When the solid cold head from dizziness, see the collapse of the management building, not by some fear, just now the shock wave is too sudden, the speed is too fast, their own reaction speed is not less than one-tenth, if no chapter Fong just not where, their own properly to be collapsed building under pressure under …Although not to die, but also seriously injured.

    “This time, I owe nothing to the ten parties.”After I become a fairy sword in the future, I will return this person…”The cold man silently said to himself that he had indeed been saved by the undisciplined ten parties. This is a great human condition, but the grace of life is no different.

    However, at this time, the undisciplined ten parties do not know that they have earned a personal feeling in vain, even if they know that he will not care, the human condition of a sword-level sword-bearer in the district can be useful…Of course, at some point in the future, the undisciplined ten parties will deeply feel how important this person is. If it is possible, he can’t wait to return to this time and owe a few more people.

    These mountains, which have been dug up with potholes, are mountain ranges made up of sub-crystallites. The shock wave is so strong that it can destroy the reinforced concrete management building, but the entire vein has only some collapse.

    According to the sword mark between himself and the Tian Congyun sword, he successfully found the Tian Congyun sword in the mine. At this time, the body of Tian Congyun Sword is somewhat embarrassed, and the body of the gray head is also considered, but the whole left of Tian Congyun The arm actually presents a strange color…It looks like a stone.

    “Without the rules, how come you come…”Tian Congyun is the name directly called the ten-party…Although poverty is also a direct call to help the cold, but there is a mention of the relatives of the relatives inside, Meng Meng, full of attachment and dependence. However, Tian Congyun’s feeling of being without a chapter is cold and cold, just like half a stranger…This is very rare between the sword-bearer and the swordswoman. Even if the sword-bearing swordsman who has just synchronized and succeeded, when they call each other’s names, they will bring more emotions, not like Tian Congyun. It’s cold.

    “There is something on the road. It is the goal of bringing me here.”The ten-party ten-party attitude toward Tian Congyun has long been used to it. He frowned and looked at the left arm of Tian Congyun Petrochemical. “How could this be, have you just played with Medusa?”

    “Hit a fight…Although she let me bite my arm, but she also cut off three snake heads, I counted a tie,” Tian Congyun replied.

    “She actually played a tie with you!”The brows of the ten-party are even tighter. “She is just a meta-level scorpion. Why do you tie it with yours?”

    “If she is not a Yuyuan Lantern?”Tian Congyun taboos around the “her strength of her, has reached the standard of the Zhou Yuanxiao, she is advanced.”

    “Advanced?”If there is no chapter, the ten parties do not speak. The situation in which Yuan Zhen enhances his own strength level is called advanced. This phenomenon generally occurs in the low-level Lantern, but to the level of Yu, the advanced is very Rare things…Things that are rarer than the emergence of the prince.

    “I heard that Medusa disappeared here for five hundred years, five hundred years of lurking, enough for her advanced, she was originally the daughter of the original sea god, and the old ghost of Poseidon is a foundation, become a universe Level is not surprising.”Tian Congyun said, can’t see, she actually knows so much about Medusa.

    “Is she still in the mine?”The ten-party has drawn a sword from the back. This is his spiritual sword-level swordsman deity. Because the sky is already present, the ten-party can only use the spirit-level deity as its own. arms.

    “It should still be…Not good, she is leaving the veins! ”Tian Congyun suddenly opened his eyes and began to chase the past in one direction. No one has shaken his head and chased after the sky.


    “I don’t think the stone statue after Medusa Petrochemical is so strong!”After leaving the ten-party, the cold has suddenly remembered that the body of Gaochun Linai has been buried in the ruins.

    I was afraid that the stone statue was crushed and chilled and dug up the stone statue of Gaochun Linai from the ruins. The magic is that the stone statue of Medusa Petrochemical was not damaged at all, and even the hair is very well preserved. Therefore, the cold will be surprised to say something like this.

    “This is of course, the deity is the god of the Kraken, the power of Spiritual God, you can understand this little human.”This is a somewhat sharp voice that sounds like a madman.

    Cold and violently turned his head, but found that there was no one behind him, and no one or Yuan Zhen was there.

    “The god of the sea monster, is this not the god of Medusa?”The cold slammed this point, and there was a huge fear in his heart. He almost put down the stone statue of Gao Li Linai around him, and ran away when he spread his legs.

