This problem of the sword ancestor makes the monk who has the genius of the second dynasty feel the feeling of the mind. How can the sword ancestor ask who Liu Qingmei is? This is clearly the NPC in this copy. Gu Han feels that he should ask himself who is the sword ancestor Liu Qingmei.

    “This woman is not in my plan.” Jianzu seems to see the doubts of the cold, and actively explained, “I thought that only you can climb to the top, but you can bring this woman up, she is Outside of my plan, I will be the first to ask her questions.”

    “Isn’t the entire copy under your control? How can there be such a change? ”Asked coldly and inexplicably.

    “I said before, I thought that everything is under my control, but this world is not under my control.”Jianzu smiled bitterly. “This copy was originally a copy of the discarded copy. The NPC inside is the npc set by the copy itself. I didn’t make any changes to these npcs themselves, so I don’t know about that NPC. ”

    “The title of the scorpion Sword Immortal, has the sword master ever heard?”Asked about the cold.

    “I heard it was heard, but not when I was alive, but after I died.”Jianzu smiled. “I am like you, I know this blush Sword Immortal through the TV series of later generations. I am deeply sympathetic to her tragic experience, but I never thought that I would have such a story with her. ”

    “Don’t you say that the smack of Sword Immortal did not survive this tenth house?”

    “When the swordsman of the palace was like a sea, how could I remember every sword-bearer who came to the palace?”The sword ancestor looked at the cold and looked cold. “If it is not your variable, I am afraid that this woman has been screened down in the Red Rabbit Palace. How can I come to me?”

    It is undoubted that the cold and cold does not speak, and Liu Qingmei’s final summit is indeed a contribution to the cold.

    “These are not the most critical. The most important thing is that the disappearance of the woman just now is not under my control. Even though I had completely controlled the entire copy, and strictly monitored everything in this copy, the woman broke free from my hands and disappeared under the control of a certain force. ”Speaking of this, Jianzu hesitated for a while. “Until now I have not figured out whether she disappeared by herself or disappeared under the control of a force that I did not know.”

    “You may not know, I actually arranged only one egg in the chicken house, but when you arrived there, the egg turned into two, and the rules of customs clearance also defeated all the golden silk. It has become a multitude of generations to breed, and then witness the changes and advances of the entire race.”The sword ancestor said with a dignified look.

    “No wonder I feel that the test of the Palace of Justice has a feeling of doing so in many places. It turned out that this is not a rule designed by the swordsman, but it has been tampered with by an unknown force.”The cold face is also dignified. Don’t look at it as a minor change, but the things represented in it are enough to shake the whole game, even the entire human world.

    “If there is still an unknown force that can make that woman disappear in my hands, it means that there is a third unknown power in this game. This is an extremely dangerous thing. Our human beings are controlled by the unknown power in their hands. If there is any change, I am afraid that it will cause a huge crisis, so I will ask you who the woman is. Why are you helping her like that? ”

    “Why should I help her…”This problem can’t be answered in the cold for a while, because I don’t know the answer.

    “My understanding of you far exceeds your imagination. Since you killed me in a copy of a sword, I have been paying attention to you. I also know a little about your character. Such a burden for you is meaningless existence, perhaps you have not had the first sword to kill my black courage, but you also definitely did not become a helpfulness of the nice, according to my original guess you should be dismissive of her, will she directly left in the Red Rabbit Gancai right, but the fact is contrary to my guess, so I want to ask you, Did you help her because of your heart? Or is it because of something else? ”

    “It is the true heart of self!”After thinking about it for a long time, I replied very seriously, “Helping her really out of my heart, but why do I really want to help her, but I don’t know.”

    “Do I?”The hesitant eyes of Jianzu constantly glanced at the face of the cold. It is obvious that Jianzu did not believe in the words of the cold. He thought that the cold concealed him. In fact, it is the truth of the cold, he really does not know why he wants to help Liu Qingmei.

    “Swordmaster, I think I probably know who is behind the scenes in your mouth!”At this time, Xiang Fengzhi, who had never spoken, suddenly interrupted.

    “European [second voice]” Jianzu looked at Xiangfengzhi and smiled. “I almost forgot, you are the real master of the world. I can’t find the way to the power, but you may find it! ”

    “Not what I found, but I am very familiar with this power. I have seen it many times before!”Xiang Fengzhi is a bitter smile. “In fact, this power should be the most familiar to you. I can’t think of your old goodness. In this copy, I also buried the foreshadowing.”

