[Sorry, the title number of the previous chapter is wrong, not 246, it is 248, egg hurts]

    The core area of ​​Yuzhang City, a place on the tall, look around, full of buildings with distinctive features, various park woods, and entertainment venues. It’s clean and bright, full of sunshine, and it’s hard to believe that this wonderful place has its unpleasant side. But in fact, if anything has a bright side, it must have its darkness.

    “Moon Hill” sounds to have a very beautiful name, from the outside look, is also bright, clean, tidy and quiet, is a good place to live, but in fact, the real residents of this community has moved almost, here are all through various channels, illegally stranded in the core area, A place where ordinary people are mixed up in a shady position.

    Wen Meiyun wore her own maid costume, bowed her head and walked silently in the community. Although the community seems quiet at this time, there are only a few rare pedestrians, but Wen Meiyun knows that in those opaque windows, there are countless pairs of eyes watching themselves. Once they reveal their beauty, they may be Some of the guys on the brain have done something terrible.

    Wen Meiyun’s footsteps went fast. Soon she walked to the front of the building marked 23, and pressed it on the seventh floor of the access control. After a dozen seconds, a lazy female voice came out, “Nervous disease, No key? Wouldn’t you come in yourself, Ann banned the door, and told the old lady to sleep? ”

    “fruit…It's me.Although the sound from the access control was very rough, but when I heard this sound, Wen Meiyun was still inexplicably relieved, feeling that the whole person had relaxed.

    “Meiful? You are here, I said, who is so long-sighted, actually dare to follow the aging mother’s access control, come and come, you come in, not seen for a few days, the old lady still blames you! ”After that, the door opened and it opened.

    Wen Meiyun quickly took the elevator to the seventh floor. After knocking a few times on the door on the left side, the door slammed open and grabbed the arm of Wen Meiyun with one hand and pulled it in.

    “Haha, charming, you want to die, come, kiss!”On the spot, a mouth kissed a dozen or so mouths on the pretty face of Wen Meiyun, and then released the gentle charm of a face.

    Although Wen Meiyun’s face is full of helplessness, but there is no resistance, obviously she is very familiar with the routine of the guy called the fruit, knowing that the resistance is any use of wood, it is better to follow her, let her 揩The oil is good.

    This fruit is a young woman who is not full of gentleness and charm, but the image is really too bad, her hair is smeared on her face, her skin is white, and people want to touch it. Impulsive. However, there was a strong smell of alcohol and smoke around her. Judging from the taste, this fruit is estimated to be immersed in the days of drinking and smoking.

    From the point of view of selling, this fruit is very bad. If it is not a huge European party, it is estimated that even 10,000 pieces can not be sold. But as long as you take care of it a little, it will be a very valuable thing to remove the hair and remove the smell of the wine and the smell of the smoke.

    “fruit, you are really bad, we are three sisters, I am not like you alone…”Seeing the fruit like this, Wen Meiyun couldn’t help but open her mouth to persuade. As a result, the fruit immediately blocked the mouth of Wen Meiyun with her own mouth, and then sighed in.

    In an instant, a strong smell of smoke and wine is poured from the mouth of Wen Meiyun, and it is not only uncomfortable to suffer from coughing.

    “Give you a little lesson, my charm, I am not able to persuade you to move, you do not have to take this effort. Let’s go, don’t go to my room when you are still proud of your baby daughter. ”When the fruit is finished, he walks barefoot to the depths of his room.

    Wen Meiyun’s trachea is not easy to calm down, and looked at the surrounding environment. The house of fruit and fruit should have the same design and structure as the cold-cold house. It is a large house with more than two hundred square meters. However, the house was artificially isolated from one small room after another. Each room is estimated to be very small, because the doors of these rooms are almost one by one, standing side by side, or two floors above and below. Two doors…This means that this room has only the same width as the door, and it is the same as the capsule apartment in Fusang. It is estimated that it is terrible to set up at least a hundred small capsule-like rooms in this 200-odd house.

    The room in which the fruit lived was in the innermost part of the house, and it was the only room of the normal size in the house, with more than 30 square meters of space, there is a bed, a TV, a computer, a table, a chair, and a pile of beer bottles on the table, there is no other things.

    “Come, it’s comfortable to lie down.”When the fruit entered the room, she lie directly on the bed, then patted the position around her, indicating that Wen Meiyun was lying next to her.

    Reasonable, Wen Meiyun actually does not want to lie on this bed, because this bed is not only messy, but the sheets are full of various holes…These holes are not used, but are burned out. Look at the size of the holes and the ash on the sheets. It is estimated that these holes are burned when the fruit is smoked.

    In addition, in addition to the holes and ash, the fruit can still see a yellow spot on the bed…These are traces of some special liquids left on the sheets after natural evaporation.

    ” Fruit, are you living like this? You listen to me, you go on like this, your whole person is ruined, you…”Halfway through the words of Wen Meiyun, she was stunned by a thing.

    The natural beauty of the face is the fruit. .

    “You are bothering, just like my mother. If you say a nonsense again, I will throw you and the woman out. ”The fruit said with a look of disappointment, and heard the fruit said so, Wen Meiyun could only sigh and did not dare to persuade.

    “Go up, don’t come up, I will drive you and your daughter out.”The fruit patted the position around her, what can the gentle charm be, the daughter is the dead hole of Wen Meiyun, she can only go to this incredibly dirty bed, lying next to the fruit.

    “How long have we not been lying together?”The arrogance of the fruit gradually settled down, and the words gradually became a taste of memories.

    “It’s been fifteen years. Since I gave birth to fruit, we haven’t been lying together again.”Wen Meiyun replied.

    “Oh, it’s fifteen years, and my fifteen years have passed. It’s really nonsense!”Fruits came out of the bed and took out a pack of cigarettes, and gave them a deep breath. “I heard that you are back to the old road and give people the exclusive maid? ”

    “hmm…Wen Meiyun nodded.

    “Cut, you told me not to smile at the beginning, you will never return to this road again?” Now it is not running back again, you said that you are not guilty? ”The fruit of the fruit is very common, but it reveals the viciousness of a son. Is this really the girlfriend of Wen Meiyun?

    “Well, I am guilty.”Wen Meiyun nodded again, her face was full of happiness. “For my daughter, let alone be guilty, even if it is a cow, but what is the big deal, I am willing. ”

    “Cut, is it a great daughter?”The fruit sucked a big cigarette. “But is there a difference between an exclusive maid and a cow? Are you the cow and horse of your new owner now? ”

    “No, fruit, not like this!”Wen Meiyun said very seriously. “My current owner is cold, but it is really a good person. He just let me do some housework. I never wanted to ride on me.”

    “Rely, is there still such a person? Are you kidding me? ”The fruit on the face is not believed.

    “fruit, what are you doing?”Wen Meiyun’s face was red, and the whole person was not good.

    “Ignore you……”Wen Meiyun got up from the bed with anger and anger, and fled the room in the laughter of the fruit.

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