“What does he mean?”After listening to the last words of the government, I was inexplicably asked to help the cold.

    “You haven’t understood it yet? The reason why he is willing to say so much to me is that he can’t hide his secret and want to spit it out, but just to tell me, let me hand over the ancestral blood to him, he and Shanhaiguan. Zu Wu is not one side! ”Solid cold bask in a smile.

    “Yes, that’s what it means!”Since it has been seen through the cold, the government is too lazy to play this question-and-answer game again. It is straightforward and straightforward to say that “they are not the same as these yuan, and they are really true to the earth. Keep up. The witches in Shanhaiguan are just fake witches who come here from another world. Just like the clones, how can they be treated as their own? It is also impossible for me to help these annihilates destroy the earth. ”

    “It’s just that the ancestral blood of these witches is really true. It can be used for shackles and help break through the ranks of the great witches. These stupid sorcerers are just toys that they are playing with. They show off the strength of their own witches. They are stupid to think that they are like them. If it wasn’t for the blame that there was always doubts about 朕 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Everything is forced to helpless. ”

    “Let you get the blood of your ancestors, you can become a ancestral witch, a ancestral witch who was born and raised by the earth, which is equivalent to the increase in the combat power of a sword-level sword-bearer. It is still the sword-level sword-bearer who can live forever and fight for humanity. Is this not a great thing for humans for the earth? ”The government said in a tone full of confusion.

    Although this statement is full of temptations, but the flow of years to think carefully, the ruling is indeed very reasonable. If the government can really borrow the ancestral sorcerer’s blood to become a ancestral witch, then according to the eternal life of the ruling, it can indeed fight for humanity for a long time, which is equivalent to the human beings who have an eternal sword-level sword. By.

    Even if the sword-level sword-bearer is strong enough to the sword ancestor, it is powerful to the extent of the Heavenly Sword Emperor. In the end, it is necessary to feather the ascension, but at most it is only forty or fifty years of human fighting. As long as he can’t die in the hands of Yuan Zhen, he can fight for 100 years, a thousand years, or even 10,000 years. Human beings will never face the situation of the lack of sword-level swordsmen. So I think this is indeed An excellent thing.

    “People, can you really stand on the human side forever?”The cold has not been tempted by the temptation of the government, but it is very disdainful.

    The cold has indeed pointed out the crucial question, is that this government is willing to fight for humanity at all costs? Perhaps in the years when he became a ancestors, he was really willing to fight for humanity. It can be a long time, and everything is hard to say. Even the purest human beings of the Swordsman will be betrayed in the end, and they will be in the arms of the Lantern Festival. It is difficult to guarantee that his administration is not the next one.

    “Oh, it is the emperor, it is the unparalleled emperor of the world. All human beings are the people of the embarrassing people. Of course, it is necessary to protect them forever. Is there any problem?” It’s like a human father, of course, will love your child unselfishly and protect your child. This is the responsibility of every father. Please don’t doubt the dignity of being a father! ”Ruan Zhengyi said that he loves a lot of love.

    “It is precisely because you are the unparalleled emperor of the world, so I doubt that your plot is not only as simple as it is now.”The cold eyes seem to see through everything. “I believe that when you become a ancestors, you will fight for humans for a while. You will even perform better than all the sword-bearers, and behave unselfishly and fearlessly, even out of life, and sacrifice everything to fight. ”

    “True.” Still calming down, you know what you are doing, this is what you should do! ”The politician nodded proudly

    “No, this is not what you should do, but what you want to do, and you want to show it to all human beings in order to build your supreme prestige among human beings.”

    “What do you want to do after you have such prestige?”

    “Especially what do you want to do when you still have eternal life?”Twitched “You will want to rebuild your great Qin Dynasty, you’re going to be the Supreme Emperor in the world, you might even start a war trying to unify the eight base cities under your command, and you may even be able to destroy all the other sword-bearer’s sword-bearer in order to guarantee your rights, That’s why no one can challenge your position. ”

    “In the next 20 or 30 years, you may be the greatest savior of mankind. But in the next two hundred years and three hundred years, you are definitely the greatest disaster for mankind. You will become the chief culprit in the destruction of mankind. Human beings will eventually be destroyed under your desires. How can I give my ancestral blood to you? People! ”There was a voice in the room, and the eardrums that were shaking around him were a little bit painful.

