[PS: I have been busy with work recently, and people are very tired. I have to clear the E8. Now, the author has rested, and the E8 is also killing. From tomorrow, the update will be more. By the way, do you like to occasionally add more chapters and two chapters, or do you come together to see you? 】

    “Medusa, why do you bully a junior like this, you are an old woman who is old.”The sky full of anger is shouting at the sky.

    “hahaha, heaven clouds, I haven’t seen your angry expression for more than 700 years. I can’t think of it today after seven hundred years. It’s so nostalgic.”Medusa’s figure is hidden in this void, only her voice is worn out. This is the talent of Medusa. In addition to petrifying any opponent, she can hide herself in the void. Only when she attacks, will she reveal her true body.

    “Then I will make you angry again!”Medusa suddenly burst into laughter, and suddenly there were five giant snakes in the void, biting into the body of the sky.

    The sky clumps in the air, as if to correspond to the five giant snakes. The body of the sky is also flying out of the Martial Dao swordsman. These swordsmen are like high-speed rotating darts, flying out into the sky. The front side greeted the heads of the five giant snakes.

    In ancient times, there was such a legend about the Tian Congyun sword. At that time, the master of the Tian Congyun sword, the prince Fusang, built the life of the emperor to enter the southern country of Sagami. Some local tribal leaders told Yan Jianming that the violent god lived in a thatched swamp that was taller than humans.

    倭 倭 命 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 这些 这些 这些 这些 这些 这些 这些 这些 这些 这些 这些 这些 这些 这些 这些 这些 这些 这些 这些 这些 这些 这些

    As a result, at the crucial moment, Tian Congyun flew out of the scabbard of Jian’s life. With only one blink of an eye, he cut all the thatched tens of thousands of miles away, and the fire did not ruin. The shackles that escaped and escaped immediately killed all the local people to report their enemies.

    Although this is only a legend, Tian Congyun himself has never commented on this legend, but the main ability of Tian Congyun is indeed related to the sword mans who harvested his life in the head.

    I saw that the five swordsmen flying out of the road suddenly collided with the five snake heads…But these five fierce giant snakes instantly dissipated like bubbles.

    “Bad, this is a virtual image, it is a fake!”When the sky is changing, it is necessary to summon the swordsman who flew out of it, but time is already a step late, and the other giant snake has come out from the void in the sky less than 20 meters away from the sky.

    “Hurry to hide!”The hands of the ten-party holding the sky clumps disappeared into the original position in an instant, and after a few tenths of a second, they appeared in another position far away.

    “You are right, grasshopper, she is no longer a meta-level scorpion, no syllabus can hold my Spiritual Awareness and sneak into the 100-meter range!”For the first time, Medusa showed a solemn expression on the tenth, which means that he has already treated Medusa as a close opponent.

    “Fortunately, I am quick to respond, otherwise our two personal shields will lose at least half of the energy.”No chapter ten party added.

    “No, even if we don’t hide, there will be no problem, because Medusa’s goal is not us at all!”Tian Congyun’s body has a strong killing intent, and this killing intent is so strong that even the undisciplined party is the first time to see it.

    He looked up and looked at the position just now. Sure enough, as Tian Congyun said, Medusa’s goal is not himself, but the body of the ancient sword-level swordsman around him…Oh, I can’t say that it’s a corpse now. After all, there’s still a glimmer of life in the wind and cold body.

    At this time, the corpse of this ancient sword-level sword slinged in the mouth, as long as the giant snake bites or swallows, the cold will completely cut off the last trace of vitality.

    “Medusa, what do you want to do, he is already a dead body, you have not let go of a body?”The sky was full of anger, her hand waved, and the five swords in her body flew out, together with the five swordsman who had gone back and returned, according to some mysterious array, in the sky The side of the cloud is stirring. “Medusa, don’t think that you are hiding in the void, I will have no way to take you, big deal, I will ruin the whole piece of the void! ”

    “Hey, haha, Heavenly Clouds, do not be so excited, I am not going to break with you.”Next to the giant snake that was holding the cold body, eight giant snakes were drilled out, and then a huge, glamorous face emerged from the void. There are nine black hairs on the head of this face…These nine black hairs stretched from the scalp of the face to the tail of the nine giant snakes…Or the tail of the nine giant snakes grows on the scalp of this head.

    There is nothing to say, this head is a hit to kill the cold to kill the ninety-nine Yu Yuan Yuan Mei Dusha, oh, no, now is the Zhou Yuan Yuan Mei Dusha.