    “What are you talking about?”The cold eyes are instantly bright, yes, the cold is also indifferent to forget Yi Qing. This kind of thing happened in Liu Qingmei is very similar to Yi Qing’s consistent style.

    “Jianzu adults, I don’t know if you can open this copy to me. If I let me systematically sort through the entire copy of the data, I will know if this is the foreshadowing of the Emperor. ”Xiang Fengzhi is very respectful to the sword ancestors.

    This is actually a ridiculous thing. If the world is likened to a house, then Xiang Fengzhi is the master of the house. At one level, Jianzu is the wicked who has usurped the control of this house. Now the owner of the house is very respectful and asks the wicked to hand over control of the house to himself. Does this seem very ridiculous?

    No problemJianzu nodded, and Xiang Fengzhi immediately felt that he had restored his right to explore the entire copy. However, Xiangfengzhi only has the right to explore all the data of this copy, and does not have the right to control this copy. The highest power of this copy is still in the hands of Jianzu.

    “Yes, this is indeed the back hand left by the Emperor of Heaven.” There are traces in it that are only traces left by the back hand of the Emperor of Heaven, and others can’t do this. ”Soon, Xiang Fengzhi confirmed that it seems that Liu Qingmei is really the foreshadowing of the Emperor of Heaven.

    That would be very interesting, because the copy of the “Ten Heavens” is a copy of the swordsman’s control, and it is also because of the copy of the sword ancestor, but now the foreshadowing of the Emperor of Heaven is appearing in the sword. Among the copies of the ancestors. It would be like you and your wife gave birth to a child and found that the child’s stomach was as disgusting as taking the other’s child.

    Have fun! InterestingThe sword ancestors stunned for a while, only to shoot the hand and smiled. “The child is really interesting. She even gave me calculations.” Ok, okay! It’s not the person I’ve been fancy, it’s just that my mind is too dead, and that’s where she’s left. ”

    This sentence listens to the cold and can not help but let the cold heart move, what is the meaning of Jianzu?

    Has sword ancestor ever seen Yi Qing? This means that Yi Qing has also become a candidate for the pacifier? Yes, there is an era in the sword soul left behind by the death of Jianzu. It is just the time when Yi Qing was used. Yi Qing is also in Yanjing City. Maybe it was when two people met and then they Intersection. But what is the meaning of the last sentence of the sword ancestor? Can it be said that Yi Qing’s end is not a normal feathering as recorded in history?

    “Don’t ask me about that guy, I don’t have a face to mention her!”Jianzu directly blocked the question of fixing the cold in his mouth, and then the whole scene suddenly entered a strange silence.

    Jianzu was silent because he was thinking about Liu Qingmei and Yi Qing.

    Silence is silent because he once again remembers the two answers that Liu Qingmei finally answered to Jian Zu. Her lover is the solid Black Tortoise, and the black Tortoise of Altor Pandragon, the Black Tortoise The biological mother.

    This incident itself has already solved the problem of cold weather. What is even more unimaginable is that Yi Qing actually inserted a hand in it. Undoubtedly, Liu Qingmei is a person who is deliberately sent to the front of the cold. What is the reason why Yi Qing sent Liu Qingmei to the front of the cold?

    Gu Han believes that Yi Qing sent Liu Qingmei to his own face in order to let her know from her mouth that Altolia Pandoragong killed the solid Black Tortoise. The evidence is that she immediately dissipated after answering the two questions of Jian Zu…Obviously, Liu Qingmei has lost its usefulness at this time. If she is allowed to say more, she will say something that Yi Qing does not want to let the cold know. Therefore, Yi Qing will directly set Liu Qingmei to disappear at this time.

    Then the new problem has appeared again. Why does Yi Qing deliberately tell the cold in this way? What is Yi Qing planning?

    More importantly, at this moment, the cold suddenly gave birth to a strong dissatisfaction with Yi Qing. The cold and faint feeling that Yi Qing seems to be trying to manipulate himself…What is even more frightening is that the cold and faint feeling that his life has come to this step seems to have been in the control of some existence. Is this existence Yi Qing?


    “You don’t need to think so much, you just need to understand that strength is the most fundamental thing, that’s enough!”Jianzu suddenly patted on the cold shoulders of contemplation, and then went on to say, “I have told you enough about today’s events. Here is the real purpose of my search for you.”

    “To tell the truth, you are a hundred thousand miles away from the strength of a real destiny, but the time left for you is not much, I have to help you pull out the seed!”

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