister of Gu Jie who has already died. Although the original cold was not dilute against his own morality, he would be sent back to the hospital for treatment, completely ignoring the parents and relatives who may exist.

    But that’s just because she and her sister’s stubborn look too much, plus the ashes explosion of her parents, combined with all the factors, the cold is forced to bring back the solid, and only a little bit of heart Consolation. In fact, I know in my heart that this girl can’t be her own sister. At most, she looks a little like it.

    Calm down the cold to restore reason, originally he intended to return this seemingly solid girl back to her parents, to end this wrong behavior, but never imagined, this seemingly solid girl woke up After that, the first reaction was to call my brother! Also said that she owed her a few hot and sour potato. This has caused the cold-hearted mind to suffer a lot of shocks and become a bit confusing again.

    “Mei Yun, have you told her about me?”The first reaction to the cold is that Wen Meiyun told the girl about her basic situation.

    “No, master, Mei Yun never told Miss about these things, Mei Yun is also the first time I saw Miss Wake up.”Wen Meiyun even waved his hand, it looks like it is not a lie.

    “Smelly brother, you actually doubt me, Xiao Yan is not with you.”When I was caught in the hand, I felt a face that was long and long. “Let me down, I want to eat fish.”

    “Eat fish?”Cold and subconscious, I glanced at the big blue-and-white fish in the heart of my heart. Good guys, I don’t know when, the solid scorpion has taken a bite out of the fish.

    “How can you eat fish like this, hurry up and drop it for me…”When I saw the cold and saw the raw fish, I was anxious, and my sister could never have the habit of eating raw fish!

    Ever since, the cold and fortune forced the big blue-and-white fish in the hands of Gulu to go out, and then ordered Wen Meiyun to throw this unfortunate big blue-and-white fish back into the kitchen.

    “Return my fish, my fish!”When I saw that my beloved big blue-and-white squid was taken away, it suddenly became violent, and all kinds of struggles, if it was not enough for the arm of the cold, I really wanted her to break free.

    “Don’t make trouble, I let Meiyun cook the fish, and you will eat it slowly!”The cold face was black, and he sweared, and the cockroaches gradually became honest and sat down on the chair at the table. He said pitifully, “Brother, let the scorpion put more soy sauce…Xiaoyan tastes heavier. ”

    “What?”I don’t know how I got out of the scorpion, but he quickly reacted. It’s a good idea to mistake Wen Meiyun for his wife.

    “That is my maid, not your nephew!”Chilling knocked on the table “I asked you, are you really my sister?”

    “Hate, brother, why don’t you believe that I am your sister.”When I was three years old, you lied to me that the old money was planted in the ground. The next day, I could grow a lot of lucky money and cheated my dozens of dollars. As a result, you all took the picture and bought it by your mother. You don’t remember it? ”

    Pledged ofThisA few black lines emerge from the forehead of the cold, it seems that there is such a thing, when the popular collection of 24 sword Emperor, 72 sword Immortal of the picture, their brain residue in order to collect complete, really put their own lucky money and the blessing of the lucky flowers are all to spend, if not solid non-success suddenly brought up, Solid cold to almost forget their own history of the black.

    “Right, and oh, you and Song Hama put their mother’s clothes on the cloak and play the game of the sword emperor. As a result, they stepped out of a big hole and bought me with lollipops. Let me not tell my mother. .”It is also a black history that is unwilling to mention the cold and is shaken out.

    “Right, and, there are…”The more you say it is more addictive, and when you plan to continue, the cold will knock on the table with force, and your face is full of sorrow. “I don’t want to talk about the past, I don’t want to remember those memories!”

    “Oh, then I won’t say it.”It is also a low head, and it seems to have fallen into a kind of bitterness.

    The two people were silent for a while, did not say a word, only heard the sound of cooking in the kitchen, the big blue croaker after the pot.

    “Do you know that my sister is dead?”The reason why the cold is silent is to hesitate and entangle whether you want to ask this question. Let him personally say that his sister is already dead, this is undoubtedly a painful torture for the cold.

    “Is it really dead?”The look of Gu Yu is bleak. “The original thing was true. Xiao Yan thought that Xiao Yan just slept and had a dream. It turned out that Xiao Xiao was really dead.”

    Next, after some communication, the cold has generally understood the situation of the solid. According to Gu’s explanation, Gu Yu always thought that the experience of the day of the big invasion was a dream. After waking up again, she appeared on the road and was taken away by a wretched man, trying to insult her. Behind it is the story of the poor and clean cargo to save Loli.

    The memory of the death to the time of last week, there is no solid foundation, just a strong saying that he is sleeping, do not know,

    However, the memory before the invasion, the stubbornness is preserved, and it seems that the reservation is very clear, and many memories that have been forgotten by the cold have been remembered.

    Moreover, in terms of material cognition, expression ability, and personality characteristics, although Gushu still retains many children’s thoughts and behaviors, in general, her personality status is more like a 16-year-old girl. Regardless of death, Gushu really should be a 16-year-old girl this year.

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