This book will be sealed soon because of well-known reasons. The author has begun to modify the 5 million-word manuscript of the book. When the revision is completed and the review is not known, the author guarantees that it will be modified as soon as possible and then submitted to Boss.

    So you also like the readers of “Jian Niang” to continue to leave this book in the bookshelf, “Jian Niang” will soon come back to meet with you.

    The author really wants to cry…The author is a monthly mortgage of 13,000…All finished…


    The above paragraph was written a week ago. Just one week before today, the author watched the night for four days, spent eight hours a day to modify, and finally completed the harmony of the swordsman.

    If you don’t want to talk about it, there are a lot of novels that have been imprisoned this time. The author’s novel can be alive. The author is already very happy. Thanks to the editors for the muddy and review editors, thank you for your great efforts. Support, the author, thank you all!

    Although the above text is a lot of harmony, but the plot itself has not changed, the readers who have been chasing can be seen with confidence.

    Update is still the old rules, updated every night at 11 o’clock, and resume today, please be patient and look forward to it!

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