“Cao Yu! Are you sure that your ability can cover the entire battlefield? ”Among the Yuanxiao coalition forces, Luban asked some of the middle-aged men with a very serious expression to be awkwardly beside him.

    “Return to the words of Luban adults! The ability to be underneath is not to cover the scope of the two, but to cover two different arms of the enemy and the enemy! ”Cao Yu said indifferently: “After several great sacred teams, all the two armies have been marked down, unless the other party completely defeats the defeat, otherwise the ability of the two armies will be effective even if they are far away from the ends of the world!”

    “What should you worry about Luban adults is whether our three warriors will win all the way!”Cao Yu’s eyes passed through a few worries. “If you can’t win in three battles, then my ability will not help, but it will cause great harm to us!”

    “Do not worry! Next, look at the cold! ”Luban nodded and looked at the three people at the forefront of the army.

    In accordance with the agreement of the six great saints and the five heavenly emperors, in addition to the emperor-level strong, the two sides can send three strong players to fight one-on-one, and the battle results in two wins in three games, according to the final result to decide six The status of the heavenly court after the return of the great saint.

    “Six, I counted three times, and then we will throw the name of the warrior sent in the air to show fairness and justice?”Jade Emperor said with a smile.

    No problemOdin nodded, and the Jade Emperor counted three times, and the two of them simultaneously emptied their hands into the air…I saw that on the other side of the Jade Emperor, countless cranes emerged out of thin air, forming a large word in the air. On the other hand, Odin is a five-word word composed of endless flashes of golden light.

    As a result, the opponents of the first battle were settled, and Yang Lan of the heavenly court battled Altolia on the coalition side.

    “They actually sent Altolia to the first one!”Seeing that the coalition forces sent Altolia to fight, the Red Emperor Antarctic fairy frowned and said that it was clear that in the plan of the Antarctic fairy, the first player of the coalition should not be Altolia.

    According to the plan of the Antarctic fairy, the first battle of the coalition forces is likely to send relatively weak players to sacrifice, in exchange for the odds of the last two games, so the relatively weakest Yang Lan in the court is placed in the first game. Position, and put the stronger two in the next two positions, in order to be able to attack Altolia.

    Heaven is too familiar with the old rival of Altolia. In the 500 years, Altolia has tens of thousands of conflicts with his team and heaven, and Altolia is almost every An advantage can be obtained in a conflict, and the war sent out by the heavens will be completely defeated…For example, Yang Lan, who debuted this time, has had more than 200 battles with Altolia in 500 years, and more than 90% of the battles are for Altolia. If it is not the reinforcements of the heavens, I am afraid. Altolia has killed Yang Lan several times!

    In fact, no one in the entire heavenly court dare to pat the chest to ensure that he can beat Altolia, and the last player who planned to debut is only about 75% of the winning rate for Altolia. Not a chance to win.

    “It seems that we are going to lose this first battle!”When Yang Xiao, who was looking at the smile, stood opposite Altolia, the White Emperor Chen was very speaking against the military heart.

    “hmm…Lose and lose…They are also an Altolia! ”Even the most arrogant young emperor of the Qing Dynasty did not have any confidence in Yang Lan, and he also said such frustration.

    “No harm! They are also an Altolia! ”The Jade Emperor is very calm and said, “In fact, this is also good. Altolia defeated the weakest Yang Lan, and the remaining two will win, and the winner is us!”

    “Yu’s Majesty said it!”The four heavenly emperors said in unison.

    The battle started in a state where the heavens were extremely unsightly!

    Facts are like the speculations of everyone in the heavens. Yang Lan is not the opponent of Altolia. The battle between the two sides began less than 20 minutes, and Yang Lan was completely suppressed by Altolia. In the past, Yang Wei’s powerful three-pointed two-edged sword was not an opponent in front of the sword in the lake of Altolia. Every hit was expected by Altolia…This made Yang Hao’s grievances.

    “This Altolia, how do you feel that Sword Skill has improved a lot!”Seeing the battle of Yang Yu’s grievances, the Red Emperor’s Antarctic fairy said incredulously.

    “This woman has never seen her so horrible before!”Bai Di Gou Chen could not help but admire.

    “It’s very powerful. Sword Skill alone, we are afraid that no one is her opponent.” Even the purple Emperor Bo, who has always had very few words, said.

    “It seems that there is an expert who has pointed this Altolia!”Sitting in the middle of the Jade Emperor thoughtfully said, “Before, her Sword Skill has surpassed her inherent thinking. A person who wants to rely on his own strength to break his own intrinsic thinking is a thing that needs to be honed for thousands of years. It can’t be done in a short time. Her Sword Skill is probably the direction of Sword Skill! ”

    “Is it true that the two swordsmen of humanity have pointed her?”


