Reports The Angji Chicken Star District was once again violently attacked by the enemy. The Scorpio guardian Shou Niang was broken, the guardian lost the fighting power, and the Tianzhu Township District has fallen! Please support quickly! Please support quickly! ”White Tiger discussed with Bright Jade in his own town hall for a while, and suddenly he received this urgent report again.

    What happenedBright Jade saw that the White Tiger keeper was not right and asked immediately.

    “The Angji chicken guarding area can’t stop. So far, there have been three guest star areas falling. As long as there is another guest star area falling, the entire Anji chicken area will collapse completely!”The White Tiger guardian explained with a bitter face.

    “What are you waiting for? Is there still a reserve team left in your hand? Let this reserve team immediately support the Angji Chicken Star District! ”Bright Jade said immediately.

    “But adults, I have this reserve team in my hand. If this reserve team also breaks in, then I will have no more activity in my hands!”White Tiger said urgently.

    “Is it not urgent for the Angji Chicken Township to be finished?”Bright Jade glanced at the White Tiger keeper. “You will send me the fifth reserve team to the Angji chicken guard zone now. The Angji chicken guarded area must not fall, otherwise the entire front line will be in danger of collapse. ”

    Well, as the boss of Bright Jade has already spoken, what the White Tiger guards can say. Only the fifth active reserve team will be stationed in the Angji chicken guarding area, so that there is no activity force in the hands of the White Tiger guards.


    “I said Wei Laotou, how do I feel something wrong!”Gu Yueyu whispered in the ear of Wei Laotou.

    “Of course not right! Didn’t you see that there are no witches around us? TNND is all in the middle of the witch, it seems that the Wu people really want to kill us.” Wei old man gasped.

    At this time, as Wei Laotou said, the Wu clan commander seems to understand that sending a little witch to attack the siege is just a death, so the Wu clan commanded a large team of up to two hundred people to launch a squad on the team. Siege.

    This is undoubtedly a devastating decision for these ancient sword-level swordsmen. If it is not the command of the Mozi sword, and after the actual training, the swordsman’s swordsmanship is more powerful, I am afraid this team will have died. Under the siege of these witches.

    However, obviously it is impossible to practice the great dreams of the enemy outside the country. The whole team can only begin to step back and return to the area of ​​the Xingxing guard house, so that the power of the Sunday starry battle Can be fully blessed on their own, this will avoid the team directly collapse.

    Fortunately, until now, the whole team has not yet suffered casualties. The 18 sword-bearers still live in this world. Otherwise, if they insist on these sword-bearers, they will become lies.

    But death seems to be a matter of time. Before they have experienced a full-fledged battle, almost everyone is about to get into physical strength. Especially the middle-aged sword-bearers like Wei Laotou, who are old after all, are not as physically strong as the young people like Gu Yue. In addition, the battle that lasted for half a day made him consume a lot of physical strength, and he could not keep up with the rhythm of the whole team.

    It can be said that if the battle continues, it will take twenty minutes for Wei Laotou to fall directly on the battlefield.

    “Wei Lao immediately liberated the swordswoman! Then fight by your swordsman, you return to me to rest! ”The Mozi Sword, who is in charge of the command, also clearly understands the difficulties that her team is facing now, so she issued such an order.

    Wei Lao listened, and immediately liberated his swordsman, and his own swordsman replaced his position, and he stepped back to the side of the sword. When this stop, Wei Laotou couldn’t help but sit on the ground, his face purple and blue, licking his chest, lying on the ground, breathing heavily, this is his performance has been exhausted to the limit.

    His body was forcibly supported by fierce battles, so he did not show any particular pain. But now once sit down and start to rest, these will be suppressed signs began to appear all, Wei old man only feel oneself vent more air less, at the same time a share of blood from his throat burst out, stomach inside a boil, the brain is dizzy unceasingly, If a bad deal, Wei Old man is afraid to die directly in this battlefield above.

    “Medical warehouse!”Wei old man was afraid of death and didn’t want to die, so he took his medical cabin from his pocket with his last will and prepared to drill into the medical cabin to treat his body.

    UnavailableBut never imagined that Wei Laotou had not had time to drill into the medical cabin, and he was dragged by the sword of the moment, that is, he was not allowed to enter the medical compartment.

    “The moment girl is forgiven. If the old man does not enter the medical warehouse, the old man will die here!”Wei old man used his last strength to plead.

