This is a battlefield, but there is no such thing as blood flow in this battlefield, and even the body is rarely seen. That is because most of the human beings are killed by the swordsmaids, and the swordsmen are woody and bloody. After breaking, they will change back to the form of the sword. There is no physical existence.

    As for the witches, after the witches die, the body will turn into blood and return to the blood of the ancestral witch. There will be no corpses, so the battlefield is unusually clean.

    I said. These witches are not as powerful as the legend! I have a sword is two, hahaha ha! ”Ancient Yue laughed and laughed, and at the same time desperately killed the Yuanxiao around him. Sure enough, as he said just now, the swords of the two witches went down with a sword and turned into a pool of blood to return to the land.

    “You blower to me to take away your nonsense, noisy people!”An old man next to Gu Yuezhen sighed, Gu Yue is not convinced, is preparing to have a good theory with this old sword-bearer, suddenly heard a cold and calm female voice in the ear “Wei Lao is right, Gu Yue is too Noisy.”

    When the female voice spoke, Gu Yueyu immediately closed his mouth and did not dare to say a nonsense. And the owner of this female voice is not someone else, it is the cold sword that stays here to look after these sword-bearers.

    After the start of the battle, the ancient Yue and the iron scorpion who were in charge of observing the observations first took the courage to kill a few witches who rushed to the front, and then found that the opponents were too much before they immediately went to the second house of the 屎星镇守府. The line of defense retreats.

    When the ancient scorpion and the iron scorpion rushed to the second line of defense, the temple sword had been held there with another 16 ancient sword-level sword-holding swords, and it was not until the report of the ancient swordsman to the temple sword. Just three minutes. In three minutes, the Mozi Sword has assembled a team of sixteen people from the entire Yuxing Township. The Mozi sword can be imagined for the team’s control.

    The next step is the fight between flesh and blood.

    Generally speaking…The wrong thing is that according to the absolute axioms of the world, the swordsmen who fight in front are never the sword-bearers themselves, but the sword-bearers who hold the swordsmen. They are the people who really fight with the witches. As for the sword-bearers, they are hiding in a relatively safe place, and the commander’s own swordsman fights.

    However, the command of the Moment Sword is beyond the expectations of these ancient sword-level sword-bearers. The Mozi Sword actually orders these sword-bearers not to liberate the swordsman, but to fight with their own flesh and the witches.

    “We don’t do it! This is not the battle mode of the sword-bearer. Only the sword master will fight with the Lantern Festival and the Wuzu body. We are just ordinary people, we don’t have this kind of skill! ”These sword-bearers suddenly blasted the pot and expressed their refusal to fight this way.

    However, it was not for them at this time. The two little loli of the poor sword and the fighting sword appeared in the hands of these sword-bearers with a bad smile. If these ancient sword-level swordsmen are more respectful than fear for the temple sword, then these sword-bearers are absolutely fearful of poverty and fighting fish.

    During these three months, the two little loli who lost their cold have vented their extra energy to the unlucky ancient sword-level sword-bearers, except for the use of smoke to make paintings. These two little loli also came up with a lot of special ideas for these ancient sword-level swordsmen.

    After these ancient sword-level swordsmen were drilled by the poor and fighting fish, they did not even have the strength to complain. They could only bear the inhumanity of these two little loli. These two little loli are no different from the most terrible demons in the world in the hearts of these sword-level sword-bearers. They would rather die than fall into the hands of these two little loli.

    So when these two little loli appeared, all the sword-bearers suddenly had no objections, and screaming and screaming that they would fought to kill the enemy, never flee.

    So under the command of the Mozi Sword, these eighteen sword-level swordsmen formed a Taiji Yinyang array. This is a relatively common formation among sword-bearers. Every sword-bearer used to learn the arrangement of Taiji yin and yang arrays when he was in school. This method is like four swords for the sword-bearers. Normal and simple.

    But this is not an ordinary Taiji yin and yang array, but the Mozi Sword has spent half a month deliberately training the Taiji yin and yang array composed of these ancient sword-level swordsmen. This array seems to be the same as the normal Taiji yin and yang, but it is quite different in some subtle changes.

    After practicing these times, these sword-bearers immediately felt that the Taiji yin and yang arrays taught by this Mozi sword were very powerful, but they asked them to say that this Taiji yin and yang array was so powerful that they could not say it.

    But now they don’t need to say it. Now they need to use the war to test the power of this battle.

    After the soul of the Stabilization Army, the first wave of the witches finally came to these ancient sword-level swordsmen. There is no nonsense opening remarks, no squad of the two generals, and no pre-war preparations for delaying the time. After discovering the ancient sword-level sword-bearers, these witches immediately screamed and waved their weapons and rushed over.

    This first wave of witches is a large number, densely covered with the entire front, and it is estimated that there are two or three hundred witches in total, which is more than ten times that of these ancient sword-level swordsmen.

    momSeeing this scene, these ancient sword-level swordsmen suddenly scared their legs. Because these sword-bearers are the sword-bearers who are temporarily transferred to Shanhaiguan by the General Committee of the Swordsman. Many of these sword-bearers are newcomers who have not even experienced many battles in formal combat. It is not a strange thing to see so many enemies rushing to yell at the mothers who are afraid of these swordsmen.

