“Is it for you…”It’s incredible to look at the bloody hand that sticks out from the other’s chest. If it’s not fast-moving, I’m afraid I’ve already been poisoned by the other side.

    “Is it a shame, how can you be shameless to this point?”The cold and the sword will push the third hand of the government to push away. “I will rush you, I will never give you the blood of the ancestors.”

    “There is no way, see the real chapter under your hand!”Zheng Zheng will take back his body in the third hand, and then raise the Beidou 7-Star Sword Dao in his hand. “Cold the cold, don’t think that your Sword Skill is unparalleled in the world. Even if the annual calendar is just a slap in the face, it is time. Let you know that there are people outside the world, and there is a heavenly truth outside.”

    Looking at the posture of the sword holding the ruling, this guy actually intends to compete with the Sword Skill, which is in the middle of the cold.

    “Blazing can’t win, let me send you back to the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor.” After the end, the two men at the same time, the two sides fired together in the air, and the battle entered at the beginning. In the state of white heat.

    “Is these two guys metamorphosis?”The glimpse of the glimpse of the glimpse only saw the two sides less than twenty seconds, hundreds of strokes of battle, it is incredible to say to himself. The self-examination of the year is also the true biography of the Noble Family. The Sword Skill is the second most popular among all the sword masters, the father, the Sword Spirit, and the pervert of the cold, and any other sword-bearer. I have the confidence to rely on Sword Skill to suppress each other.

    It was only until I saw the battle of cold and ruthlessness that I suddenly realized that I had become a ridiculous bottom frog in just a few months. Six months ago, self-confidence and solid cold in the sword Skill on a relatively short, but now fleeting Lin found himself in sword Skill and solid cold than has become a baby, if pure and solid cold competition sword Skill words, Unease may be less than 20 strokes will be solid cold to complete defeat, which is already equivalent to the gap between adults and infants. It seems that the Sword Skill that is holding the cold at this time may not be able to match even his grandfather, and perhaps only his father will be able to keep up with the cold.

    The Sword Skill of the cold has already reached this level, and the government can keep up with the cold in twenty seconds, and the hundreds of strokes are equal to the cold and the top, so it can be seen that the Sword Skill is also extremely horrifying.

    As for how smart the two people’s Sword Skills are, it is not a superficial text that can be described. The Sword Skills of the two have even reached the point of the rules, and the rules have always been something that can only be said to be unspeakable. .

    The two men competed in a few thousand strokes in just five minutes. The speed seems to be even worse than that of the magnetic levitation engine. When two people are separated from the battle again, it is already ten minutes. After the thousand and five hundred moves.

    At this point, the two people’s status seems to be a bit bad, they are breathing heavily, obviously using a lot of physical strength.

    But the expressions on both sides look a little happy, this is a kind of joy that will only happen after a smooth exercise.

    “It’s been so long since I didn’t play!”The government sighed with a loud voice, “You can actually push this to this step!” happy! happy! ”

    “It’s really fun!”Nodded to the cold, he did not think that in addition to the training of the sword ancestors, he was able to use his Sword Skill so smoothly.

    “Cold the cold, I really found that you are underestimating you again and again.”Ruan Zheng sighed that “Sakamoto is the talent of the Sword Skill, and the Sword Skill, which has been hard to practice for three thousand years, has the level of today and today. But you can be as horrible as a 19-year-old boy in a district. You are terrible, and you have to find a way to kill you. Otherwise, you will inevitably become a confidant in the future. ”

    “I found that I also underestimated your shamelessness!”The cold martyrdom “You have the ability to have such a peerlessness, but in the 1000 years, there is no benefit for human beings. It is useless to leave you in this world.”

    “You don’t want to be too proud of the cold. Tell the truth that you are not the full strength of the embarrassment. You still have no use of the witchcraft’s secret technique. You don’t have to use the sword of the emperor. If you use all these things, You can’t live today.”The ruling disdain said, “If you didn’t put your ancestors in your pocket, do you think you will live to the present?”

    “Then you can make your full strength to try it out!”The attitude of fixing the cold is also disdainful, because he also has no use for the bottom of the box, that is his “primal chaos sword”. After the special training of Jianzu, the “primal chaos sword” of the cold has once again had a qualitative leap. I want to see who I am and who is the ultimate winner.

