1000 years ago, there was an inexhaustible source of water in Gulan City, that is, the mother of Yanhuang, the Yellow River, and the ancient city of Lanzhou was built up by the entire Yellow River. With the change of the times in 1000 years, with the continuous advancement of desertification, the Yellow River has undergone two or 30 large-scale diversions in the 1000 years. The nearest river channel of the Yellow River is also 300 kilometers away from Gulan City. .

    Lanzhou City, which has been entangled with the Yellow River since the establishment of the fortress site in the Dahan Dynasty 3,000 years ago, has completely lost contact with the Yellow River in 3,000 years. It must be said that this is also a very ironic thing.

    After large-scale desertification and the loss of irrigation from the Yellow River, the water source around Lanzhou has become extremely scarce. The map in the hands of Gu Yuyuan was drawn ten years ago. According to the information of ten years ago, there are 24 water sources, big and small, in the surrounding area of ​​Lanzhou. It is also known as the oasis.

    But the desert is changeable, and no oasis has ever existed for more than 50 years. So the map drawn a decade ago may not be accurate. It is estimated that at least seven or eight oases have disappeared in the 24 oasis, replaced by some new oases. So the solid edge is not certain, the oasis that I am going to next is still in the position shown on the map.

    The only thing that is fortunate is that Gu Yuyuan does not know the changes in these oases. Lucy Hua also does not know the changes in these oases, so they will certainly make the same road along the oasis as the Gushu. .

    The nearest oasis in Lanzhou is named the Bank oasis on the map, the reason for this name is because this oasis was before the Yellow River on the edge of a “China Credit union 24-hour self-service bank” ruins, and then gradually evolved into an oasis, and then passed by the sword-bearer simply rough named the Bank oasis.

    When Gu Yuyuan arrived at the bank oasis, he found that the oasis had lost its green and water resources, and it has become a desert. Only some dead old trees seem to be passing by. People crying about the beauty that once was here.

    “There is food residue here!”However, the solid edge was not completely undetected. She found some food residue near an old tree. Obviously someone had eaten a meal here by the old tree.

    There is no doubt that the two people who eat this must be Lucifer and Shepherd Sword Spirit.

    This once again caused deep doubts and worries about the fate of the bank. The bank oasis is about 30 kilometers away from the former campsite of Lucifer.

    According to common sense, Lucifer started from the ruins early in the morning after eating breakfast. If they are driving here with a magnetic levitation speed, the distance of 30 kilometers is not needed for half an hour. When they discover that the bank’s oasis has disappeared, they will inevitably hope for the next possible oasis. In any case, it is impossible to waste three or four hours in this bank oasis. Wait until lunch at noon that day to have a lunch here. .

    There is only one reason for this, that is Lucifer they have lost their own maglev speed, can only rely on their own feet to go to the bank oasis, if so, 30 km for the bearer, is just three or four hours of travel, the arrival of the bank oasis when the time to eat lunch.

    This situation more clearly confirms the previous speculation in the heart of Gu Yu, Lu Xihua they lost their pockets, but also lost the magnetic suspension in the pocket of the yuan.

    “It’s only two or three days before they eat here. If Lucy Hua lost their suspension, they couldn’t walk too far and could only move between the nearby oasis.”It is reasonable to understand that after this point, the solid edge should be very happy, which means that the solid edge only needs to visit all the oases around it has a great chance to find Lucifer.

    But this has a premise. The premise is that Lucy has good luck and they have not encountered a powerful squatting squat, otherwise they will not be able to survive around Lanzhou in the absence of a suspension that allows them to escape. It is a huge question mark.

    As a result, the original plan of the solid foundation was completely changed. The original Guyuan margin plan has been chasing along the road, and Lu Xihua will be found in Xinjiang. But now this plan has completely changed, and it is necessary to carry out a wide-scale search around Lanzhou. The things in this world are really unpredictable!

    Thinking of this, Gu Yuyuan once again accelerated his footsteps and quickly went to other oases to find Lu Xihua’s traces. However, God seems to be interested in increasing the difficulty of completing the task. The solid oasis has searched for ten oases, and all the ten oases have been dried up and returned to the desert. The search for the solid edge has also fallen. air.

    Finally, when Gu Yuyuan searched for the eleventh oasis, a touch of green finally appeared in front of the solid edge. This oasis is not as dry as the previous ten oasis. It still maintains its original appearance. It has a small pool of about one hectare. There are some trees growing nearby, which is a rare green in the desert. place.

    “Life Detector starts!”Gu Yuyuan did not say anything, immediately pulled out a life detector from the pocket of the yuan. This is a life detector specially designed for the location of Lucy Sword Immortal in order to find Lucifer’s position. The traces of life within the detection range can be detected by this life detector.

