“I said the blower, you said that these witches are surrounded by us, and what is it for attacking?”On the front line of the Xingxing guarded area, two ancient sword-level guards huddled in the observation post, and from time to time glanced at the Wuzu camp, one or two kilometers away from the line of defense.

    It was a large-scale, bounded camp that was connected by countless small battalions. It surrounded the entire human guarded area with a boundless number of people, and even a flying bird could not fly.

    “how could I know? Perhaps the witch’s head is a teasing show. ”The man, known as the blower, said with a mouth, this blower is not a new debut, and he has already seen it before dozens of chapters. He is the unlucky one who was specially used to swallow the smoke circle by the cold punishment. His real name is Gu Yue. However, because he continued to swallow the smoke circle for three consecutive days, he became the source of nightmares for other ancient sword-level sword-bearers. Fortunately, other sword-bearers gave Gu Yue a horn of a blower, which was a reward for his grace. .

    Although Gu Yue is very dissatisfied with this, but he is helpless, he can only admit the nickname. This nickname is a full three-month time. After three months, Gu Yue has already defaulted to this nickname. Even when he occasionally calls him a real name, he can’t react.

    Yes, it’s true that it’s been three months since the swordsman’s punishment was used to paint the sword. This means that it’s been three months since the cold entered the copy of the Skyscraper. time. During the three-month period, the cold has been staying in his own town and there is no appearance in the town. However, the sword-bearers under his command have become accustomed to this, and they dare not come up with a complaint, so as not to be caught by the terrible leader.

    “I feel that there must be a big conspiracy inside. The witches must not be well-rounded here. They may be tempted by our attention here, and then secretly do some sneaky conspiracy, want to hit us a defense! ”The man who spoke to Gu Yueyu said.

    “I got the iron scorpion, and the ears I listened to are getting up.” Whoever knows the witches must have his conspiracy to do this, but the question is who knows what the witches’ plots are! ”Gu Yue was boring and yawning. “Look at what time it is. How have the two shifters not come yet?” They won’t want to let us both give them more than an hour’s post. ”

    Who knows?When I talked about half of the iron scorpion, I suddenly felt that the whole ground began to vibrate, and the two guys who could not be prevented were directly shocked from the observation port.

    Grass what happened? ”The ancient Yue and the iron scorpion climbed back to the observation port, and then saw a scene that made them stunned. The Wu’s camp, which has not had any movement for three months, suddenly made a loud voice. Numerous dark silhouettes swam in the big camp, and finally composed a neat array of queues, stepping out from the big camp in a neat and uniform pace.

    The vibration that shakes the entire ground is the sound of these witches marching forward…The physical qualities of these witches are equivalent to the physical qualities of ten or even hundreds of ordinary humans. Each foot can leave a heavy footprint on the dry and solid ground. Such an army will issue this after it is dispatched. It is not surprising that there is a huge movement.

    Alert! AlarmGu Yueyu immediately opened his personal terminal, and panicked and reported to the personal terminal, “Guard the adults! Keep an eye on adults! The witches attacked! The witches attacked! ”

    The ancient guardian of the ancient Yue dynasty is naturally the shack of the stellar guard. However, the report of Gu Yuejun did not receive any response, and the other end of the communication was always a no-answer voice.

    “Mom’s egg, this shit is guarding, can’t you contact him at this time?” He will not have escaped from Shanhaiguan! ”If Gu Yueyu can transfer to the other end of the personal terminal, he will be violently guarded against the three-month-old.

    “You are stupid! What do you contact the guard? Of course we have to contact the moment girl! ”I saw the ancient scorpion like an idiot.

    Correct! Correct! Hurry up and contact the moment girl! ”Gu Yueyu also said quickly, it seems that these two people are very convinced of the moment goddess. Since the cold has entered the copy of the “Ten Heaven”. In fact, the daily work of the entire Yuxing town government has been handed over to the hands of the temple sword.

    This moment sword does not look dumb in the weekdays, you can’t change ten words to say more than one word. I didn’t expect that when I was managing a specific business, I was very handy, and everything was arranged properly. Moreover, it is very fair to be a person to do things, and to handle disputes and contradictions can be done impartially. In three months, the 18 ancient sword-level swordsmen under the leadership of the Xingxing guards will be convinced. Habitually obeying the sword of the moment.