    “This Heavenly Sword Emperor is really amazing. A few words in the district have made my Sword Skill progress to this level!”Altolia, while enjoying the hearty thrill of fighting, silently thought in his heart.

    The fact is that, as the Jade Emperor guessed, Altolia did not rely on his own ability to make progress, but got the guidance of outsiders…Originally, I wanted to personally give pointers to Altolia, but after seeing Altolia’s Sword Skill, I found out that I and Altolia’s Sword Skill are completely in two worlds.

    Altolia’s Sword Skill is the most orthodox Sword Skill in the West, and it’s a big move to win.

    The Sword Skill of the cold is just the opposite of Altolia. The Sword skill of the cold is dexterous and changeable. It is the traditional oriental sword method. After a move, there are thousands of changes.

    The metaphor of the image is that the cold is like an F1 driver who drives a Ferrari, and Altolia is a special-purpose driver who drives a tens of tons of Big Mac. The skills of the two are in their respective Everything has reached its peak, but if you want to complement each other, it is really impossible…The technique of fixing the cold and opening F1 is impossible to use on the mega-ton bully.

    Instead of Yiqing, only to see the Altoria sword Skill One eye, told Altoria a large series of improvement advice, and these views are just right, each in the most important points, so Altoria sword Skill have a new general progress, Faint even began to touch the edge of the rule.

    As long as Altolia is able to integrate her Sword Skill, it is a matter of course to enter the realm of the rules and become a sacramental level.

    “Sword of victory and contract!”Under the impact of Altolia’s last move, the Battle Armor on Yang Lan collapsed and the body was filled with deep scars.

    When Yang Lan saw the situation, he immediately fled back to the battlefield of Heaven, and the victory of the first battle ended with the victory of Altolia.

    Majesty Chen is unfavorable, his skills are not as good as people, and he is willing to be punished! ”And the unruly Yang Lan in the real world, Yang Hao, who does not put his own Emperor Yu’s Emperor in his eyes, is different. This copy of the world’s Yang Lan is extremely respectful to the Jade Emperor, dare not reveal a slight scornful feeling.

    Who makes this copy of the world’s heavens is too strong, powerful to the entire heaven is not lacking the ranks of Yang Lan, the Jade Emperor does not mind using his own life to declare his authority.

    “No harm! At this point, Altolia has made great progress, and it is a matter of course for you to lose to her. Let’s go and recuperate! ”The Jade Emperor nodded and did not bother his own relatives.

    Majesty Who will be the next party to play? ”Bai Di Gou Chen immediately could not wait to ask.

    “Whoever sent them is the same, they will lose in the next two games!”The young emperor said with pride.

    “Go to the head of the Eight Immortals in the hole, the pure yang of the true sage Lu Zu came to fight!”The Jade Emperor thought for a while and then gave an order. After a while, one was wearing a big red robe with an orchid bun on his head and a Taoist sword carrying a reddish mahogany sword on his back. In front of the Jade Emperor, he made a martyr to the Jade Emperor’s land. “Chen Lu Dongbin sees His Majesty!”

    “I don’t want to trouble Lu Zu today, but this is all about the majesty of the heavens. I also asked Lu Zu to take the shot and teach them the enchanting ignorance!”The look of the Jade Emperor is quite harmonious. It is not like treating his subordinates at all. It seems to be treating a close friend. This is a rare thing in the whole heaven.

    However, this is also a no-brainer, who makes Lu Dongbin’s backstage powerful!

    Lu Dongbin is one of the disciples of Taishang Laojun, and the last apprentice of Taishang Laojun. Behind him is the old Shangjun who is Saint, and Lu Dongbin’s position in the heavens is completely different. However, because Taishang Laojun did not come to this world, Lu Dongbin did not dare to be too arrogant. He also respected the performance of the Jade Emperor on weekdays, and all kinds of rituals should be comprehensive.

    The Jade Emperor was also very satisfied with this. Since Lu Dongbin expressed enough respect for himself, he also reciprocated himself, which also gave Lu Dongbin a special position in the whole heaven.

    “Your majesty has a purpose, the micro-commension does not dare to follow, the micro-command has killed the enchanting, and gave me heaven and earth!”Lu Dongbin really gave the face of Jade Emperor.

    When Lu Dongbin leisurely walked out of the big array of heaven, the Yuan Zhen coalition also sent his second opponent: the expression on his face was extremely ugly.

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