    Fortunately, these 18 ancient sword-level swordsmen also have four elderly and full-aged swordsmen with rich experience. They constantly encourage their companions around, which is why there is no collapse of the entire army. .

    “What are you panic! Do you think that I will let you die? Do you think that the cold-blooded adults let you draw a three-month smoke circle just to torture you? ”The Mozi Sword is like a General standing in the center of the Taiji Yin and Yang dynasty. It is awe-inspiring to all the ancient sword-level swordsmen. “Tell you, in fact, you are studying the swordsmanship, even your swordsman. At the moment, it’s not necessarily your swordsmanship.”

    “Now is the time for you to practice your swordsmanship. Don’t hesitate, don’t panic, don’t be afraid. When you see that the Wu people are approaching you, you only need to follow your own instincts to your swords, and you will find that these witches are not as strong as an ant under your sword. some! ”

    Although the word of the sword is more like a lie to comfort them, these words also make these ancient sword-level swordsmen settle down. When the witches shouted strange whistling sounds, they couldn’t retreat. They could only use the “Jiyun Yunyan Sword” that they practiced for three months in accordance with the words of the former sword.

    As a result, all the ancient sword-level swordsmen almost stunned their teeth, and those who looked at the forefront of the seemingly terrifying witches were actually some of the strong outside. The swordsman in her own hands waved instinctively. The witches fell to the ground. When the sword-level sword-bearers bowed their heads, the loss of these witches turned into blood and returned to the soil. Among them.

    “The battle is not as difficult as you think!”When such an idea appears in the brains of these ancient sword-level sword-bearers, victory is something that will inevitably happen. Although the first wave of rushing witches has hundreds of people, it is impossible for these hundreds of witches to attack these ancient sword-level swordsmen at the same time. Moreover, under the influence of the array method, in fact, every ancient sword-level sword-bearer only needs to face the attack of two witches at most, and a few seconds of effort is dead under the sword of the ancient sword-level sword-bearer. These ancient sword-level swordsmen have never suffered even a little injury.

    This situation suddenly inspired all the fighting spirit of the ancient sword-level swordsman, fear of what suddenly swept away, without fear of fighting naturally more handy, the more successful. In the beginning, perhaps five or six swords can kill a witch. After that, no more than three swords can put a witch under the sword. As for the most powerful talents of these ancient sword-level swordsmen. I have been able to kill two witches with one sword.

    Of course, it also has to do with the wizardry family of the fighting here too weak and also related, among the first wave of the Lich clan incredibly all are fighting the weakest small witch, itself battle effectiveness is inferior to an ancient sword class holds the sword, let alone passed “Jiuxiao Cloud Sword” + Taiji Yin and yang array + Sunday stars Big array Plus held the ancient sword class holds the sword person.

    By the time the first wave of witches had been completely slaughtered, these ancient sword-level swordsmen became extremely high-spirited. They all said that the second line of defense that was hiding in the comet was too arrogant, even in the town of Iridium. Fighting in the area is also detrimental to the face of the guardian. They must defend the enemy from the country and fight on the territory of the witch.

    The Moments sword is natural and indispensable, so these ancient sword-level swordsmen took the lead of the Mozi Sword and finally left the border line of the Yuxing Township Government…Well, they still have some brains. They dare not leave the scope of the Xingxing town government. They just follow the border of the Xingxing town government.

    The other fronts are the sword-bearers who are fighting in their own guarded areas. At this time, a sword-bearer of the guardian residence suddenly left the boundary line and rushed to the territory of the witches. Especially conspicuous.

    The commander of the Witch would of course kill the conspicuous things, and ordered more than 500 witches to kill the 18 poor swordsmen with more than 50 Chinese witches.

    As a result, under the command of the Mozi Sword, the Taiji Yin and Yang arrays were fully deployed. Although the little witches are not worthy of consideration, but the fighting power of those witches is not weak, these ancient sword-level swordsmen who have just been proud of the attack of the Chinese witches suddenly have some chaos, almost no formation collapse.

    However, there is a bug in the formation of the Mozi sword. Even if the Mozi sword is up to the place where it is about to collapse, and then constantly killing some of the witches, the number of the witches can be controlled by the swordsman. Within the scope of this, let the Chinese witch become the best whetstone for these ancient sword-level swordsmen.

    In fact, the actual combat is the best teacher. Through this means, the combat power of the ancient sword-level sword-bearers is constantly improving, and ultimately, it is impossible to resist the attack of the witch. Although it took a lot of effort and physical strength, it finally succeeded in destroying these witches.

    The Lich commander cannot bear it, from other battlefields began to draw more of the witch clan to deal with the Dung star guarding House, so that the dung star guarding the house to face more pressure at the same time, but let the other around the water ape under the pressure of the House greatly reduced, which is why the three water ape from beginning to end without to white Tiger The reason for the emergency report was that the three water apes were stabilization.

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