    ForbidThe moment did not hesitate to refuse, because the moment knows that the medical warehouse can also quickly treat various diseases, but it does not have such a good effect on physical recovery. Although it is much faster than normal physical recovery, it can take at least two or three hours to recover to the best state, such as Wei Laotou’s physical exhaustion. This time is undoubtedly impossible for this precarious team. The time it takes.

    More importantly, if Wei Laotou enters the medical cabin, it will inevitably allocate extra strength to take care of this medical cabin. Otherwise, once the team is ready to transfer, the medical cabin must be left here, and there is no difference between letting Wei Laotou die.

    “Does the Mozi Girl really want to see the old man die here?”Wei’s old man was mad at the temptation to get rid of this anger.

    “Drink this!”The Moment Sword pulled out a small test tube from his pocket, and the small test tube was filled with a pale yellow liquid. Although I don’t know what kind of liquid the Mozi sword put in his own small test tube, Wei Laotou has already taken care of this. He will drink these yellowish liquids into his body without saying anything.

    Not to mention, this liquid is really amazing. As soon as the liquid enters his stomach, the pain of the old man’s body begins to disappear rapidly, and the breath becomes even and gentle. The blood that flows into the eyes of the blind man re-flows back, and a warm force quickly enters his limbs. Let the physical strength begin to recover quickly.

    In less than a few minutes, Wei Laotou feels that his body has recovered by about 70%. This is the effect that the medical cabin takes an hour to achieve.

    “What is this baby? Is it the latest high technology? ”Wei Laotou tried to lick his lips and looked at the small test tube in his hand.

    “Don’t ask, don’t ask, rest is enough!”The Mozi sword said coldly, and then began to greet other middle-aged sword-bearers, let them retreat to their side as Wei old man, while pouring a test tube of pale yellow liquid.

    I believe that everyone can guess the origin of this light yellow liquid, yes, this is the blood of the cold from the Noble Family. Of course, it is impossible to reinforce the cold to use a bottle of blood to restore an old man’s strength. In fact, this is only one millionth of a bottle of blood.

    Before entering the game, the cold was diluted into 1 cc of recovery agents filled with various physical recovery agents, and then these drugs were placed in 10,000 small test tubes. The pale yellow liquid that Wei Laotou said just now.

    After receiving the blessing of the Emperor’s blood, these recovery agents although there is no emperor blood that powerful can live dead Kabei healing effect, but used to restore physical strength is unexpectedly easy to use, even Wei old man such an old man can be in a short period of time to fully recover, which is also the hand of the moment son sword one of the cards.

    So under the command of the Mozi Sword, all the sword-bearers began to alternate their defensive positions with their own swordsmen, and then returned to the side of the Mozi sword to restore their strength. Because at the same time only four swords to fill the position of the sword-bearer, and the sword Niang itself sword Skill is not more than these sword-bearer weak on how much, so the formation of the entire team is still solid, when all the sword-holders have regained their physical strength, the entire team in an instant and reached the strongest combat status, Continue to fight with these wizards and the wind is not downwind.

    This situation made the Wu’s commander very angry, and he seems to have decided to eliminate these nasty humans. So the sword-bearers of the entire Shushui Township government once again felt that their pressure was loose. Most of the witches suddenly began to retreat from the battlefield, leaving only a small part of the witches to entangle them, but the offensive The momentum has completely disappeared.

    Such a situation so that the other holders of the sword greatly relieved, the respective guard also began to command a part of the sword holders and their swords to retire to rest to restore the personal shield energy, the entire three-water ape in the house seemed to occupy a big advantage in the twinkling of an eye, eyes will be all of the lich all with their own boundaries to expel out.

    The other guards are relieved, but the two guards of the toilet star guard house and the Pingxing town government are worried about the location of the Xingxing town government. The two guards are located on both sides of the Xingxing town government. It is the two friends who are cold and have Renru and Leslie Dracula.

    They clearly saw that when the witches retreated, they all smashed toward the comet guard house where the cold was located. There were not only countless witches, but also six or seven hundred witches, and twenty or thirty days of witches. Mixed in it…If such power is used to attack their guarded house, I am afraid that their guard house will fall in an instant.

    “But if it is the guy, these witches should still cope with it!”Thinking of the horrible strength of the cold, I was worried that the law and Leslie Dracula were not so worried.

    However, if the two people know that the cold is still in the game at this time, it is only the 18 ancient sword-level swordsmen who have trained for three months in the real estate of the comet. I can’t smile anymore.

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