“The dog of the broken ridge? What does that mean?People have asked each other one after another that most people’s cultural literacy is not enough for them to understand what it means to be a ridged dog. Only a small number of people face the blue, and tell the people around them the meaning of the broken ridge dog. Everyone understands that they are dogs in the cold!

    “The surname is solid, you actually dare to say that we are dogs!”

    That is, Why are you swearing! How can you swear? Do you still have the qualities of a sword-bearer? ”Some people who couldn’t stand the fire immediately jumped out and accused the cold road.

    “It’s weird!”The cold reveals a disdainful smile. “You are asking me to give up my life. Then I can’t even ask you for a sentence?”

    When the cold is fixed, people are suddenly silenced. Yes, they are asking people to dedicate their lives. Isn’t there any qualifications for people to swear by themselves?

    Most people are silent, but there are still a small number of people who are reluctant to be insulted. They continue to rebut that “this has nothing to do with life. This is our dignity. Why do you insult our dignity?”

    “hahaha! The big joke is really laughing at me! ”The cold can’t help but be amused by this. “The original dignity is more important than life. Well, I respect your dignity, and then kill you?”

“……”The man was scared and didn’t dare to speak any more, but the cold did not intend to let him go. He saw that the cold hand was in the void, and the man was caught by an invisible Sword Qi, like a Like the chicken, it was caught in front of the cold…This poor guy is constantly struggling like a drowning cat.

    “Come here!”Cold and smiled and said, “It is worse than this. No matter how insulting you are, I will let you insult a hundred sentences and give you your dignity. Then you can give your life to you?”

    When the cold voice fell, a cold sword flew out of the cold pocket of the cold, and the sharp blade pointed at the man’s chest. The guy suddenly screamed.

    That was my bad.Let me go……How important is life in dignity…”This guy was really frightened. Not only did the eyes shed hot tears, but even the lower body had scented liquid flowing out, quickly soaking his pants and finally falling on the ground.

    On the ground, the humans just below the face were disgusted by the disgusting evasiveness, but the ground was too crowded, there was no place for them to escape, and finally a whole person on the ground turned upside down, like a joke!

    “Useless guy!”The cold saw the man urinating up and down, boring backwards, and Sword Immortal flew out immediately, and caught the unlucky one to save his life, otherwise he would definitely fall alive.

    “Sea Sovereign Your Majesty! How can you do this? ”There are still some courageous people in tens of millions of people. A literary teenager stood up from the ground and looked straight at the cold and said, “You are a sea Sovereign, how can you play us like this?” Is Sea Sovereign’s face still missing? ”

    I don’t want itThe cold and clean answer replied.

“……”This boy was caught in the cold for a moment.

    “Sea Sovereign Your Majesty! We tens of millions of people kneel on the ground and ask you, don’t you have a little bit of compassion? Can’t you sacrifice yourself for the lives of tens of millions of people? ”A young woman about more than 30 years old had also stood up from the ground, she also had no fear of the solid cold, loudly questioned the way “there are some of the children are just adult, some are just born the father and mother of the child, there are some for the world dedicated to the life of the middle-aged, there are countless people the closest father and mother, And a lot of the sword-holders who fought with you were trapped in it, do you have the heart to watch these people die? ”

    “hmm…After listening to the cold, I couldn’t help but nod my head. “It’s really hard for you, so a lot of words will make you back, very good!”

    I don’t…The young woman listened and stayed up and replied.

    “I’m fine.” It doesn’t matter if you have a back or not, come over! ”When the cold smiles, the young woman is like the man who was just caught in the cold.

    “You just said that tens of millions of people are kneeling on the ground and begging me, I should give my life right!”After confirming the cold, I confirmed it again. “You mean this!”

    “Correct.”The young woman’s eyes closed, and the righteousness said slyly.

    Nice! Nice! Good.The cold people said three good words, and then very gently looked at the young woman and asked, “What is your name?”

    “My name is Bai Jie!”The young woman didn’t understand why she wanted to ask the name, but she still replied with a hard neck.

