[I finally released it…Thank you for watching the readers of this chapter for the first time…Oh, I don’t know what extent this tracking will fall. 】

    WellStuffReally here with me! ”The cold showed a slightly tangled and hesitant expression, and the big day Sword Immortal heard the cold and said it, and immediately let it go. He was afraid that the cold would not admit that those born swordsmen were on the cold.

    Because the solid cold into the specific process of Glastonbury stronghold, from beginning to end only solid cold and Li Bai two people know it, and Li Bai is and solid cold gang, if solid cold contended oneself into the stronghold of what things have not got, that big day sword immortal There is really no evidence to prove that things are in the hands of cold.

    Perhaps the Lantern Festival of the Yingling Temple will take the initiative to jump out and say that those born swordsmen have been stolen by the cold, but the cold is only one bite that this is the frame of the Lantern Festival, which is deliberately intended to differentiate him and Yanjing City. Relationships, in order to provoke human civil unrest, the big day Sword Immortal still has no evidence to prove this.

    So if the cold has been gnashing your teeth and you don’t admit it, the big day Sword Immortal is really no way. Now that the cold has been acknowledged, it is easy to handle. In fact, the big day Sword Immortal has already carried three cameras, and recorded his own dialogue with the cold in all directions as evidence for the future. As long as the cold-holding confession is now recognized, then this is the evidence of the iron plate nailing, and even if it is cold, it will not depend on it.

    “That’s great! Aww great! Sea Sovereign, give it back to us! ”A few drops of tears flowed out of the corner of Sword Immortal, and then he extended his empty white hand and placed it in front of the cold.

    “What is for you?”The cold-cold one was somewhat inexplicable, which made Sword Immortal feel tight in his heart. He immediately said with some nervousness, “Of course, those born by Sea Sovereign, these natural swordsmen are the ones of our Yanjing City. Things, now naturally should be returned to the original!”

    “Oh ?” It turned out to be the case! ”Cold nodded, and his face showed a bit of a smile. “You Yanjing City is a good abacus. You want to ask me to take things away, this thing can’t be done, right? ”

    “Understood!”On the face of Sword Immortal, there was a bit of bitterness on the face. It seems that the abacus that took the things back at the beginning and did not pay for it was really too loud. People took the things back and gave them nothing. That is indeed too stingy.

    Or, since the responsibility is on your own, let it be given by yourself!

    Thus, the big day sword immortal solemn, Righteously said “sea sovereign your Majesty’s kindness, Big day sword Immortal I have no teeth unforgettable, after sea sovereign His Majesty’s things, is my big day sword Immort Al things, even if the sea sovereign His Majesty to my life, I do not dare not from, after the sea sovereign His Majesty, as long as I sword immortal Life is still in, there is absolutely no objection! ”

    The big words of Sword Immortal sounded like a big sorrow, iron skeleton, and a dedication to themselves. But in fact, Sword Immortal is very clear in his heart. This is just a beautiful thing to listen to. This cold and courage to support himself, let his own chairman of the Yanjing City Jianchan Committee give him a hard work. ?

    This kind of thing may be there twice or twice, but the number is more than one, not to mention what kind of discussion in the society, that is, he can’t hang on his face! Therefore, Sword Immortal believes that the cold will not give orders to himself many times, and may even be ordered from beginning to end.

    As for the reason, it is very simple, because the strength of the cold is too high. As a sword-level sword-bearer, it is only the level of the sword-level sword-bearer. It seems that the sword-fixing sword is only a piece of cake.

    And when the cold has achieved the sword, the strength is estimated to be comparable to that of the sword-level swordsman. Now he is the strongest of the sword-level sword-bearers, but compared with the strength of the cold-fixed Pulled a lot.

    Things that you can do, you can do it, you don’t need to bother yourself. And even if the strength of the cold can not be done, then I can’t do it any more, and it is impossible to fix this with the cold.

    So the big day Sword Immortal sounds very beautiful, but the actual meaning is not great. Sword Immortal feels that it is only a matter of one or two times because of the cold, and such a simple condition is changed back. All the natural swordsmen, how to count is a good deal because of cost-effective!

    And this sounds very good. The chairman of the Yanjing City Jianbang Committee gave you the opportunity to give you a cold face. You will give you a face that is cold and cold. After you hear this condition, you should not Are you happy to send things back?

    It’s a pity that Sword Immortal is wrong, because it is impossible for the cold to be confused by such superficial things. What can be thought of by Sword Immortal on the big day, how can it get through the cold eyes.

