“you are……”Yi Wenjun opened his eyes and found a beautiful woman in front of him. Although it was the first time to meet, Yi Wenjun felt vaguely that he seemed to have a relationship with the beauty.

    “My name is Gu Yuyuan!”Gu Yujun pulled Yi Wenjun out of the medical cabin and then squinted and said, “I know you, you are Yi Wenjun, my brother’s friend.”

    “I am your brother’s friend?”Yi Wenjun first stunned, thinking of the rare surname of Gu Yuyuan, and the familiar appearance, immediately reacted to “you must be the sister of the cold man!”

    “Not too stupid!”Gu Yuyuan stood up and said, “Why are you going to stun in the pool?”

    “It is a yuan 寇…It’s a white lantern…”Yi Wenjun said that his face suddenly showed an expression of incomparable fear. “I, there is Lu Xihua, and Shepherd Sword Spirit was attacked by a white scorpion.” She Xuexue Sword Spirit blocked the white Lantern Festival, and I ran away without a choice. I didn’t know how long I ran. Finally I ran into a waterhole, and I was stunned by the cold water. ”Yi Wenjun panted between words, as if he was still immersed in the boundless fear.

    P-pardon me? You met Lucifer and Shepherd Sword Spirit! ”Unable to think of it, he actually got such an important clue from Yi Wenjun’s mouth.

    Yeah. Together, we looked for water, and as a result we managed to find a source of water, but we encountered such a thing. ”Yi Wenjun said with a low voice.

    “Speak slowly, what happened?” How did you meet Lucifer and Shepherd Sword Spirit. ”Try to make your tone flatter.

    “Is such that……”Yi Wenjun slowly told his story.

    Since Yi Wenjun helped the cold three years ago, I feel that my strength is thin, and Yi Wenjun, who is unable to revitalize Yijia, is determined to go out and exercise herself, and to make himself stronger with the battle of iron and blood. So Yi Wenjun has been with the sword-bearing squad for the past three years, completing all kinds of tasks, killing all kinds of Lanterns, and the strength has improved. Now it is already a sword-level The swordsman.

    Two months ago, Yi Wenjun joined a team of twenty sword-bearers. The mission was to explore the veins of a sub-crystalline spar. This vein was discovered by a swordsman team a year ago. It is said that the mineral deposits in this vein are very rich, more than ten times more abundant than the veins of the Meiling Mountains. It is the most abundant vein discovered by mankind to humans. Has a huge role.

    However, I found that the number of squads in this vein is too small, the strength is very thin, and there is no special equipment to detect the whole picture of the veins. Therefore, I can only return to Yuzhang City immediately, and Yuhua City will organize a strong team to explore. This vein.

    This exploration team is led by two sword-level sword-bearers. The remaining sword-bearers are all sword-level sword-bearers. It can be said that Yuzhang City is the most powerful sword-bearing team. One. According to the coordinate information left by the team that first discovered this vein, it is confirmed that the vein should be called the Liujiaxia Reservoir before the big break.

    After some exploration and battle, the team finally arrived at the Liujiaxia Reservoir location, and found a mineral vein rich in mineral deposits, not only ten times the content of the Meiling vein, but even five times the size of the Meiling vein. The multiplication of the two is a 50-fold gap, which is enough for Yuzhang City to consume for 10,000 years.

    After confirming the location and content of the veins, the team is ready to return to Yuzhang City, but including Yi Wenjun and the other four sword-level swordsman friends have left the team. Because they feel that it is hard to come to the ancient Gansu province, it is a pity to go back in a hurry. It is better to stay and explore and grow your own knowledge.

    Ever since, Yi Wenjun and four sword-level friends have been staying here for two months. When they feel that the adventure is almost done, they are ready to return to Yuzhang City, and they meet the white Lantern Festival. . Yi Wenjun and this white-clad yuan in a war, but found himself is not the opponent of each other, the four famous sword-level sword-holders died in white in the hands of Yuan Kou, Yi Wenjun in the hands of the sword Niang has been broken, and then there is no and that white yuan Kou fighting down the cost, just Yi Wenjun ready to close his eyes and die, Happened to meet because of the search for water and came to the nearby pastoral sword Spirit and Lucifer.

    Shepherd Sword Spirit is obliged to go up with the white swordsman. The level of Shepherd Sword Spirit is higher than that of the sword-level sword-bearer, but the strength is still weak in front of the white-faced Lantern. Shepherd Sword Spirit quickly fell into a disadvantage, and her personal shield was also in jeopardy.