    Soon after, Gu Yueyu contacted the Mozi Sword and reported the news that the Wu people started to act to the Mozi Sword. After a moment of silence, the Mozi sword ordered the ancient Yue and the iron scorpion to remain in the observation post to observe the situation, while the Momentum seized the time to gather all the ancient sword-level swordsmen to resist this attack.

    If the Wus are attacking, they can temporarily retreat to the second line of defense and wait for the arrival of the big forces. Anyway, they should not confront the Wu people at this time. It is absolutely impossible for them to fight the Wu army. of.

    “Yes!”The ancient Yue and the iron scorpion said without hesitation.

    The small comet guard house began to act, and the entire Taiyinxing guard house was also fully operational at the same time. The Taiyin star and the Sun Star have long been in the vigilance of the moment, the movement of the Wu people’s army, and all the human power naturally did not hesitate to follow.

    A series of orders were sent from the Taiyin Xingzhen government to the small towns in the town. The guards of the towns in the first line of defense have entered the defense line at the fastest speed, and the rear gates are organized in an orderly manner. With your own strength, you are ready to go to the perimeter of the defense line to support other towns.

    “Bright Jade adults! The first line of defense in the Black Tortoise Star Zone has been armed! ”

    “Bright Jade adults! The first line of defense in Tianshi District has been armed! ”

    The two Emperor Star District guards of the Taiyin Star reported to Bright Jade about the situation of the two major stars in the Black Tortoise and Tianshi Star Zones. These two zones have already completed the defense of the first line of defense, which is in Bright. Jade’s plan, but what makes Bright Jade puzzled is that he has not received reports from the White Tiger Stars.

    “damn it! White Tiger What are you doing? Why have you not completed the defense of the first line of defense? ”Bright Jade couldn’t wait. He dialed the White Tiger Star Warrior, the sword-level swordsman who was called White Tiger, and asked loudly.

    “Boss, listen to me explain!”The other side of the White Tiger quickly said, “If the speed of my White Tiger is no less than Black Tortoise and the two guys in the city, my White Tiger Emperor Star District is all armed with the first line of defense.” But there is only one guard house I can’t always contact the guardian of the guard house! So it was not late to complete the overall arming! ”

    “Where is the big daring of the bastard?” You actually can’t contact him? Is he already dead? ”Bright Jade said with anger.

    “No, I checked the record. The town government has not left the town government for six months. He is now alive and well. How could he die?” And even if he is really dead, my star will immediately receive the news of the fall of the stars. I assure you that he is still alive now. ”

    “TNND!”Bright Jade is hard to swear. “Which town is the problem?” I will change him for you now, let him be a small soldier. ”

    “It’s a subordinate of the Shui Shui Township…”

    “WaitWhite Tiger’s words have not been finished yet, and it was interrupted directly by Bright Jade. “Is the defensive keeper who is the guardian of the comet guard house?”

    “True.” It is this person! ”White Tiger replied with some hesitation, because at this moment Bright Jade’s voice didn’t seem so angry.

    “It turned out to be that stinky boy. I said who is so courageous besides him!”Bright Jade smiled bitterly and said to White Tiger, “Forget it, you don’t have to worry about his affairs.” You will be the guardian house that has been armed, and how to deal with other things, how to deal with it! ”

    “How can this be? How can Bright Jade adults do this? ”White Tiger was shocked, this is not a joke. The Xingxing Township Government is an extremely important place in the Sui Shui Temple. If the town government is lost, it seems to have inserted a knife on the Internet in the town of Shui Shui, and when it is not possible, the whole town of Shushui Town will collapse.

    Such an important position should be done with care to ensure that the defense is infallible. But now it’s good, the guards of this line of defense can’t talk about it, and Bright Jade’s adults still have to deal with him directly, which will definitely cause problems!

    I thought that White Tiger couldn’t wait to say to Bright Jade, “It’s better for adults. It’s better to let White Tiger rush to see what is going on. If there is any problem, then my White Tiger can take over. Defense and command.”

    “Noisy! You are a white Tiger, and the guardian of the Star Tiger is not in the rear, taking care of the overall situation, and going to the Xingxing Township Office to do something? Do you want to take care of your head and forget your head? ”Bright Jade immediately gave White Tiger a “hey, this thing is done, you don’t care about the comet.” If there is something wrong with it, the responsibility is borne by me and has nothing to do with you. ”

    “To tell you the truth, even if your entire White Tiger star is destroyed, then the Star City guardian will keep it well, do you believe it or not?”Bright Jade finally said something that made White Tiger completely aggressive.

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