“The first location is here!”Altolia’s face was indifferent and pointed to a large and ruined building in front of him. When he raised his head, he saw a plaque that could barely recognize the words: “The Museum of the Emperor Qin Shihuang Mausoleum.”

    “I know this place! Here is the very famous Terracotta Warriors and Horses before the great destruction! When I passed through Shaanxi last year, I went there for a trip! ”The flow of years is a little excited.

    “Have you been here last year? Why are you so rash, this will alarm the people of heaven! ”When he heard the flow of years, Altolia frowned. “We want to resurrect the six saints, but Heaven also understands this, so it does not directly destroy the souls of these six saints, but sends elites. Power is guarded here, wanting to kill those of us who want to come back to the soul.”

    “So it was strictly forbidden hundreds of years ago. We are not allowed to approach these six locations, so as not to arouse the guards of these guards. How can you come here last year?”

    “Altelia, have you forgotten? We came here from another dimension, and the nature that went to her is another terracotta warrior, which cannot affect your world! ”The cold and cold years explained that Altolia nodded and looked unscrupulous.

    “Although I don’t know why Luban adults are willing to believe in you, and are willing to hand over the three innate materials that we have worked hard to give you, and let you collect the souls of the six saints. However, since this is the order of Luban, I will follow Altolia, but this time the action is very important and full of danger. You must obey my command, otherwise things will come to an end and you will not return to you. The world goes! ”Altolia said to the cold and the old man.

    Nice! You talk about your plan, we all listen to you! ”The cold is not willing to have a dispute with Altolia, nodded very simply and agreed.

    “We have already probed, the power of the guard is not high, we can easily defeat them, but the crux of the matter is not here, but the key is how to prevent them from passing the message to Heaven” only listen to Altoria quickly said “We have a total of six places of the holy soul need to collect, And five other places are now in the control of the heavens, if the people here to pass the message out, I am afraid they will be in the other five places dragnet waiting for us. ”

    “Even if there is no Tianluo network, the people in the five places only need to completely destroy the soul of the saints, and our chances will be lost. Therefore, we must get the soul of the saints at the fastest speed, and at the same time guarantee the heavens. I can’t pass the message out!”

    “GOT IT” This is a very correct plan! ”Cold nodded, but some worried said, “The key to the problem is how to stop the gods of these heavens from transmitting news!” So how did they deliver the message? As far as I know, the Lanterns in the heavens usually have thousands of miles of sound. They want to pass on the news but it is a matter of thought. We are afraid that it is not so easy to stop them! ”

    “Of course I thought of this for a long time, so I have already let Kel’Thuzad bring the array around, and the simple thousand-mile voice is impossible to pass the message. Only the most important communication line of the Qin Shihuang Mausoleum Museum is activated. Can also break through the blockade of Kel’Thuzad.”Altolia said.

    “That means, we have to control the communication array first!”I thought about it for a while. “It is not difficult. As long as we open the door of the void, we will approach the Sendais through the door of the void, and then kill the immortals around the fairy squad!”

    “It’s true, but there is a big fairy at the level of the big Luo Jinxian who guards the fairy squad. It takes only ten seconds to activate the fairy squad under his full power…And we can’t destroy the fairy tales, or the first time the destruction of the sacred array, the other side of the fairy squad can be sensed, without the communication heaven also knows that there is an accident! ”Altolia Road.

    “Ten seconds?”Calm smiled and said, “No problem, this is not a difficult thing!”

“……”Altolia looked like a cold, and his eyes flashed a bit of helplessness and dissatisfaction. “Now is not a big talk, I believe you can kill a big Luo Jinxian, but a fairy at the Da Luo Jinxian level is not So well restricted, once he seized the opportunity to activate the fairy squad, then we are finished. Therefore, we must set up a complete set of tactics to ensure that this big Luo Jinxian can not activate Xianzheng! ”

    “I have already done a comprehensive understanding of the Da Luo Jinxian who is here. I have designed a perfect combat plan. You only need to…”Later in the day, Altolia took a full 20 minutes to tell her about the well-designed battle plan…The expression of solid cold looks more serious, but one side of the unease to listen to is a burst of head, such a complex battle plan also do not know how this Altoria is to come out, and do not say this battle plan in the end is not correct, is such a complex coordination and combat process, they three novice really can coordinate?

