[PS: Because I participated in the writer training class in Guangzhou, and I contacted the great gods in various ways, the update will not be affected. So today and tomorrow’s chapters are two thousand words, please forgive me, but after the training class will resume three thousand words. At the same time, I will make up two more chapters. The author is here to say sorry to everyone. 】

    Just above the battlefield, the momentum of the human army was very high. At the end of the sky, a large array of golden clouds suddenly emerged, and a burst of impassioned drum music came out of the clouds. When the cloud is close to Yuzhang City, you can see that these clouds are full of elite warriors wearing silver armor.

    “It’s Tian Tian’s Heavenly Soldiers, they are finally here!”The swordsmen in the security wall suddenly became a little bit flustered, although they had long expected that the army of heaven would come. However, when the army really appeared, the sword-bearer still could not help but panic.

    “I don’t know which god of heaven is coming this time!”Looking at the densely packed Tianbing Tians in the sky, Lingxu Sword Immortal said with great concern.

    “Most of it is still Erlang God Yang Lan!”The solid edge is very sure.

    “Oh ?” Why?Lingxu Sword Immortal asked curiously.

    “Sword Immortal, you are from Los Angeles, and you don’t know the history of our city. Since the establishment of Yuzhang City, the attack on Yuzhang City by Tiantian has not been absent from him. I think this time will not be an exception. ”Chen, who has a bit of fun on the face of Gu Yu, said, “For us in Yuzhang City, Erlang God Yang Lan is the most familiar old friend.”

    Sure enough, when the large golden cloud of the day’s court stayed, a small purple cloud flew alone over Yuzhang City, standing on a golden armor with a handsome face and long forehead. The big General of one eye. It is the old friend Erlang Shen Yang, who is very familiar with everyone in Yuzhang City.

    “The rats of Yuzhang City, why dare to fight with my Erlang God?”The second generation of the heavenly court, Comrade Yang Lan, the relative of the Jade Emperor, waved his three-pointed and two-edged sword in his hand.

    Seeing this comrade Yang Lan’s squad, both the sword-bearers in the security wall and the ordinary people in the underground shelters felt a burst of headaches.

    This kind of call is also the oldest familiar routine of the people of Yuzhang City. Every time Yang Lan represents the heavenly siege of Yuzhang City, Yang Lan will jump out and call for a fight with the sword-bearers in Yuzhang City. Let the people of Yuzhang City have a headache.

    Yang Lan’s single-player fight is not just a single-player fight. It’s a matter of winning a set of wins and losses. It’s the default rules of Yang Lan and Yuzhang.

    If Yang Lan loses alone, then Yang Lan and his men, the Meishan Six Brothers, directly control the 1200 grass head gods will never participate in the next attack on Yuzhang City, even if the high-level jade emperor speaks, Yang Lan also Still will abide by his promise and never violate his promise.

    Don’t underestimate the combat power of Yang Xuan’s 1200 grass head gods. These 1200 grass head gods are all equivalent to the soul level yuan 寇, and they have been trained for a long time by Yang Hao, mastering a powerful array of methods. The 1200 grass-headed gods combined to display this array of methods is equivalent to the combat power of a ceremonial tier.

    What is even more frightening is that Yang Lan can still combine with this array of methods. Once combined, Yang Hao’s combat power can break through the level of the universe and reach the level of the flood level. The threat to human beings can be imagined.

    Being able to let such a horrible opponent get out of the battle ahead of time will undoubtedly greatly ease the pressure on Yuzhang City.

    Conversely, if Yang Hao wins, then the swordsman who lost to Yang Lan and his sword-bearer will be arrested by Yang Lan to his Guan Erkou Erlang Zhenjun Temple. When the servant of the last three years, the swordswoman is responsible for Yang Lan. The tea is delivered to the water, and the sword-bearer is responsible for cleaning the sanitation of the entire Erlang Zhenjun Temple.

    This is a shameful shame, but fortunately, Yang Lan will kill the sword-bearers like other Lanterns. Those who have failed for three years will be able to put them back in good condition. There is no fatal danger in life.

    Simply analyzing the two results from victory and defeat, this single-handed fight is actually a big bargain for Yuzhang City. Yuzhang City won the ability to eliminate an opponent equivalent to the Hong Yuan Lantern, and if Yuzhang City lost, what it paid was nothing more than the self-esteem of a Xianjian sword-level swordsman and three years.

    How to look at it is a very cost-effective deal, but Yuzhang City rarely does such a deal, because Yang Lan’s facts are too high, unless there is a sword-level swordman who coordinates the most advanced ones. Put the sword-level swordsman, otherwise you will lose with Yang Hao alone.

    Since the results have already been defeated, there is naturally no good gambling. Therefore, although Yang Lan will be called every time, there are very few records of the actual war in Yuzhang City, and there is no one in ten times.

    So Yang Jian thought this time the fi ght would be as reactive as before, accustomed to shout after a voice is ready to return to Jade Army, ready to mobilizing its troops attack Yu Zhang City, when a beautiful man suddenly from the city of Yu chapter of the Wall rise, standing in the opposite of Yang Jian, and he against the Yu-Zhang City of the sky above.

    “Oh ?” I can’t think of this time, Yuzhang City’s courage is big, and I dare to send someone to fight with me alone. ”Yang Lan’s expression was a little surprised and somewhat contemptuous.

    Hey! Do you want to fight alone with me? ”Yang squinted and raised his chin, speaking in a condescending tone to the solid sac.

    “True.” Is it true that Shinjiro is not afraid of it? ”The solid sputum has a kind of learning, and her tone is equally frivolous.

    “Oh ?” Do you know the rules of working alone with me? If you don’t know the best to ask your elders, don’t get me crying for three years. ”Yang Lan taunted.

    “of course I know!”The solid point nodded and went on.

    “First, you are not allowed to send a sword-level swordsman or a sword-level sword-bearer to fight with you.”Gu Yuyuan said the first rule of Yang Lan, Yang Lan is a Zhou Yuan Yuan, if sent the emperor sword level swordsman or sword holder, Yang Lan that is undoubtedly defeated, so this rule is understandable.

    “Second, the two sides of the battle are not allowed to enter the void. Whoever takes the initiative to enter the void will be treated as a failure.”This is the second rule of Yang Lan. Erlang Shen Yang likes the hearty battle, and once the fighting party breaks into the void and sincerely delays the time, then the battle will become without passion. This is what Yang Lan is deep. Deeply disgusted, so Yang Lan took the initiative to propose this rule.

    “Third, the sword-bearer is not allowed to change the swordsman in the middle and Yang Lan is not allowed to summon his roaring dog to help out.”This is the rule that Yang Jian and the sword-bearer have brought together, if the sword-holders can change the sword Niang words, the sword holders can carry out endless consumption war, as long as the use of low-level sword Niang to delay a little time, you can make the Paladin Sword Niang Restore a lot of personal shield energy, which for Yang Jian, is undoubtedly extremely unfavorable.

    Yang Lan’s roaring dog is also a kind of squad, and with Yang Lan fighting together, it can greatly strengthen Yang Hao’s combat ability, which is also unacceptable to the sword-bearer, so it is convenient to achieve such a tacit understanding.

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