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The author of this book is called cry.

This name should also be just a code, the code in the era, now this person has become a six-star member of the Etie Central, is said to be the division of the part of one part.

This crying is a long time to headquartered in the era, almost clearly, all of the various matters in the headquarters of the Era, are recorded in this book.

The PTNent headquarters Continent is incomparably, on this Continent, there is such a palace that is divided into different responsibilities. It is like a member of the general election, even if it is joined to the headquarters, it is very little to get It is clear that these palaces are doing And so on.

But in this book, it is described in detail, and according to the record in this crying.

is a palace in the headquarters of the Era, divided into four categories, the first category, is the Martial DAO class.

The Era XHERITANCE MARTIAL DAO is the strongest, and it is a seven temple. It is now the core member of the Epoch Times.

But except for the seven temples, the era will also have this power left by this Powerhouse, but those Powerhouse, maybe some of the nine-order Immortal Emperor, but not the master, so it is not like a seven temple. It is huge.

But these palace inheritance’s Martial Dao is also very powerful, and most of these palaces are open to the outside world. They only need to spend some costs, such as Contribution Point, wealth, etc., you can learn Martial Dao .

is like a core member of many era, will learn more of Martial Dao that is suitable for themselves.

Become a core member of the Etilion, almost all the five-order Immortal Emperor’s Powerhouse, reaching the martial arts of this level, and it is a difficult thing to promote his own Realm.

I almost wanted to take several times, it is possible to promote my own Realm, so they want to improve the strength, in addition to the way to promote Realm, I will learn more Martial Dao.

Such Inheritance Martial Dao’s palace, there are about more than 30, almost all open, but you want to learn Martial Dao, the cost that needs to pay, is Have Nothing Common with each other.

This crying is a second type of palace, which is a palace that enjoys a music class. There are more enjoyable activities, you can relax, adjust the status.

is like a lot of warrior, after experiencing a battle, you will feel your Avoided a catastrophe. At this time, it is necessary to take a dip or two.

So in general forces, there will be places where you can use it, and the Extraordinary Headquarters is no exception.

CHU Fengmian does not need, for him, time is incomparable, it is already a time to let Chu Fengmian do not relax.

The palace of the first class of Inheritance Martial Dao, with the palace that is resting in the second class, there is no great significance for Chu Fengmian.

chu fengmian value is a third-class palace that crying.

This so-called third type of palace, it is only three palaces, and these three palaces have no name, but they have these three trials.

These three palaces are actually three Land of Trial, these three Land of Trial’s content is Martial Dao, rules, mood.

Martial DAO, law, mood, is the power of a military person, and these three land of trial, the three types of trials, through these three Land of Trial test, you can get a pen Does a lot of rewards.

So these three Land of Trial are also one of the most popular places, and the core members of many episodes of the episode are often participating in trials.

Of course, it can be rewarded through the appraisal. In the process of trial, you can also exercise itself, so the people go forward, it is said that the war has never been to, before participating in a trial It can get a small benefit.

even many era members, participate in trial, and their strength rose.

This is also present.

Each era will be a core member, every hundred years, is eligible to participate in a trial.

Chu Fengmian now just joined the Epoch Tower Headquarters, of course, there is such a qualification, so Chu Fengmian is planning to try this land of trial, see what kind of mysterious there is.

The last one of the Era will be more important in the headquarters, which is the Life and Death Temple.

Life and Death Temple is the Life and Death, a ring, all the elements, can enter it, fight each other, once it is in the Life and Death, No matter how high it is to kill the other party, it will not be punished, and it is not allowed to be pursued and revenge.

Of course, this runture is actually on the Surface. If someone is secretly revenge, the era will not stop this, and the at least cannot be poured with this excuse.

The headquarters of the Era will not be a piece of iron plate, especially in the seven temples, a lot of conflicts, these seven temples Dísciple, many of them are also mutually hatred, this Life and Death Temple is a legal means to solve the hate.

Of course, there is more than a hatred, like some time, for some treasures dispute, you can also in this Life and Death.

As for the last palace, it is the MYRIOUSTER, the MYSTERIOUS, the most mysterious, named in the temple.

It is said that this is said to have this extremely special world, a mysterious masterhouse, which is aimed in the Et.jP, created a world, the world with the realm, there are countless MONSTERs.

These Monster’s strength is unparalleled, and even the eight-order Immortal Emperor, even the strong horizontal MONSTER of the nine-order Immortal Emperor hierarchy.

Etiens will enter it, kills those Monster.

This world, name is virtual, it is not true, it is close to illus, even if it is a member of the Era, this virtual hery, it is not Will die, but only consume some strength.

looks like this, just like a fantasy, but enter it, everything is similar to the true.

This virtual world is therefore, attracting many of the election members to enter it to exercise Martial Dao.

Chu Fengmian For this mantress, it is actually not interested.

After all, this kind of illusion, since it is a false, then the experience of the experience, even if it is like a life and death battle, you can’t compare with the true Life and Death battle, you can get the limited workout.

But the cry, but it is focused on this virtual world in the book. According to his statement, as long as it enters the virtual heThin the realm, almost all will forget, it is a magical, but thinks It is the same true world.

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