“……”After listening to the cold, the government fell into a silent silence. After a long time, it showed a bitter smile. “I thought you were the one who knows the most. You can’t think of you but the most profound person.” If you love this world, you only want to give the world the greatest happiness. You will save mankind from the endless Yuanxiao. Why don’t you believe in the true heart? ”

    “If you are so great, why do you hide your identity in the 1000 years of this great destruction?”With the strength of your sorcerer, you can take the initiative to stand up and help humans fight at the very beginning of the great destruction, and save the lives of mankind in the most difficult time of mankind.”

    “Do you think you don’t want to?”The government said painfully. “When the break was started, it just changed back to the state of the baby. You can only watch the human being being killed, but you don’t have a little bit of power.” After waiting for the growth and recovery of his own strength, human beings have already had a calendar, so he decided to secretly protect human beings and not reveal their identity. ”

    “At the same time, because there is only the strength of the big sorcerer level, it is equivalent to the sword-level sword-bearer. There is not much power for human beings, and there is not much power. On the contrary, if you pretend to be a Lantern, mixed in the camp of Yuanxiao, then you can find a lot of information in the Lantern Festival…You must not know it! When Altolia reneged the Hall of the Spirit, it was because 朕 convinced her, and then helped the coyotes find a way to remove the filth, so Altolia can be freed from the pollution, if not Altolia is still King Arthur of the Hall of the Spirit, and it can be said that it is hard work! ”

    “If it wasn’t for this time that the Wu people suddenly appeared, let 朕 discover the hope that they could become ancestors, and they will continue to hide in the dark to help humans collect all kinds of intelligence. It is really for the sake of mankind. This heart can be seen in the sky, the sun and the moon can be seen, and the great Qin dynasty of the ancestors of the dynasty to witness, really can not be true. ”

    “I can’t think of Altolia’s betrayal and he has a kick!”I didn’t expect to hear an earth-shattering message from the mouth of the government. It’s strange how the coyotes could get rid of the filth by the incompetent ability of the coyote. The cold is still going to give you a chance to do it.

    Edit Continue to edit! ”But the cold of the slightest unmoved, continue to mercilessly expose the idea of winning the government “if you really think so, well, you can find the Sword committee in the presence of the lich, tell them your identity, and then take out the information you have provided to the human beings over the years as evidence, and I believe the Sword committee will just make sure that you are harmless. will make every effort to make you become a Zu Yu, do not have to disguise as the bearer of the sword ran to this Shanhaiguan, with deception to get these ancestral witch essence of blood. ”

    “More importantly, just because of your deception, because of your disguise, because of the plans you gave to the witches, the entire Shanhai Customs died for at least a few thousand swordsmen, even the most top-notch Lilith. The sword-level sword-bearer has also lost the power of the sword-bearer.

    “In the eyes of your government, life is afraid that it is not worth the money. How do you tell me that you will always fight for humanity without any selfishness? You are just a selfish person. All the emperors in this day are selfish and self-interested, and you are the most self-sufficient one. I will never believe you. ”

    “But if you have to get the blood of the ancestors in my hands, it is not impossible.”I couldn’t think of the cold and just righteousness and refused the ruling. At this moment, the words turned and said, “Just with the friendship we built in the game, I still want to believe you once. I will report everything that happened today to the General Committee of the Sword Committee, and then you must accept a comprehensive investigation by the General Committee of the Swords Committee. As long as the Swordsman General Committee agrees that I will help you become a ancestor, I am willing to take the ancestors in my hands. Witch blood is handed over to you, how do you feel? ”

    The cold has indeed proposed a more feasible approach. Anyway, the pot will be given to the General Committee of the Swords Committee. After that, everything will have nothing to do with the cold.

    “Alright!”I was very refreshed and nodded, “I promise you!”

    “Call ~~~~~~” This is right, everyone is human, why bother to be so stiff! ”The glimpse of the glimpse of the passing of the year said that in her opinion, things finally have the best ending, and human beings will always have one more sword-level sword-bearer.

    “You are a man, you are completely convinced by him!”The government also took a long sigh of relief, then opened his arms to the rogue, and stretched his hands open, laughing, “We have a bad attitude, celebrate.”

    “hmm…Unease, there is no doubt it, happy open arms ready And hug, but in both sides will embrace together, a fierce coldness of the sword flashed, the dark moment of the sword block in the time of Lin’s chest, and this Shing chest strange cracked a huge seam, a bloody big hand from the chest of the win to grasp out, If not solid cold this sword block in time, I am afraid has been won the government to grab the chest.

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