    “It doesn’t have to be said in this way. It doesn’t make much sense to me. It’s not good to say it. I don’t see the skills of Sword Immortal on the big day!”The cold and faint saying, and this sentence is unwelcome and merciful, also makes the big day Sword Immortal face ugly like a large black rag.

    “What does this mean by Sea Sovereign?”Big Day Sword Immortal said with a gloomy voice.

    “I mean big day Sword Immortal, you didn’t understand?” Did I say it straightforwardly? ”The cold looked at the jewels worn by Dajin Jinxian, and he wore a lot of transparent gemstones in various positions and smiled. “If I tell the truth, it would be hard to record it in the video!” ”

    “This guy knows that I have a camera on my body!”Sword Immortal was shocked and his body was a little cold. In order to cover up the small camera on his body, he chose a piece of clothing with various gems.

    However, the big day Sword Immortal is not willing to be given the cold once, but now the cold is still the sword-level sword holder, and he is still a sword-level sword holder, he does not believe that his strength for the cold It’s really useless!

    “Sea Sovereign, the strength of the next may not be as good as Sea Sovereign, but the difference is bound to be limited. Sea Sovereign can go down and try it. If the strength is really too different from Sea Sovereign, then If you don’t dare to be honest, you can help you!”Big Day Sword Immortal Road.

    Kind of a fun thing to do.There is a playful smile on the cold face. “Would you like Sword Immortal? I don’t know what the difference is.”

    ThisSword Immortal suddenly hesitated. It’s easy to say that it’s easy to start. It’s really hard to start practicing. This day, Sword Immortal doesn’t really know what the gap is.This book does not write a gap between the sword-level sword holder and the sword-level sword holder!

    No, the book is written, but it is written that the sword-level sword-bearer is much stronger than the sword-level sword-bearer, but never wrote that the sword-level sword-bearer will be stronger than the sword-level sword-bearer. How much?

    Thinking of this, Daejeon Sword Immortal only feels that his face is burning, I am afraid that I am the first sword-level swordsman in history to think about how much the strength of a sword-level sword-bearer is worse! But the big day sword Immortal and had to think about this problem, because in the long street siege, although all the sword-holders have water, and did not come up with their real strength, but at least 50% of the strength or some, from that moment began big day sword immortal You know, you can not be a solid cold opponents.

    adult adult You have been thinking for so long, give me an answer! ”The sound of the cold rushed in the ears of Sword Immortal.

    ThreeTwoAn hour If I can support an hour in Sea Sovereign’s hand, it means that I am not much different from Sea Sovereign, how Sea Sovereign feels! ”Big Day Sword Immortal said with a bite of his teeth that such an answer is too shameful.

    Under normal circumstances, it is quite normal for two sword-level swordsmen to fight for three days and three nights. It is a normal thing to go to their own mouth, but only one hour is left…Although this is what Sword Immortal himself said, the big day Sword Immortal still feels ashamed.

    An hourThe performance of the cold has become unrecognizable, let alone the present, even if it is a week ago, once you fully exert all your skills, this big day Sword Immortal will never support an hour, let alone It is now.

    adult I just got up from the bed and you let me play with you, which is a bit inappropriate. Not so, I will show you something. If you think it is still a little different from the next one, then how do you put it on you? ”The cold smiled and said.

    “Alright!”Although Sword Immortal didn’t know what medicine was sold in the cold gourd, it was still a bite.

    “hmm…Cold smiled and nodded. “I will invite Sword Immortal to appreciate my swordsmen today!”

    When the cold voice fell, and the clap was taken, a dazzling sword light flew out of each room in the presidential suite. When these Jianguang all stopped, the big day Sword Immortal discovered that it was suspended in the cold side. Holding a pair of swordswoman.

    “This cold, this time to show me what my swordsman is doing?”Big Day Sword Immortal screamed in the unknown, with a few smiles on the cold road “Sea Sovereign, I know that your swordsman, you don’t have to take it out!”

    “No, I have never meant to chill you. I just want to ask you to count and see how many swordsmen I have.”Chilling and laughing.

    “What are the numbers…Everyone in this world knows that Sea Sovereign has eight swordsmen! ”Big Day Sword Immortal said inexplicably.

    “count! It’s not too late to talk a lot! ”Cold eyes squinted.

    “This, okay…”Big Day Sword Immortal is helpless, but the situation is stronger than the people. Since the cold is so demanding, he can only follow suit, and then carefully glanced at the swordsmen who are suspended in front of themselves…Then the bean’s sweat was filled with the face of Sword Immortal.

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