    “Although I really want to kill you now, if you kill you, you will not get the blood of your ancestors in your pocket!” Oh, it’s not that stupid. ”Zheng Zheng inserted the sword back into the scabbard. “Calculating time, you should have arrived, don’t you give it to me soon?” When do you want to sharpen it? ”

    The voice of the government fell, and the ceiling of the underground palace was suddenly opened by violence, revealing a big hole, letting the sun shine through the big hole. Followed by a light and sensitive figure jumped into the underground palace, and finally stood next to the government.

    “Hongyu! How did you come? ”When the flow of the year and the cold to see the appearance of this sudden appearance of the person, Liu Nian once again exclaimed. It turned out that there was no other person at this time, it was the new Sun Star Guardian Ruby.

    “Oops, it’s still a step in the bottom!”Seeing the appearance of the red jade, the face of the cold is suddenly changed. It seems that the cold has never thought that the red jade will appear here, and the appearance of the red jade is a plan to completely disrupt the cold.

    “hahaha! Finally, there are things you have not counted! It’s so happy, you’re really dying! ”The government looked at the change of the cold face and suddenly laughed happily. It’s no wonder that the ruling party is so happy. After all, when all his plans were chilled for seeing through and being embarrassed for his IQ, he suddenly found that he had a hand that was cold and unexpected. The joy of the celebration of the day.

    “Is it true that the red jade is also a man of politics?”This returning year finally came to the IQ and guessed the real camp of the red jade.

    “I should have thought of it!”Solid Cold clenched fist “game inside the red Jade is your person, then the reality of the carbuncle may be your people, I also simply thought that the carbuncle is only because and you are friends, will be in the game to join Bright Jade sword School.” ”

    “How can this woman be a friend? Is she a good friend? ”Ruan said with a sharp voice, “Hongyu, you tell them what relationship you have with you.”

    “Hongyu is the most despicable slave of His Majesty, and Hongyu is willing to do anything for His Majesty!”Ruby said in a very gentle and obedient voice.

    “Hongyu, you give it.”The government ordered again. And his voice just fell, Hongyu did not hesitate to kneel in front of the government, but also knees on the knees, forehead deeply touched the ground, and completely surrendered to the other side’s posture.

    Enough is enough.Cold and cold, a Sword Qi will open the button of the red jade to unlock the button. “I understand what you mean, you are shamelessly threatening me with a starry array of stars.”

    At the moment, the government made the red jade appear, and the meaning was very obvious. Ruan Zheng once told the cold, there is another way to break through the Zhou Tianxing battle, that is, kill the Tai Yin Star guards and the Sun Star guards at the same time.

    Later, the cold and the information that only the Taiyin Star Sun Star guards can access, the fact that it is not the guardian itself, but the two sides of the guardian’s vitality is the big Sunday star.

    Win and Carbuncle only need to break their own body in the big Sunday star streamers, then the Sunday stars will collapse in an instant, then lost the Sunday stars Large array of repression, sealed in the depths of the 12 of the wizard will inevitably awaken from the seal, then mankind will face a risk of destroying the entire human crisis.

    Even if the last man succeeded in supporting the past, then the strength of the sword-bearer will inevitably be devastating, and God knows what kind of ending humans will end up in the end.

    Zheng Zheng just let Hongyu express his obedience to himself as a slave, in order to tell the cold, as long as he ordered a red jade, he would break the big Sunday star in his body, and then everything will be all The jade is burned, so it will be shameless to say that the cold will be ruined.

    “That’s what you are pushing!”I am helpless and shake my head. “If you don’t use your ancestral spirits to force you, you are not willing to do this kind of jade.” After all, if the 12 ancestors took off from this week’s starry battle, then You can only find a nest to hide, and then slowly wait for the demise of mankind…But you can rest assured, is hiding up before will receive 1000 virgins, Xu Fu can use this 500 virgin born a hibiscus, I can also use these 1000 virgins to reconstruct a big qin, then I am the real Chinese ancestor, than Gongsun shaft that guy also want to really, After all, at that time all the human beings can be my own blood! ”

    Good guy, this ruling is actually going to use a thousand virgins to recreate a Chinese out. He is not afraid of the idiots born by the close relatives.

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