“Heng!” You guys in Yuzhang City remember that these rules are very familiar. ”Erlang Shen Yang’s disdain nodded and taunted mercifully. “Since the rules are known, let your sword-level swordsmen come out and fight with me. It’s really weird. You, the sword-level sword-bearer, have the courage to fight with me, but they don’t dare to face me. They can only send a junior out, which makes people laugh. ”

    “I want to show you that you are wrong with the people of Sanjiro. You are not the other person who is fighting with you. It is not the only area.”The solid edge is proud.

    “you!!!!”Erlang Zhenjun’s face finally showed a bit of shocked look. He looked up and down carefully and carefully, and still asked some incredulously, “I have not misread your rank! Little girl, which nerve is wrong, and a sword-level sword-bearer in the district actually has the courage to challenge me. Do you want to give me tea? ”

    “I still take your courage away and call out your courageous sword-level swordsman.”Yang Lan shook his head.

    “Dare to ask Sheng Erlang Zhenjun, in your rules, there can be a rule that the sword-level sword-bearers can’t participate in the battle?”The face of the solid sputum is not changed.

    “This is not…”Yang Lan shook his head helplessly. From this question, he already understood the meaning of the solid edge. Then there is nothing to say, and I will defeat this little girl quickly, so as not to waste time here.

    “It’s worth it! Since your little girl is my maid, I will not stop you, free your swordsman! ”Yang Yi said with a look of lack of interest.

    “No, let’s fight, I am still waiting to go back to dinner.”In one sentence, he almost gave Yang Hao a sudden death.

    “You little girl, I don’t know what to do, what is your skill in this shallow age?” Hurry up and liberate your swordswoman, otherwise you will be in a careless moment, and it will not cost you to cut your head directly. ”Although Yang Shuo’s words are ridiculous, there is a rare concern in the language, which seems to be maintaining the life of the fixed fate.

    “Dare to ask Sheng Erlang Zhenjun, you can have a sword in your rules that you must fight with the swordsman, and the sword-bearer can’t fight with you?”The solid sputum edge gave back to the words of Erlang Zhenjun.

“……”Erlang Zhenjun Yang Lan did not speak, just felt that a nameless fire had emerged from his heart and quickly burned his entire body. “If you don’t know how to be a good girl, don’t blame the truth.”

    Erlang Zhenjun Yang Yu will put the three-pointed and two-edged sword in his hand, and then he said with a prestige that “Zhen Zhenjun is standing here and will not let you take thirty strokes. If you can let Ben Zhenjun take a step back, even if you really lose It is.”

    CutIt’s a sip of the scorpion, is this Erlang Zhenjun’s head packed with cockroaches? This time, I still play this boring handsome.

    Even if there is no flaw in his head, he must give him a slap.

    “The first move, primal chaos!”Erlang Zhenjun gave the opportunity to make a 30-point move. However, he wanted to take a move and gave Erlang Zhenjun a knot. Therefore, the first move of the “primal chaos sword” is also the primal chaos sword method. Among them, the single attack ability is the most violent one.

    The trick of “primal chaos” is extremely powerful, but it is plain on the surface, as if the three-year-old had the same tricks.

    Therefore, when the sturdy edge made this move, Erlang Zhenjun Yang Lan did not put this move in his heart, but only slightly tilted the mountain’s two-edged knife in the hand.

    In the vision of Erlang Zhenjun Yang Lan, this vertical can directly seal all the changes that follow the solid edge, and can do it with little effort.

    And the beginning of the next story, as Yang Yu imagined, the three-pointed and two-edged sword in his hand did block the sword of the solid edge.

    But then Yang Lan suddenly changed color, and he suddenly felt that the three-pointed and two-edged sword in his hand came like a general force. Under the circumstance, Yang Lan couldn’t catch it. Even the fairy force in the body had not been used. The three-pointed and two-edged knives in his hand had already disappeared and flew to a few hundred meters away.

    “you……”Yang Yu’s words have not yet been spoken, and the next attack on the solid side is like a flood of water. Yang Lan, who lost his weapon, suffered from the breaking of his own words. He could not move his body to avoid the attack of the solid edge, and he could not find his own weapon with a three-pointed knife. He could only use his own pair of flesh to deal with the solid. The sword in the hands of the edge.

    “If Ben Zhenjun has only one hand left, it is not that your junior can bully!”In Yang Min’s heart, he was embarrassed and angry. He decided to take out his own skills of 70% and 80%, and at the same time began to run the nine-turn Xuan Gong’s method. Yang Yu’s pair of flesh-colored fleshy palms instantly became golden, just like pure gold.

    Nine-turning Xuan Gong is the strongest refining power in the legend. When it reaches a very high depth, the body is like the hardest stone in the world, and it is not inferior to those famous swords.

    Therefore, don’t underestimate the fleshy palms. From the perspective of weapon strength, the hardness of these flesh palms is not inferior to that of Yang Lan’s weapon.

    And Yang Lan is precisely because of this kind of spiritual protection, so I dare to continue to practice my unconventional commitment, and intends to use his own flesh to deal with the next attack.

    But with just a few tricks, Yang Lan began to regret it, because the woman’s strength far exceeds Yang Lan’s imagination.

    The first is the other side’s Sword Skill, which is like a slap in the air. It completely violates all the common sense in the world. The last second is still in front of Yang Lan, and the next second blade has already circled behind Yang Lan. And Yang Jian all the martial arts in the three-pointed two-edged knife, in the palm of the law did not have any achievements, from beginning to end even solid Xuan edge of weapons have not met, body was solid Xuan edge cut out more than 10, a large number of fairy blood from the wound gush out, make Yang Jian body a blood, where there are half a second Lang vision true June style.

    “Ahhhh…”This time, Yang Lan also can’t take care of the promise of thirty moves. The body leaps into the air and escapes the next attack of the solid edge. At the same time, a pair of flesh grabs the fairy in the hands of the shackles. Sword, nine turn Xuan Gong to the extreme, the attempt to directly break the Jianniang in the hands of the solid.

    This is not an impossible thing for Yang Lan. The nine-turned Xuan Gong is unparalleled in the world. The sword-level swordsman who was broken in the hands of Yang Lan did not have a thousand and one hundred. Even if he could not break this swordsman under a single blow, However, Yang Lan believes that this sword can still be extremely deadly damage, and it will be broken several times.

    What Yang did not think of, when his hands grasped the sword and prepared to use force, a familiar feeling spurted out of the sword, and the sharp Sword Qi turned around, Yang Hao felt his palm loose. Ten fingers in the palm of the hand were all separated from the palm of Yang Jing, and the goddess scattered flowers generally fell.

    Just a Sword Qi, actually directly cut off Yang Hao’s ten fingers.

    “诛仙剑!”This feeling Yang Lan is too familiar, familiar with the time of 10,000 years, he also firmly remembered that he never forgot.

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