    “Don’t worry about her plan, when we two directly use the strongest move to deal with that big Luo Jinxian!”Taking advantage of Altolia’s serious telling of his own plans, when there is no heart to think about other times, the cold is whispering in the ear of the old age.


    On the line of the fairy tales of the fairy world, a black-faced beard, wearing a armor like a general man sitting there. On his right hand side was a silver whip with 24 blue-blue beads floating on his head and a mighty black tiger behind him.

    When others see the fairy at first glance, they will subconsciously regard him as a mighty military commander, but who can think that the official name of the military commander in heaven is actually a god of wealth!

    Yes, the name of the great Luo Jinxian is Zhao Gongming, the name of Lang, the word Gongming, also known as Zhao Xuantan, Marshal Zhao Gong, one of the four Marshals of Taoism. At the same time, it is one of Commander-In-Chief and the Five-Party God of the Thunder, and also serves as the god of wealth.

    “Heng!” The jade emperor, the Huangkou boy, actually let my daddy Luo Jinxian come to this small place to be a guard, it is really abominable, hateful! ”From this sentence, I can hear that Zhao Gongming is not willing to stay here. He is even very dissatisfied with the heavenly master and the imperial Jade Emperor Haotian. This dissatisfaction is even directly revealed through his mouth.

    The reason is very simple, because Zhao Gongming never put the Jade Emperor in his eyes, even if he is now the courtier of the Jade Emperor, his mind is still only his master Tongtian Master.

    Although Zhao Gongming’s mouth was constantly embarrassing, but the spirit did not relax, and any wind and grass around it could not be touched by Zhao Gongming’s induction. Therefore, when the void appeared the first time, Zhao Gongming reacted and directly held his weapon and magic weapon in his hand. The black tiger also directly fell to Zhao Gongming’s armpit and slowly opened in the sky. The door of the void is constantly roaring.

    “I am annoying now, and I was sent to the door when I thought of it!”When the door of the void is opened, Zhao Gongming does not have the first time to trigger the communication of the fairy sect. Instead, he will sing the 24 sea pearls in his hand, in a state that can be triggered at any time, as long as the people in the door of the void reveal a little hand and foot. These 24 sea pearls can be smashed directly into the past.

    This sea pearl is a congenital spiritual treasure, there are twenty-four, smashed into a string. The five senses and the stunned Spiritual Knowledge are like the power of Four Seas. Even if it is the big Luo Jinxian, the front is carrying 24 sets of sea pearls on the front, and the three souls and seven scorpions are also to be beaten. When it was really powerful, Zhao Gongming used this magic weapon to hit his opponent’s head and mouse.

    And Zhao Gongming’s fight has always believed in one truth, that is, to start with a strong hand, as long as the enemy emerges out, no nonsense, no matter what the three strongest magic weapons are smashed…With this hand, Zhao Gongming was able to lay down the prestige of the world in the wild…The guy who started the game like this did not say anything, and the mouth gun completely lost its effect. This made many protagonists who were famous for their guns and guns feel very uncomfortable.

    Only this time, gongming was wrong, because gongming in the hands of the fixed Haizhu has not smashed down, from the void of the door will fly out of countless sword Qi, the first to think of the first hand gongming instead dozen a embarrassed, gongming only feel a chaos, when he finally all sword Qi to disappear when , two women and three men have already appeared in front of themselves.

    “Altolia!”Zhao Gongming took the lead in recognizing King Arthur. Now Arthur is basically a banner of all the rebels. He is also the only one of the rebels. He has played with Altolia more than once, and even eats. One or two small losses. For the hardship of this opponent, Zhao Gongming can be said to have a deep understanding.

    Especially this time, Altolia actually brought two men and one woman to help…Zhao Gongming is not stupid. Since these two people can appear along with Altolia, it means that the two men feel comfortable with Altolia in strength, and at least they should have the strength of the Da Luo Jinxian level.

    Thinking of this, Zhao Gongming’s heart gave birth to a retreating heart. He did not want to be a bird jade emperor, nor did he want to sacrifice his life for the Jade Emperor’s grand plan. However, after all, he is the real person who has been on the list of gods. If he does not do anything, he will escape. The Jade Emperor will certainly not let go of the opportunity to punish himself.

    Therefore, Zhao Gongming decided that he would escape immediately after the activation of the sentimental sentiment, and never stay for a second, which also counted his duty.

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