“Hey! Hey! ”Big Day Sword Immortal pushed in and walked into the cold room. In fact, he has already arrived, but he has been hiding from the door to listen to the dialogue between the cold and the dying, but he did not expect that the cold has already found him.

    “If you don’t have to say it, please ask Sword Immortal to answer my question. What do you think of this thing?” Should I respond to the pleadings of those outside the window? ”Asked coldly and squinted.

    ThisSword Immortal is a little waxy, and he really doesn’t know how to answer this question. According to the heart of Sword Immortal, he certainly hopes that the cold can give a small home for everyone and sacrifice himself to save the lives of tens of millions of people. But this is the end of the word, Sword Immortal can not say anyway, because the big day Sword Immortal clearly knows that this is simply a moral abduction.

    Moreover, the cold does not have any responsibility in morality. It is not necessary to sacrifice for these human beings. Even if this is the life of tens of millions of human beings, it can only be morally required to hold cold.

    “Oh, I only hope that Sea Sovereign will be able to understand the truth and make the most correct decision for humanity!”Sword Immortal has no face to say it directly, but can only say it back.

    “Deep and right?”The chilling and playful words of this vocabulary, meaningfully looked at the crowds outside. “Do these people also know what is right?”

    ThisBig Day Sword Immortal hesitated for a while, biting his teeth and saying, “The so-called righteousness is the meaning of the general trend. The world is here, and this is the righteousness!”

    “That said, the great meaning of the majority is the righteousness, and the justice of a few people is not a big deal!”The face of the cold has flashed a bit of disgust. “I heard that before the great destruction, the whole world was a so-called democracy. The big things of the country must be decided by democratic voting.”

    “That is the assumption that one day, 99% of the people in the country vote for the remaining 1% of those who have not committed any crimes to die, then this is too big? Will the government kill those people? ”The cold does not give any big thoughts to Sword Immortal, and asks without any pause.

    I……YouThe big day Sword Immortal was forced into the corner by the problem of freezing cold. Yes, if 99% of humans vote for the remaining 1% to die, then 1% really damn it?

    If you continue to extend, 99.99999% of the world’s people want 0.000001% of the cold to die, then the cold should die?

    Big Day Sword Immortal feels completely unable to answer this question, and his thinking logic is almost completely confusing.

    “Of course, that is the righteousness!”Big Day Sword Immortal couldn’t answer, but one person came out and replied for the big day Sword Immortal, this person is not someone else, it is Chu Xuan.

    “I don’t know what Mr. Chu Xuan has!”Seeing Chu Xuan’s appearance, the brow of the cold was asked.

    “I don’t know how to fix the cold, how can I know the history of Yanhuang in the Middle Ages before the great destruction?”Chu Xuan asked.

    “It’s just a feudal society, and the dynasty changed!”Although most of the history of the Middle Ages has withered, the general framework of cold is still known.

    “True.” Xia, Shang, Zhou, Spring and Autumn and Warring States, Qin, Han, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, Sui, Tang, Five Dynasties, Song, Yuan, Ming, Qing, and the Republic of China and the Heavenly Kingdom. In the history of thousands of years, we have lived like this. This continues to change the life of the dynasty. ”Chu Xuan sighed.

    “The big things in the world, the long-term must be divided, the long-term must be combined! This kind of reincarnation has continued for thousands of years. This is the great meaning of the world and the fate of the world. ”

    “The people are bitter, the people are suffering, and every change of the dynasty means that millions, even thousands of people die in the endless war.” In the worst of times, the entire Han nationality in the north died, and 30 million people became undead. 70% of the population in China was destroyed. ”

    “I want to ask you a cold sentence. Are these dead people all guilty of death?” Should these ordinary people die in the war? Are they not all innocent poor people? ”

    “You don’t need 99% to vote for 1%, and 30% of humans can kill 70% of humans with the name of the world. The irony is that later generations also wrote this song for their history, which is written in their textbooks:

    The Hu people who gained political power in the north were gradually localized in culture, and the gap between the Hu and Han people gradually melted away. This period was a period of great integration of various ethnic groups in China. As a permanent cultural dominant position in the Central Plains, the Han nationality also absorbed the cultural essence of other ethnic groups and injected cultural genes into the high prosperity of the Sui and Tang Dynasties. ”

    “Look, how good it is, the lives of 30 million people, in exchange for a national integration and the prosperity of the Sui and Tang Dynasties, this is the world righteousness!”

    “So, let’s fix the cold, as long as the righteousness is there, don’t say that you are alone, even if it is tens of millions of people, you have to give up your life!”