    “Ohaha, Heaven Congyun, you seem to care about this person.”Medusa smirked. “This guy’s mouth is too stinky. My Medusa doesn’t kill him. It’s hard to wash my shame.” However, looking at the two old friendships, I will leave him a whole corpse. ”

“…………”Tian Congyun doesn’t talk, well, it seems that even Tian Congyun also has the chance to live without any living. He can only try to keep his whole body. Since ancient times, few ordinary people who have entered the battlefield of the Xianjian have had a good end.

    Suddenly, the giant snake holding the body of the cold began to wiggle, put the body of the cold in front of the giant face of Medusa, and also adjusted the direction of the cold body, so that the face of the cold is facing Opposite.

    At the same time, the two eyes on Medusa’s face began to glow out of the purple light. When I saw this purple light, the face of the sky was changed. “Medusa, you are not saying to keep him. The whole body? Why are you preparing for death gaze? ”

    “Hey, my dear Miss Tian Congyun, don’t you know, can my death gaze make people become stones?” I let this sword-bearer turn into a stone, isn’t it just leaving him a whole body? ”Medusa said with a smile.

    “Medusa, are you really a fool in my sky?” Your death gaze, if you don’t look at his eyes, his body will instantly melt into a pool of blood…”Tian Congyun angered. Medusa’s death gaze can indeed turn the opponent into a stone, but the premise is that the opponent should look at Medusa’s eyes. If the opponent does not see it, or closes his eyes, then the death gaze will become a ray that melts the flesh, turning all the organic matter in front of him into a pool of blood.

    At this time, the cold is almost a corpse, and the eyes are tightly closed, which can be seen with Medusa…Once you can’t get the eyes of Medusa, then the whole cold can’t be preserved, and it can only become a pool of blood. It is really a mourning.

    “Ohha, Heaven Congyun, do you not know, from the beginning to the end, in my eyes, are you a fool?”Medusa’s words completely ignited the anger of Tian Congyun, and the ten swordsmen around Tian Congyun began to vibrate violently, and they could suddenly rise and fall.

    “Hey, haha, your grass is so scary, my Medusa is afraid of death!!”Medusa’s face was awkwardly distorted. “Or else it’s better, let your grass and swords send this human being into a pile of minced meat. I also saved the energy of a death gaze. It’s great. .”

    The body of the cold is in front of Medusa, like a shield. If the grass and the swords of the sky begin to attack, then the cold body will be cut into the first time by Tian Congyun. Pile of minced meat.

    “Heavenly clouds, seven hundred years, your character still has no change, you are not a fool who is a fool?”Medusa screamed, and the purple rays were suddenly coming out, and the target was the head of the cold. At this moment, Tian Congyun closed his eyes sadly.

    “Sorry, solid Black Tortoise, I didn’t keep your last blood. I can’t even protect his whole body.”In the heart of the sky, the fullness is remorse and sorrow.

    Huh?I have been calmly watching and watching all this, and I’m surprised to say that Tian Congyun quickly opened his eyes and was surprised to find that the body of the cold in the Shekou is still there, but it has become the color of the rock. After Gao Li Linai, the cold has also been petrified.

    “This human being actually opened his eyes at the last minute.”Medusa was also shocked, and she kept looking at each other’s eyes as she launched her skills. At the last moment of death gaze is about to hit, this human being has opened his eyes with his skills, the dark pupils and their pupils are staring together, and death and gaze naturally will not melt the cold flesh and blood, but Turned him into a stone.

    “Is this accidental or deliberate?”There is a fierce debate in Medusa’s heart. “If you open your eyes by chance, but if he opens his eyes in the last deliberate way, it would be terrible…His flesh has completely collapsed, and his consciousness should be weak enough to be even less conscious of an ant. If he used his own will to open his eyes and keep his whole body, it would be terrible, it is terrible! ”

    “Forget it, how can a human being turned into a stone be a dead man, how terrible his will is, as long as he is dead, he can.”Medusa ended her thoughts in her heart, grabbed the tongue of the cold, and the body of the cold and petrified was taken to the ground.

    In fact, Medusa wants to go further and smash the stone statue of the cold…However, she did not have time to do this. The sky full of anger and anger slashed all the nine grasshoppers around her to the position of Medusa.

    In the face of nine powerful grasshoppers, even Medusa did not dare to pick up. Her nine snakeheads also shot nine death gaze at the same time, and the grasshopper swordsman directly collided with it. The flight route was a stagnation, and Medusa’s body disappeared into its original position.

    “Hey, haha, Tian Congyun, the old lady has no time to fight with you, the old lady is still looking for Poseidon that bastard, the old lady is gone!”Medusa sneered like a big laugh, it is ready to retreat, here is the base camp of Yuzhang City, the fool will be entangled here with Tian Congyun, waiting for the sword-level swordsman of Yuzhang City to support Landlord?

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