“You! I haven’t seen you for a long time, I don’t think I will have a day with you again! ”The Jade Emperor looked at the six great saints in front of him and said with a smile, there was no tension before the start of the war.

    In fact, not only the Jade Emperor, the other four Emperors seem to be equally calm, although the number of people is one less than the other, but the strength of the Jade Emperor is indisputable, and the other side has just resurrected, its own strength must be worse than before, Tianting There is really no possibility of failure to win this battle!

    At the same time, the heavenly court set up a large array of Tianluo network in advance, and sealed most of the Shaanxi provinces. Unless they broke, the six great saints wanted to escape from the array of Tianluo. In the hearts of the five heavenly emperors in heaven, the victory was fixed at the moment they appeared. What they have to do now is nothing more than a cat-and-mouse game.

    “I really want to talk to you in the heavens about the interesting things of the year. I don’t know if you can enjoy the light and accompany me on a trip?”Jade Emperor asked with a smile.

    “What a joke! Going to your heaven, are we still leaving six? ”Odin laughed, and they learned the dangers in the heavens. If they were not led by Yi Qing, they would have been trapped in the vast array of heavens.

    Now, if the Jade Emperor ran into the heavens, then I am afraid that even the chance of self-destruction and escape was not there, so even if the six great saints are killed now, they will not be able to follow the Jade Emperor to heaven!

    “That’s a pity!”The Jade Emperor sighed. “There was still a few places in the Fengshen list that were still thinking about it. I want to make you fill it up. Now it seems that you have no chance!”

    “Hey, I can’t think of 800 years, your mouth is still so annoying!”Qi Tianjian emperor said coldly, the position of Hu Mawen and Qi Tianjian emperor still have some origins. Hearing that the Jade Emperor brought this position again, Qi Tianjian could not help but pinch his fist.

    “Qi Tian! Do you think of the day when you were squatting and giving birth to a horse, hahaha! ”The young emperor of the Qing Dynasty began to laugh wildly. Among the four emperors, the second lieutenant was the only relative of the Jade Emperor, so the most embarrassing and incomprehensible among the four emperors, no one except the Jade Emperor could put In his eyes, even the other three emperors are the same, let alone Qi Tianjian.

    When Qi Tianjian was still only a sword-level sword-bearer, he was once tempted by the Zixia fairy of Tianting, fell in love with Zixia Fairy, and decided to rely on Tianting. Tianting said that he would seal a big official of Tianjian Emperor. Looking forward to it.

    Only the last Qitian Sword Emperor actually became the 弼马温 in the heavenly court, and was also humiliated by the Qing Emperor who was in charge of the Imperial Horse Superintendent. Finally, even in the face of Qi Tianjian, the Zixia Fairy was given strong ( Harmony). However, a heart of Zixia Fairy has been attached to the body of Qi Tianjian, so she quickly blew her own true spirit to commit suicide. Qi Tianjian also stole the exclusive Tianma of the Jade Emperor and escaped from heaven. The Qitian Jiandi of the later generations!

    Since then, Qi Tianjian also completely wants to cultivate the good thoughts with the heavens, and single-mindedly thinks about how to destroy the heavens, and the heavens are not dead.

    No longer see the Qing Emperor less Hao’s time, Qi Tianjian also can maintain their own sense, know advance and retreat, don’t think must find heaven revenge, but when the Qing Emperor less Hao initiative appeared in front of Qi Tianjian Emperor, and take the initiative to mention this one thing, Qi Tianjian immediately into the state of rage, copy up their hands of the Emperor Sword, Then rushed to the air of the Qing emperor less Hao, but the side of the Wu Zetian Peace Day Sword Emperor Reaction quickly, the Qi Tianjian Emperor to forcibly pressed down, I am afraid the decisive battle has begun.

    “Qi Tian, ​​don’t forget the plan to cover the sky!”Pingtian said in a small voice in Qitian’s ear that this suppressed the anger of Qi Tianjian’s heart and returned to his army.

    “Pity! This kid is not fooled! ”The young Emperor of the Qing Dynasty shook his head. If the Qitian Sword Emperor really killed him, he could immediately unite with the strength of other Emperors, and first severely wound the Qi Tianjian, who was deeply in the army, so that the next battle would be easier and easier. It is.

    “Okay, let’s go down first!”The Jade Emperor said to the Qing Emperor, the Qing Emperor listened to the retreat, and the Jade Emperor went on to say, “I don’t want to go down with you. This has already laid a large array of rumors around here. You can never escape from here. Go out, you will die…If you are willing to abandon the darkness and send your true spirit to the list of gods, you can seal the position of your king, and the status of Tota Li Tianwang is equal. How can everyone control 10,000 days? This is a sincere sincerity. I missed the sincerity of this embarrassment, and you definitely have no next chance! ”

    “What! You have already laid down the big network of the sky! Isn’t this a day that takes a day to complete? Have you already known about us? ”The gossip snake said in horror.

    Haha! To tell you the truth, it was already arranged two days ago, and I will wait for you to stupid. It’s a pity that you are smarter than 800 years ago, and you have to come out and meet you! ”The Jade Emperor said with a sneer.