    Chu Xuan finally finished saying this, but it is only a cold, Sword Immortal, or a sequel, or the rest of the swordsmen. Everyone is said by the words in the clouds, I don’t understand what Chu Xuan wants to say.

    It sounds like Chu Xuan seems to be telling the cold, for the sake of the world, the lives of tens of millions of people can be killed. It is a matter of course that he will contribute to his life in a cold area.

    But carefully pondering, I feel that this is not the meaning at all. Chu Xuan clearly has something to say, but I will not understand what Chu Xuan means in a moment.

    “Thank you Chu Xuan adults! The younger generation understands! ”After thinking for a long time, some stiff muscles on his face suddenly slackened, revealing a faint smile. Obviously, the cold has already understood the meaning of Chu Xuan’s words.

    “Do it when you understand it! Do what you should do! ”Chu Xuan Road.

    “Yes.Nostalgic cold nodded, all the swordsmen around the body became light, flew into the scabbard of the cold waist, the atmosphere in the whole room was instantly a stiff. Everyone knows that the decision has been made in the heart of the cold, so he took all his swordsmen back.

    PrepareSword Immortal put a gesture on the back of the hand, and a few people behind the big day Sword Immortal immediately screamed out of his personal terminal and said a few words, while the big day Sword Immortal itself died. Looking at the cold, not letting him even an action.

    Ha haThe cold smiled, and no one saw the speed of the sword, and the wall in front of it was slightly brushed. The entire wall was cut into pieces in an instant, and a violent sun was opened. The walls came straight in.

    At the same time, the humans who were outside were found the movement of the hotel, and saw a whole wall of the hotel missing, revealing many people standing inside.

    Huh? Isn’t that Sea Sovereign? ”A very good-eyed citizen recognized the coldness standing in the room at a glance, and said with great excitement.

    “Correct.” It’s Sea Sovereign! It’s really Sea Sovereign! ”The other people around him followed, confirming that the cold was in the room, and the whole scene began to stir up. Countless people gathered toward the hotel, and the road below the hotel was leaking. Even the mouse can’t find a place to go.

    “Sea Sovereign Your Majesty! Save our loved ones! ”

    “Sea Sovereign Your Majesty! I beg you! My three grandchildren are still not adult! I beg you! Save them! ”The citizens began to cry out loud and burst into tears.

    This tens of millions of people pleading for the scene, I am afraid that even if the heart is a stone, people will be moved by this scene.

    It was just that the cold in the room did not react. In a few minutes, I never said a word, just watching everyone quietly. This makes everyone feel anxious inside, do not know what decision will be made in the cold, and the entire Yanjing City is filled with an anxious mood.

    “Don’t say it! Sea Sovereign Your Majesty is willing to come out to meet us. It is definitely a response to everyone’s request. Don’t worry! ”Some people shouted like this, he was very powerful, and he had not spoken yet, he had already made a decision for the cold.

    Yeah. Everyone hurry up! Hurry up, thank you Sea Sovereign! ”There are some smart people here, they immediately thought of the deep meaning of this, and began to scream the surrounding people.

    The masses are all in the crowd. When they hear that they are willing to save them, they will not care so much. They will start to bow to the cold. In a short while, the entire Yanjing City will force the cold to smash the head. Some people The forehead is even swollen!

    At this time, fools can see that these people want to create a customer-made fact, and then use specific facts to force the cold…Look, these tens of millions of people are giving you a gimmick at the same time. Are you still not willing to agree with everyone’s request?

    This is like: Every one of us said that resettling refugees is a good thing. You Huaxia is not going to open the country door quickly and put the victims in, otherwise you can afford the universal value…Well, although this metaphor is a bit biased, it is basically a meaning!

    “Awesome means!”Seeing this scene, Chu Xuan could not help but talk to himself, and behind the big day Sword Immortal is a complex look, obviously this means is arranged by his big day Sword Immortal.

    After the blush, Daji Sword Immortal immediately put his gaze on the cold. He wanted to know what kind of choices would be made by the tens of millions of people. .

    “You! I know all your requirements! ”Finally, stepping out of the room in the cold step, stepping straight in the air. And all the people raised their heads at this moment, staring at the cold in the air, trying to hear the words they expected from his mouth.

    “I admit, you are really pitiful, your loved ones are your backbone, and now you have become a group of broken-ridged dogs!”The sound of the cold is extremely loud. Under the spread of Sword Qi, let alone the hotel nearby, even those who are dozens of kilometers away can hear it clearly.

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