    At this critical juncture, She Xue Sword Spirit let Yi Wenjun and Lucifer escape separately, and her own self-forgetting dragged the white Lantern. Yi Wenjun has long been scared by this white shackle, and he has no guts to resist. He can only escape desperately, and finally stuns in this pool.

    “So, the situation of Shepherd Sword Spirit and Lucifer is very dangerous now!”After listening to Yi Wenjun’s narrative, Gu Yuyuan squeezed his fist and immediately pulled out his super-suspended speed. If he could not tell, he would put Yi Wenjun on the car. Under the command of Yi Wenjun, The position where they had been fighting before galloped away.

    In fact, the location of the battle is not far away. It is only a distance of more than 20 kilometers from the current oasis. After all, Yi Wenjun ran all the way, and his legs could not run so far.

    Just ten minutes later, the solid edge reached the position of the battle…There was a fierce battle in this position. There were countless criss-crossed sword marks on this flat desert. The shortest of these sword marks are ten meters long and one meter deep, and the longest is more than five hundred meters. Ten meters deep.

    Many of the sand in the sword marks have become a blackened, some sand has even been glazed, becoming the most primitive glass, which shows how fierce the battle here.

    “I am afraid to fight here is a peerless Sword Skill master!”Seeing these arrogant swords and sorrows, the minds of the shackles can’t help but emerge from a fierce battle. The core of these images is a hand-held sword, constantly slashing a powerful Sword Qi. Image.

    “Mrs. Gu Yuyuan, we are two scattered to find out if you can find the clues of Shepherd Sword Spirit!”Yi Wenjun suggested this to the solid side.

    OKThe solid point nodded, and the two men began to search the entire battlefield in two different directions. As a result, Yi Wenjun found an extremely important clue on an edge.

    “Mrs. This is the swordsman of the animal husbandry Sword Spirit! ”Yi Wenjun, sadly dragging some mutilated fragments into his hand, this is a broken sword left behind the debris, the average person may be difficult to recognize the sword from these fragments of the original, but familiar with each sword-level jian Niang Xuan Edge but a glimpse of these fragments from a named “Black Tortoise Sword” Sword-Class Jian Niang, because the legend of this sword is a four sacred Beast one of the northern black Tortoise shell built by the tortoise …It is said that Black Tortoise is no stranger to the solid edge. When the solid body is the guardian of the Taiyin Star, the Black Tortoise Township is a very important guarded area under the Taiyin Star Town.

    At the same time, the solid edge is also very clear, the sword-level swordsman of the Sword Spirit is the Black Tortoise sword…Fortunately, the sword-level swordsman of Shepherd Snow Sword Spirit is man-made. Otherwise, if the Black Tortoise sword is broken, the loss of Yuzhang City will be too great.

    “It seems that Shepherd Snow Sword Spirit really has a big fight here!”Looking at the wreckage of the Black Tortoise sword, the heart sighs. Although Shepherd Sword Spirit is different from her own position, she has done a lot of things that make her disgusting. But after all, they are all swordsmen in Yuzhang City, and the heart of Gu Yu is inevitably a little sad.

    Putting the black Tortoise sword’s broken sword into the pocket of the second dimension, Gu Yuyuan and Yi Wenjun soon discovered other relics, all of which are the things of Shepherd Sword Spirit and Lucifer…There is also Yi Wenjun’s own things…Yi Wenjun found the wreckage of his sword-level swordsman’s broken sword. He cried with these wrecks and became a tearful person.

    After all, for every sword holder. The swordsman is their life root, their life is gone, and every sword-bearer will be sad and uncomfortable.

    “What is a man crying? Now, the most important thing is to find the Lucifer. I found that although there are a lot of their belongings in the vicinity, but never found their bodies, even a piece of meat did not see, I suspect Lucifer they are very likely not to die, but by the yuan Kou to seize, we are now the urgent need to find them! ”

    “But in this desert, in addition to these unseen sword marks, there are no other footprints. Where can we go to find the whereabouts of the Lucifers?”Yi Wenjun squatted on the ground and said that he was lost.

    “Wait for him to come to me!”Gu Yuyuan said a sentence that made Yi Wenjun feel very strange. What is this? Why did he make the white robes look for himself?

    Just as Yi Wenjun felt puzzled by this, the solid stagnation suddenly floated slowly, and calmed down against the sun floating high in the sky for a while, suddenly in the hands of Sword Qi The sword of the celestial sword was cut out.

    In the next second, Yi Wenjun’s entire pupil was tightened.

    Because the goal of Sword Qi is not the other, but the sun floating in the air, when Sword Qi waved, the sun in the eyes of Yi Wenjun actually split into two halves…Yes, the sun in the sky was cut in half by the solid Sword Qi.

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