    However, the rationality of the cold has stopped the cold. If Medusa is really by his side, even if he can go to heaven, he would like to escape the chasing of Medusa. For the sake of the present, only the current state is maintained. Ways to lift the crisis…Now is not in the game, but in the reality that you may have to kill yourself at any time, you are unlikely to be resurrected, and every step must be cautious.

    “When it’s cold, how do I smell that there is a smell in the neighborhood, just like a woman who hasn’t showered for hundreds of years…”Unexpectedly, when the cold is desperately thinking about how to escape from the birth of the day, the poverty in the nursery bag suddenly jumped out and took out such a sentence…

    “Bold, what do you say!!!”A burst of crazy and angry voice suddenly sounded, and a huge snake with a train was suddenly protruding from the surrounding virtual sky, biting it with a neck that was so fast and incredibly fast.

    When you hear the words of poverty, you will know that it is bad. This is the rhythm of the dead. Keeping the cold and sticking to the poor neck is the position of the poor hilt. If you want to say something about poverty, the result will be held in the hands of the sword. In the midst of a thousand miles, I was in front of myself, and then the whole person, like an F1 car, flew out at a speed of nearly 500 kilometers per hour and then hit the stone wall of the mine.

    Even if it is a rock wall composed of hard and hard secondary minerals, it is actually a shallow mark by the cold. Then the cold is like a broken sack. It fell from the stone wall, and the poor sword on the hand fell to the ground. The brilliance of the body is not like a scrap iron. This is the energy of the shield. sign.

    If it’s not enough to fix the cold, enough to know how to choose, in the tenth of a second before the collision, mobilize all the power to protect his head, then the cold head will be blown apart like a watermelon. Die on the spot.

    However, although the cold has saved a life at this time, it is less than a minute away from death. If someone is holding the cold when the cold is hit, then he will be able to hear a burst of noise…This sound is like buying a five-penny pack of instant raccoon instant noodles, and then making a powder-like sound in the hand, but this time it is not a crispy face, but a bone that is cold and cold. .

    At this time, if you give X-rays to the cold, you will find that the bones of the cold are not intact except for the skull. Almost all of them become pieces of broken glass, and the body that keeps the cold is also It became a meat sac with glass slag. What is even more frightening is that these bone fragments have all been plunged into the cold and the internal organs. His heart, liver, spleen, stomach and kidney are like prickly pears.

    All the organs in the cold body are bleeding, and almost 80% of the main blood vessels are broken. After another ten seconds, the cold will die because of excessive blood loss. This is a real death that will allow the book to go directly to the death of the finale.

    At this time of the millennium, Tian Congyun and Wuzhangfang rushed out of the mine, and saw the body of the cold at a glance.

    “save him!”Tian Congyun saw that the cold was almost the same as the broken sack-like body that was crushed hundreds of times on the road. His face suddenly changed and he immediately demanded that there was no rule.

    “I can’t do it!”The expression of the ten-faced part shook his head. “His body has become a skin sac filled with glass slag. Unless it is immediately sent to the hospital for surgery to replace the body, there is no other way to save him.”

    “Then use your medical warehouse to freeze his body. When the battle is over, send him to the hospital.”The face of Tian Congyun is anxious, which makes the heart of the undisciplined ten parties sour. He has been injured for countless times without a chapter, and has never seen Tian Congyun reveal such an expression. Why this ancient sword-level sword-bearer will let Tian Congyun reveal such a look.

    “You know me, when I put a medical warehouse in my pocket, Fuso’s warrior, either triumph or die, there is no second way, and there is no need for a medical warehouse.”Without a chapter of the ten-party, Tian Congyun suddenly slogans, and there is no medical warehouse in the ten-party. It is not only known as Tian Congyun, who has no Zhang Shifang, but even humans all over the world know this.

    As with the undisciplined ten-party saying on TV shows, his pockets never have medical warehouses and the like. This is used to break his own path, he will never allow himself to have the idea of ​​retreating or retreating. Just like Xiang Yu’s ruin, either victory or death.

    “Damn, is it true that the descendants of the solid family will die completely today?”Tian Congyun closed his eyes in pain. Without a medical warehouse, he immediately frozen the body of the cold, and retained the last trace of vitality, so the cold is really dead, and Huaguoshan is home, so far. It’s absolutely perfect.

    [PS: Ok, the cold is dead, the book is the end…Just blame…Who can guess how the cold is coming, I will admire you. 】

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