    Unfortunately, the detection distance is a little too short, according to the diameter of life within 10 kilometers, beyond the scope of no response, if the detection range can be 100 kilometers, the solid Xuan edge of the work is expected to be a lot easier, just to the surrounding Liaoning quickly turn a few laps can find Lucifer them.

    What I didn’t think of was that when she pulled out the life detector, the surprise happened. The life detector began to whistle with a whistling sound, which means that the life detector has found a living life nearby, but the signal of this life is very weak, and there is a threat of death at any time.

    “Is it Lucy Hua?”Gu Yuyuan did not say anything, and ran straight in the direction indicated by the life detector. It turned out that one person was facing down on the shore of the pool, and most of the body was immersed in the pool, only one head was exposed.

    “Not Lu Xihua!”After seeing this head clearly, the solid edge was in disappointment. A person’s hair is short hair, and whether it is Lucifer or Shepherd Sword Spirit, their hair is long hair, if not accidental, the whole person is not Lucifer.

    Although the heart was very disappointing, but the fate of the fate still ran to this person, ready to rescue him from the water. After all, this is a human life, and it is impossible to see the dead.

    “It is him!”I have to admit that the fate is full of surprises everywhere. When the sturdy edge pulled the man out of the water and opened his body and saw his face, he found that this was actually an acquaintance, who had been fighting with himself in the Changyang Mountain. The only descendant of Tian Jiandi, the last descendant of Yi Jia, Yi Wenjun.

    “How could it be him?”I did not expect that I would meet Yi Wenjun here.

    More than three years ago, in the trial, Yi Wenjun provided evidence to the cold and let the cold turn over. In addition to eating a meal with Yi Wenjun, there was not much overlap. Because at that time, it didn’t take long for the cold to go to Yanjing City to attend the Eighth Congress, and then went directly to Shanhaiguan. It was three years in Shanhaiguan, and Yiwenjun was not seen in Yuzhang City. .

    If I had suddenly seen Yi Wenjun at this time, it would almost be forgotten to forget this person.

    “I don’t know why he was in a coma!”The sputum margin puts Yi Wenjun into the medical compartment, and the medical warehouse starts the automatic inspection procedure. After some scanning, the inspection report is displayed on the display screen:

    “The patient’s body itself is very healthy, just because the lack of food for a long time leads to weak vital signs, only need to inject a certain amount of glucose to relieve the disease. However, there is a magical energy belonging to the Lantern in the patient’s brain, which suppresses his nerve center, so he is in a coma. There is no treatment function for this medical compartment. Only by removing the magical energy in the patient’s brain can the patient wake up. ”

    “It really turned out to be like this after being attacked by the Lantern Festival.”The diagnosis of the medical cabin was very clear, and it was in a coma after being attacked by the magic of the Lantern Festival. This is a problem that cannot be solved by the medical cabin. The only way to get rid of the magical energy in Yi Wenjun’s brain is to wake him up.

    The problem is that the general swordsman has no ability to remove magical energy. Only a part of Confucianism or Martial Dao, who has the ability to purify, can treat Yi Wenjun with his own skills. Obviously, there is no such swordswoman in the hands of Gu Yuyuan.

    Forget it Let him put it in the suspension car first, and then find Lucy and they will say it! ”When Gu Yuyuan was preparing to temporarily abandon the treatment of Yi Wenjun, a familiar voice rang in the ear of the solid edge.

    “I said cold, how are you so stupid? The ready-made swordsman is here, you have no ability to expel any magical energy. This is the voice of Xuanyuanjian, and the emperor of the sword began to scream again.

    “Xuanyuanjian Niangniang, what you mean is that you have a way to treat Yi Wenjun?”The shackles are somewhat strange.

    “Not I have a way, is your hand inside of the sword, there are ways to” Yuan Jian triumphantly said, “Your swords but even immortal can kill the innate treasure, you just put a little from his nostrils. Sword Qi in, what magical energy must immediately retreat, they encounter the sword Qi will snow melting , who makes the innate grade difference too big ha! ”

    After listening to the Xuanyuan sword, the tip of the sword of the 暄 诛 放在 放在 放在 放在 放在 放在 易 易 易 易 易 易 易 易 易 易 易 易 易 易 易 易 易 易 易 易 易 易 易 易 易 易 易 易 易 易 易 易 易 易 易 易 易 易 易 易Kung Fu, as it is said by Xuanyuanjian, Yi Wenjun’s eyelids moved slowly and opened his eyes.

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