“……”The six great saints were silent for a while, and glanced at themselves with grateful eyes…There are Luban and the cold standing next to Luban. If these two people stopped them in time, I am afraid that they have been seized by the heavens, and it is really dead!

    Joke It’s ridiculous! ”After a good silence, Pingtian Jiandi smirked and said, “What is that Tota Li Tianwang? Even the sword level is not counted, at most it is only a sword level. If I am on an equal foot with him, isn’t it the biggest joke at the end of the day! ”

    “Heng!” Er et al. is a mortal person. If you have a king, you should kneel down and thank God, and dare to speak out! ”Tota Li Tianwang on the side shouted loudly and red, and every word of the Emperor of Pingtian was hit on his face!

    “Oh ?” You know what you mean! ”The Jade Emperor waved his hand to Tota Li Tianwang, indicating that the other person closed his mouth, and then said to Emperor Pingtian, “What kind of official position do you want?”

    WellPingtian Sword Emperor touched his chin and thought for a while, then suddenly asked, “I am very curious about one thing. In the beginning, what good did you give to cover the sky, so that the sky is actually willing to betray us?”

    “What do you mention that person?”When I heard the name of Emperor Jiantian in the mouth of Emperor Pingtian, there was an unpleasant expression on the face of Jade Emperor. But the displeasure soon subsided, after all, it is a dead man, the Jade Emperor paused for a moment and then replied, “Anyway, tell you also no harm, I gave her a post, claiming to cover the holy, enjoy with me five of the same status, but no actual job, is a free and extreme position!” ”

    So it is Can Jade Emperor let me discuss it! ”The six great saints looked at each other and asked.

    “Please!”Because the winner is in the grip, the performance of the Jade Emperor is quite indifferent and tolerant.

    The six great saints immediately returned to the ranks and gathered with Luban for a while…After that, Wu Zetian took the initiative to stand up and say, “The sky is strong, I have already learned it 800 years ago, and I don’t expect to be able to escape from the sky.”

    “But if we have all the strengths of the six collections, it is not unreasonable to replace some of you, such as this most annoying Qingdi!”Wu Zetian’s words scared the younger emperor and could not help but step back. Although the Lieutenant is very proud and does not put these six great saints in his eyes, his heart is also clear that if these six great saints hold the mortal belief that they want to change a few people, I am afraid that even a few Jade Emperor Brother can’t save himself!

    Thinking of this, the Qing Emperor began to be afraid.

    “So you want to talk to me about the conditions! What are your conditions? ”Jade Emperor frowned and asked.

    “Simple, I don’t have much to wait for, you give us the position of six emperors, let us sit on the same level with you, we are willing to join heaven, and even send our true spirits to the list of gods, so we are Family, what do you think of Jade Emperor?”Wu Zetian asked with a smile.

    “That’s impossible!”The Jade Emperor refused very simply and decisively. “The position of the Emperor of Heaven has long been fixed. It was written by the ancestors of Hongjun and Sanqing Saints on the list of gods. How do you create the six heavenly emperors! I can let you, like the original Emperor of Heaven, seal you as the great saint of heaven, the great saint of peace and the like, and in the same position as my heavenly emperor, this is already the biggest concession! ”

    “Heng!” You don’t want to lie to us. Hongjun’s ancestors and Sanqing Saint have not come to this world. The gods list is completely in your hands. You are willing to add a few positions to add a few positions. Where do you need the four big men? allow! ”Wu Zetian debunked the lie of the Jade Emperor. “Our words are here. Otherwise, you will also give us a position of the Emperor. Otherwise, I will fight for a fight. It is not a problem to replace two of you!”

    “This…”The Jade Emperor hesitated. Obviously, the fact is that Wu Zetian said that the position of the six Emperors cannot be increased. In fact, even if it is not a big deal for the six great emperors, anyway, it is a nameless position. Under normal circumstances, it will be given, and the Jade Emperor is not distressed.

    If you can increase your status, you need to rewrite the gods list. The original god list was set by the four Saints. Each of the official positions was written by Saints. Once you rewrite it yourself, it would be offensive to the four Saints.

    These four Saints will not forget if they don’t come to this world, but once they come to the world, they will probably have to eat and go!

    You can hear the declaration of the six great saints, and the Jade Emperor is reluctant to damage his own men. When the dilemma is between, a somewhat old voice broke the deadlock.

    “Jade Emperor!” The old man has an idea, I don’t know if you are willing to try it! ”Luban took the initiative to stand up and say.

    “It turned out to be Luban, this old guy! Whether you have any good ideas, let me talk about it! ”The Jade Emperor was no stranger to Luban. After all, it was a guy who fought for 800 years after the Great Holy Journey. The Jade Emperor had already known the opponent of Luban.

    “Why are we old guys going to do it, why not let the little guys come to practice?”Lu Banton paused and went on to say, “I waited for the juniors under the three Emperors to compare and win. If you win, our six great saints will be willing to accept the official position of the Great Holy Spirit. At the same time, in the true list of the gods, I will eventually surrender to heaven, and will not rebound for life. ”

    “But if we win, Heaven will let the six great saints go to God, and at the same time, these poor people will let go of the big nets and give us freedom?”

    “The prelude!”The Jade Emperor answered very simply.

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