“According to the plan, you first use your own Sword Qi to entangle Zhao Gongming’s Dinghaizhu…I took the opportunity to use victory and contract…”Altolia’s words have not been finished yet, and the whole person has been stunned, because the cold and the old age have not acted according to the plan that they have just made, but they have rushed directly to Zhao Gongming’s side, with the sword in their hands. Niang directly and Zhao Gongming launched a close combat.

    “You are crazy! Zhao Gongming’s close combat ability is too strong, only…”The words of Altolia have not been finished, and the whole person is stunned.

    “100 million Sword Art!”I only heard a screaming scream, and then tens of thousands of Sword Qi spurred on the blade of the dying year, and then these Sword Qi all penetrated into the body of Zhao Gongming in a flash…Zhao Gongming made a scream, the armor worn on his body was broken into pieces of debris, and his own body was also smashed out of countless blood holes.

    “primal chaos sword method – primal chaos open the sky” to the cold is not to be outdone, the starting point of the sword in the hands of Zhao Gongming’s head …If Zhao Gongming did not hide in time, he was only cut off a large bundle of hair. I am afraid that Zhao Gongming will immediately move his head.

    “Wow! Where are the two crazy people, how so powerful! ”Zhao Gongming made a strange scream. He never imagined that he had actually met an opponent who was even more jealous than himself. If he did not say anything, he would use his own trick to launch a fierce attack on himself. He did not even call one. This is really unacceptable.

    What is even more frightening is that the strength of these two human beings is above themselves. They can’t beat oneself, let alone the two rushed together. After Zhao Gongming was able to withstand it, he felt that his own Mana passed quickly. Within ten minutes, I am afraid I will be degraded on these two abnormalities.

    By the way, there is still a shot in Altolia. If this guy does it, then Zhao Gongming will definitely die.

    Thinking of this, where Zhao Gongming dared to activate what sentimental sentiment, he directly broke through the void and fled in, just thinking of fleeing these two horrible guys!

    “Miss Altolia! The remaining cockroaches here are handed over to you, don’t let them escape, we both go after the big Luo Jinxian! ”When the cold voice fell, it was in the void that was chased together with the dying, leaving Altolia standing in the same place.

    “This is over?”Altolia looked at the sentimental sentiment that had been controlled by herself. She didn’t think that she had been pondering for a long time, and the magnificent Accuracy’s impeccable combat plan that took 20 minutes of light and moving mouth did not come in any way. As a result, The two humans attacked Zhao Gongming with a random attack.

    “Kel’Thuzad! Inform everyone to do it! A live mouth does not stay! ”Altolia sighed and was freed from the loss, and began to direct his own personnel to clear the heavenly forces in the entire Terracotta Warriors and Horses.


    At the same time, in the void, Zhao Gongming is carrying out a very difficult escape.

    He kept trying to fly the opponent in the back with the sea pearl in his hand, but the sword in the male hand seemed to have his eyes open, and he easily blocked his own sea pearl.

    The rest of the woman did not care, and slammed against Sword Qi, who seemed to be ignorant of money, so how could Zhao Gongming resist the other offensive, and another smashing Sword Qi cut off his black tiger. Half a body, watching it dying, when it is about to die.

    Compassionately, Zhao Gongming, who was kneeling on his mount, could only helplessly stop and take back his own 24 sea pearls. At the same time, he raised his hands high and said with a smile: “Don’t fight!” I surrender, can I be your captive? This black tiger has been with me for tens of thousands of years, I really can’t let it die here. ”

    When I heard the words of my master, the black tiger under the arm was also very open to the eyes of Spiritual Nature. Looking at Zhao Gongming with a moving and gentle look, there was actually an impulse to make people want tears.

    This kind of scene is the most unbearable scene for girls. The attitude of the young man is softened on the spot, but the cold can not care about this. He indifferencely took out his own sword, and said mercilessly, “You continue to flee. I won’t let you go!”

    “WaitKidWhere is the sword in your hand? ”However, when the cold was not thought of, after seeing the sacred sword, Zhao Gongming’s gaze never left the sword again…This is not a greedy look at the sword, but rather a kind of blind look that saw his father.

    “This is not what you need to know!”The cold cold replied.

    “No! This is the perfect sword, right? This is definitely a sword! It’s not wrong, I can’t admit the weapon of Master’s old man! This is clearly one of the four swords of the immortal sword! ”Zhao Gongming said that the more excited, the whole person’s emotions were mobilized to the extreme.

