Xiaoya, the girl who once glared at the cold, looked back in the house of fruit, and found her own capsule 087, then took the key out of her pocket and just inserted it into the keyhole. The door will open.

    “The door is not locked?”Xiaoya was shocked. She thought that a bad guy broke into her room, but she immediately heard a familiar voice. “Is it Xiaoya?” Is Xiaoya coming back? ”

    momXiaoya slammed the door open, and she saw that her mother Wen Meiyun was sitting on her bed, and she immediately plunged into the arms of Wen Meiyun. Two mothers and daughters who had not met for seven or eight days were naturally relatives.

    “Xiao Ya, how are you living here in Aunt Goose?” Is it ok? ”Wen Meiyun asked with concern. When I heard the mother ask myself this question, Xiaoya’s face was faint in an instant, complaining that “it’s not good here. I can’t even open my legs at night, and I’m going to hit the wall.” To grab the bathroom and grab the bathroom with hundreds of people, although most of the time can be solved in the school, there are several times that I really can’t help. And there is always a stinking smell here, even the clothes I wear are all over. I have to change my body when I get to school. Mom, Xiaoya doesn’t want to live here. ”

    Lesser said is the truth, now little ya live room is a capsule room, long but two meters five, the width of a meter, inside only a bed, a table, there will be no more than any of the things, giving people the feeling is like living in an egg shell inside, even a stretch can not be stretched out, living in such a house inside, How can it be comfortable?

    As mentioned before, there are hundreds of such rooms, each of which has a person in it, some even have two, but there is only one bathroom and one bathroom in the room, unless there are few people. At that time, otherwise every time you go to the bathroom, you have to queue for dozens of minutes or even an hour.

    Xiaoya didn’t tell Wen Meiyun, once again she couldn’t help but pull it directly on her body…This almost completely destroyed Xiaoya’s self-respect and made her unable to lift her head for a few days.

    “Mom, can we go home?” We went back to the general area. Although the core area is safe, but I live in this place, I will really be mentally ill. Mom, I beg you. ”Xiaoya hugged her mother to cry. She was favored by her parents. Although she had suffered a lot in the past year, it was just a bad meal, but now she is in the core area, only a short week or so. Time, Xiaoya feels that she will be forced to go crazy after a long time.

    “Take me home.” Where do we have a home? ”Wen Meiyun long sighed “Xiao Ya, our house in the ordinary district, has been auctioned out last week, is someone else’s house, we have no home, here is the best house that my mother can find for you.”

    “You lied to me……You are a stingy! ”Hear Wen Mei say so, small Arden began impatient, “Our house is still left more than 200,000, we can completely rent a better than here, bigger house, why do we have to live in such a shabby place, every day looking at your shameless aunt, she called bed at night than my speakers are bigger, I don’t sleep, you know? You know?

    “Xiao Ya, you listen to your mother, there are 200,000 mothers, but that 200,000 have given you tuition fees. Xiaoya, you don’t know, the schools in this core area are much more expensive than the schools in the ordinary districts. Your school will have a tuition fee of 640,000 a year. Now my mother still owes your school 400,000 yuan, one month. A month still goes up, my mother really has no money. ”Wen Meiyun said bitterly, it is no wonder that she had to re-do the work of the exclusive maid. It turned out that Xiaoya’s tuition was on her body and she could not be relieved.

    “Then don’t read this broken book…”Xiaoya hammered the hammer bed hard. “Mom, I didn’t have any fun at any school. I didn’t have a friend.” They are all vulgar people who look at people with low eyes. I can’t read them at all. Mom, we don’t read this book, let the school refund you the tuition fees you paid, we change a good place to live, good mother? ”

    When I heard my daughter say that she didn’t want to study, Wen Meiyun’s body instantly stiffened, but Xiaoya didn’t notice this. She said, “In fact, mother, there is no use for reading.” With your daughter’s IQ, this life is not likely to be a career like a scientist. Your daughter is not this material at all. What about reading more books? Isn’t it necessary to marry someone else as a wife? ”

    “Mom, you don’t know, my daughter checked Swordsman yesterday, my daughter was only fifteen years old, but the innate swordsman has reached 130 quarks. To be honest, when her daughter is 18 years old, the problem of breaking through 200 quarks is not big, her daughter has A great chance can become a sword-bearer. Now in this world, what about ordinary people? It is also a scientist who nobody cares about. The current society is only the best person in the sword. This is not a good relationship with reading. As long as the daughter becomes a sword-bearer, our dragon family can regroup and we are worthy of our father’s spirit in heaven.”

    “Even if you can’t be a sword-bearer, you can find a sword-bearer to marry with your daughter’s beauty. When you have a son-in-law of a sword-bearer, you can live a good life.”