    “Well! Miss Bai Jie, I will give you a chance! ”The cold has sent the sword to the young woman’s hand, and then said to the person who stumbled down. “Now the decision is not in my hands, but in the hands of this white lady. You are begging me now, if she is willing to sacrifice her life first, then I will be able to fulfill you! ”

    Everyone who listened to the cold had a sigh of relief. After a short period of stunned, everyone immediately shouted without hesitation, “Miss Bai Jie! I beg you! Miss Bai Jie! ”

    The temperament of these people is not much different from the time when they were pleading for cold.

    Hearing that he had given birth to countless people calling for the tsunami, Bai Jie was a little stupid. The sound of this shouting sound seemed to be manipulating her body. The long sword held in her hand could not help but tremble, and the tip of the sword gradually approached her neck.

    Seeing Bai Jie’s move, people found that their relatives were getting closer and closer, and they suddenly became more urgent. The voice rang for a while, and it was a few times more intense than before.Each of these shouts is a knife, deeply inserted into the heart of Bai Jie, forcing her to end her life.

    Do you have children?Just as the sword in the hands of Bai Jie was about to be attached to his neck, the cold side of the side suddenly asked.

    I gotIn my stomach…”When Bai Jie said this sentence, she was demented, but in the next second, she was awakened.

    Yes, her child is still in this stomach. If she dies, then her own child is not…

    Thinking of this, Bai Jie only felt that the shouts outside were all crazy beasts, and they wanted to swallow themselves. She can no longer withstand such fears, and the love for her own children, the sword in her hand fell to the ground, crying and crying, “I don’t want to die…I still have my children…I can’t die…”

    “Heng!”The solid cold snorted, and Bai Jie floated on the ground with a light flutter, which was considered to be the claw of the cold.

    But she was only removed from the cold claws. When she saw Bai Jie landing, the people around her immediately surrounded them and surrounded Bai Jie.

    And these people are all face to face, face full of mad anger, cursing loudly, “Why don’t you promise us?” Why don’t you die? ”

    “You are a cheap woman, do not hear us so earnestly pray you?” Why don’t you die? ”

    That is, Do you have a little conscience, our children’s lives are in the game, that is tens of millions of of people’s lives, why don’t you go to die? ”

    “I still have children…My child is in my stomach…I can’t die…I really can’t die…”Bai Jie was frightened by this scene, and replied with support.

    “Hey woman! What is your life?What about your child who has not yet formed? But it is just two commandments. How can we compare the lives of tens of millions of people? ”

    “That is, it is just the life of two people. If you give it out, you can save the lives of tens of millions of people. This is a good thing!” Why do you refuse! Why are you alive! ”

    “This is this woman…The lives of our family are gone, I want to kill you! ”An old man who was dying suddenly suddenly shouted like this, then he untied a belt from his waist and took it on his face.

    The action of the old man also completely triggered the anger of other people. The old man who had learned the same solved the belt and began to pump toward Bai Jie.

    Concerns about the lives of my loved ones. For more than a dozen hours of depression and fear, and for more than an hour of unwillingness and anger on the ground. Finally, there is an attitude of not letting go of life and death…All of this kind of thing adds up to let the demons grow up in everyone’s minds. When there is a reasonable venting goal that everyone recognizes, this goal naturally becomes their best venting object.

    In less than ten seconds of effort, Bai Jie’s body has fallen into dozens of deep belt marks!

    The BadDaji Sword Immortal found out that the situation was wrong. He said that he immediately opened the door of the void, and the next second appeared in Bai Jie’s side, pulling Bai Jie into the void.

    When Bai Jie came out of the void, her body was bloody and fuzzy, and her breath became dying. The lower body was bleeding out of the pool, and her life was about to be saved.

    “Cold cold…”Daji Sword Immortal took a deep look at the cold. If Bai Jie really died in the hands of these thugs, then there is an absolute reason for refusing to refuse…Even if this is not taken into consideration, once this matter is spread, Yanjing City people have killed a poor pregnant woman for the life of their loved ones, and the reputation of Yanjing City will become a shit!

    So no matter what, Big Day Sword Immortal can’t let this white die die here.

    He said that Bai Jie was sent to his medical warehouse without saying anything. After a while, the medical warehouse showed that Bai Jie’s signs were stable and safe.

    But her baby, who has not yet formed in her womb, is not so lucky. The medical cabin does not have the ability to treat such an unformed fetus. This fetus is already a stillbirth.

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