    The next second, let the cold feel extremely unexpected, Zhao Gongming actually fell to the front of the cold, said in an extremely excited and sincere tone “this friend…If you want to live your life, just take it directly. There is absolutely no complaint in the bottom…Just ask you to tell me, how did you get this sword, can you see the master of this sword?As long as you can solve the doubts in your heart, you will be satisfied if you die now! ”

    “The master of the sword”…The owner he said is probably the one in the celestial being and the celestial lord in the mouth of the immortal! ”When the thoughts in the cold heart turned, they gave the flow of a little sorrowful eyes and turned to Zhao Gongming. “If you want me to believe in you, take your 24 sea pearls and your silver whip.” Give it to me, put this set of equipment on me, I will believe you, tell you the thing about this sword!”

    Give up your most important weapon and weapon, and bring your own limitations to the level of ordinary people, this is a normal of the level of the yuan Kou even if the dead do not want to do things, but our gongming without any hesitation, incomparable readily to the 24 set Haizhu and their weapons into the solid cold before, Also very clever cut off their own and fixed Haizhu contact, let the solid cold can directly to 24 Dinghai beads into the second Yuan pocket.

    In this way, unless the cold has opened the pocket of the yuan, Zhao Gongming is not going to find his own 24 sea pearls for a lifetime.

    After that, I was very obedient and restricted the equipment to wear on my body. The cold was originally without this stuff, but after entering the game, Chu Xuan used the privilege of the system to brush the dozens of such devices. Inside the pocket of the second…And this is still the top limit device, as long as those Lanterns are willing to wear themselves on their own, even the wilderness Lantern can also limit the living.

    When Zhao Gongming completed the requirements of the cold, Zhao Gongming completely lost the threat to the cold, and the cold and left Zhao Gongming left the void, found an empty ruin and moved to a set of tables. The chair, and sitting in the middle of the year, chatted with Zhao Gongming.

    “This sword was obtained for me because of an accident!”寒寒信口胡诌道 “At that time, I was still young. I spent the whole day chasing the days of being chased by your heavens. One day, when I was chased by you, I accidentally fell into the cliff and met a cave in this cave. I found this sword inside!”

    “The sword that was found in the cave?” How can the sacred sword be hidden in the cave? ? ”After listening to the narrative of the cold, Zhao Gongming said incredibly.

    “You are already a prisoner of my ranks, and my life is always in my hands. I don’t have to lie to you, too lazy to lie to you!”In the cold and disdain, with a bit of casualness, this is also the most convincing attitude. After seeing the attitude of using the cold, Zhao Gongming believes that about 70% or so, yes, This cold does not need to lie to yourself!

    “I came to the side of the sword and found that the sword was actually a stone sword, and there was a stone monument on the side of the sword. The stone tablet said: “I am able to pass through my fairy squad.” If you have a relationship, you can hold the second sword. If the second sword manifests the true body, it will be my disciples and my disciples will be revived.

    In accordance with the routines in the online novels, the cold has compiled such a wonderful story.

    “诛仙剑阵……Isn’t the Jianxian sword array not a killing? Will the mortal who enters not be torn by Sword Qi immediately? Why is there a role in screening and passing people? ”Hearing the story of the cold, Zhao Gongming has some inexplicable thinking. For Zhu Xianjian, he is also known as Zhao Gongming. Naturally, he knows the real use of Zhu Xianjian. He really does not remember the role of this sword array and the screening of qualifications!

    By the way… Maybe the master is trying to pick a mortal who can not be torn by Sword Qi…Only with such qualifications can you become a rumored disciple of Master! ”Zhao Gongming began to make up his own brain and took the initiative to come up with a reasonable explanation for the cold.

    No! You just said that it is two swords! Can you say that in addition to the sword, is there a second sword? ”Zhao Gongming asked with great excitement.

    Yes. In addition to a sacred sword, there is also a sacred sword! ”The cold and the cold handed out the sword from the pocket of his own yuan, and the two swords were placed in front of Zhao Gongming!

    Zhao Gongming did not think that he could still see the sacred sword and the sacred sword in his lifetime. This has no doubt about the identity of the cold, and he will hold the cold in his arms and say with tears in his eyes. Little teacher! I am your senior brother! ”

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