    “Returning 10,000 steps, my daughter has no good luck and the sword-bearer becomes a couple. The daughter can also go to the maid school like the mother, and then the maid to the sword-bearer.” Mom, you don’t know, the maid of the sword-bearer is fascinating. A few days ago, a maid came to our school to pick up her master’s daughter, which is my classmate. Our nasty head teacher must keep laughing. ”

    “Mom, I told you that the classmate was in the class. All the students had to hold her. Even the teacher didn’t dare to marry her. What she said was right, but she was powerful. If the daughter is also a maid to such a sword-bearer, then the daughter must be able to live like a princess!”

    “So my daughter’s future is very good, and there is no relationship with reading at all. Mom, you don’t have to let your daughter study and waste money, as long as the daughter becomes a sword-bearer, or marries a sword-bearer, or goes to the sword-bearer. When the maid, everything is solved, we can live happily together forever.”

    “What?”When I heard my daughter’s words, Wen Meiyun’s eyes were full of incredible things. Is this his own pure and lovely daughter Xiaoya? Still the timid daughter? She is now planning to marry, and even planning to go to the swordsman as a maid, go their own way? How can this be! ! It was a terrible thing that she stayed in that school for a few days and it became what it is now.

    momYour eyes, so scary, “I am very happy, Xiaoya said, suddenly found that his mother’s eyes are suddenly filled with something called anger, Xiaoya began to be afraid, even in the most difficult time before, Xiaoya did not I found out that my mother had shown such an expression to herself.

    PaWen Meiyun slaps a fan on her daughter’s face “Long Xiaoya, are you worthy of your father?” Are you right fucking? ”

    Wen Meiyun suddenly couldn’t control her tears and began to flow down. “Long Xiaoya, you forgot that your father’s greatest wish before he died is that you can enter the school in the core area. He hopes that you can become a scholar with knowledge and connotation, instead of being here, telling me to be a woman to the sword-bearer, you actually said that you want to be a maid, what maid school to read…When did you become such a person…Such a shameless woman! ”

    “Is there something wrong? Is it wrong? I don’t know how to be ashamed! ”Touching his burning face, Long Xiaoya also exploded. “How much rice is under the pot? Our family is now in this situation. What books do I still read? Mom, are you going to be a maid now? Do you have any face to say your daughter, you are sober, we are not the rich people before, we are now the bottom of society, living in the bottom of this broken capsule, is the bottom of the bottom, I want Filling a big tail with a wolf to read this broken school, I don’t read it, I just don’t read it! ”

    “Are you not a maid? What face do you say about your daughter…”

    “Are you not a maid? What face do you say about your daughter…”

    “Are you not a maid? What face do you say about your daughter…”

    This sentence is constantly echoing in the mind of Wen Meiyun, a painful and grievance that is unspeakable and straightforward. She couldn’t think of it. She was such a person in her daughter’s heart. She even thought that she would be happy to see her daughter, and she would get such an ending. A thought instantly grew up in her mind.

    “Well, my mother is not a maid. I am going out to the city to mine. The money I earn is always clean. I can always satisfy you!”Wen Meiyun used to listen to her husband and said that mining in the city is the fastest way for ordinary people to get rich.

    “Meiful, are you crazy?”Awkwardly, the door was pushed open, and the fruit grabbed a bottle of beer and poured a sigh into his mouth. “Don’t blame me for listening to you, your whole voice can be heard.” Mei Mei, you are now a maid. Without the permission of your master, you are absolutely impossible to dismiss the maid’s identity, just like me…At that time, you may not even be able to get out of the house. ”

    If the fruit is fruit, the courage of Wen Meiyun will be smashed in an instant. If the fruit is right, there is the identity of this exclusive maid. If Wen Meiyun does not get permission from the cold, in any case, it is impossible to control the cold immediately. of.

    “Hey!”The fruit is filled with a beer. “Attractive, don’t let Xiaoya live with me. If this goes on, your daughter will be crazy sooner or later. I am going crazy every few years here. She is still a child, you are her. Too harsh.”

    If the fruit is fruit, let Wen Meiyun’s heart shine. Yes, before she came here, her Xiaoya is a good boy. Only after living here for a few days, it has become like this. It must be the environment here. It’s awful. It’s the environment here that has changed my daughter. If she changes her environment, she can change back to the past.

    ButHow do you place Xiaoya now? In addition, looking for a place to rent, the monthly rent is tens of thousands, and there is still money for Xiaoya to rent such a house.

    “You just told me that your swordsman went out to fight, right, bring it back there for a few days and find a way…Anyway, he can’t go back in a short time, maybe he may never come back. ”

    “is this okay?”Wen Meiyun is hesitant. For the maid, this kind of action is absolutely impossible. But Xiaoya heard this sentence, her eyes flashed instantly, and immediately took her mother’s hand. “Okay, okay, mother, I promise you, just let me go to your house for a few days, I must be serious.” Reading, make sure you don’t make you angry.”

“………………”I have to say that Wen Meiyun has shaken.

    Well, the line of mother and daughter who likes to see it is going to start.

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