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Just because the plan has changed, in order to submit the rule of Comprehend to Great Accomplishment, the biggest Nine Nether core debris is also swallowed by Chu Fengmian, and the COMPREHEND is in the case.

So there is no way to make a mixed world Sword Demon, forge spirit sword, shape Fleshy Body.

The strongest mixed world in the sword slave, can’t condense Fleshy Body, then the most powerhouse in the blood pool, the most Powerhouse, is a feather Sword venerable.

In addition to feathering Sword Venerable, the other sword slaves, the strength is also in Almost On Par, Chu Fengmian, is arbitrarily selected, and it is a heart.

In front of him, five reduced version of the blood pool was thrown.

These five reduced version of the blood pool, under the control of Chu Fengmian, is the five Spirit Sword with him, starting FUSE TOGETHER.

Chu Fengmian is now very familiar with this.

So simultaneously condense Fleshy Body for five Jiannui, for Chu Fengmian, is a very simple matter.

Under the control of Chu Fengmian, these five reduced version of the blood pool is the power of the five Spirit Sword, FUSE TOGETHER, which transforms the power above this Spirit Sword.

BLOOD SLAUGHTER DEMON SWORD is extremely special, strong horizontal.

As long as it is contaminated into the Spirit Sword of Blood Slaughter Demon Sword, it will contain the breath of Blood Slaughter Demon Sword, which changed like a reduced version of Blood SlauGhter Demon Sword. This transformation allows these Jiannu more suitable. These Spirit Sword are used as the body.

They shaped Fleshy Body, the stronger it can be played.

So Chu Fengmian is not anxious, he is slowly waiting for these Spirit Sword to be modified by the strength of Blood Slaughter Demon Sword.

Wait until the five reduced version of the blood pool, almost a moment of complete FUSE TOGETHER with that five Spirit swords, and Chu Fengmian slowly shot.

His hand moves, five imprints, appeared in his hand, is the imprint of the five sword slaves.

chu fengmian is playing, five imprints in his hand, it is a spirit sword, and the imprint is gradually integrated. I only see the five spirit sword sword swords in the faint, and it is beginning to change. Humanoid.

is less than a time, these five spirit swords are already completely disappeared, and it is five martial arts.

“Many Thanks.”

These five sword slaves feel that their new body, the face is also azzle, and they are busy in front of Chu Fengmian.

For these blood pool of Jiannu, at the moment they fall in the blood pool, their lives, they are followed by the blood pool FUSE TOGETHER.

Although they can have awareness, even Comprehend Sword Technique, but they can’t leave the blood pool, Equivalent TO has been held in the blood pool.

If there is no Chu Fengmian to shape Fleshy Body for them, they can no longer leave the blood pool.

Now Chu Fengmian condenses Fleshy Body for them, almost equivalent to live.

“You are in this palace, take a good rest, adapt to a while, don’t leave this palace.”

Chu Fengmian Looked Towards The five sword slaves, slow opend the mouth and said.

He is now in the Evil General Headquarters.

These five kinds of slaves are not suitable for free action. After all, this place, only the core members of the Episode, are qualified to step.

Once there is a foreign military coming, I have not been invited, only the road of Execute WithOut Any Mercy.

So these five sword slaves appear outside, it is a trouble.

and chu fengmian shape the means of the Fleshy Body, with the BLOOD SLAUGHTER DEMON SWORD, if you let others find the true face of these swordnu.

It is very likely that this Blood Slaughter Demon Sword is in the hands of Chu Fengmian, which is also a small trouble.

Blood Slaughter Demon SWORD is a dominant soldier.

This is a weapon that is eager to get.

Nine Nether World, the Kind of the Hairy, which is also only just a Semifinished Productuct of the dominance.

is enough to cause Three Great Saint Territories, the Nine Domain’s army attack, and even the nine-order Immortal Emperor compete for the fight.

Chu Fengmian’s BLOOD SLAUGMIAN DEMON SWORD, but a complete dominant soldier, once it is discovered, it is also Trouble Is Not Small.

So Chu Fengmian once is a choice of use BLOOD SLAUGHTER DEMON SWORD, it is necessary to kill the opponent, only dead people can always keep secrets.

In addition to the headquarters of this era, Chu Fengmian did not make these swordsmanship, and the sure is to let them first familiar with the new body.

“is, adults.”

Five Jiannu also nodded, it is in this palace, began to familiarize yourself with their new Fleshy Body.

Fleeshy Body shaped with Extreme Dao Immortal Weapon Spirit Sword, plus the reduced blood pool of Chu Fengmian Condense, although it seems to be different from ordinary people.

but essentially some differences, only familiar with this new Fleshy Body can only play complete strength.

“The Episode will turn into the headquarters.”

These five Jiannu are familiar with Fleshy Body in the palace, and Chu Fengmian is ready to go.

Since it is now temporarily unable to condense Smaller Thousand 3s, Chu Fengmian can only throw this in advance to the brain.

The entrance of the strange world, in Nine Domains, now the Nine Domains army’s garrison, in Nine Domains, even even the nine-order immatureial capital may exist.

, especially the Heavenly Sword, the ancestors of Imperial Family, Sword Ancestor may also be in Nine Domain, and CHU Fengmian has ran before, and it is tantamount to Walking Right Into A Trap.

, so you need to explore the situation first.

Here is the headquarters of the Extreme Circle, and now Chu Fengmian is already a five-star member of the Epoch Tony. His permission is greatly improved, and some of the intelligence he needed in the headquarters of the Episode.

At the same time, it is also a way to improve strength.

In addition to the Martial Palace, the invitation of the French Temple, Chu Fengmian is ready to go shopping at the headquarters of this era.

chu fengmian body moved, it is left the palace. It was ready to leave this star Cave Mansion directly and went to the Epoch will headquarters Continent.

It is just a moment of just left the palace, but a strange Sword INTENT has attracted the attention of chu fengmian.

“Is this?”

Chu Fengmian Looked Towards, the direction of Sword Intent, this is a stone pavilion, in this stone pavilion, you can see a lot of swords, it seems that there is a warrior, in which swords have passed.

On this stone pavilion, a strange Sword INTEN is exuded, which is a Sword INTENT that Chu Fengmian has never seen.

even if it looks like this sword, I don’t know how many years of years of Baptism, but the Sword Intent above is still overuse.

I saw the moment of SWORD INTENT above this stone booth, Chu Fengmian suddenly thought.

He chooses such a star, as the reason for his Cave Mansion, in fact, this weird Sword INTENT is found.

chu fengmian body moved, next moment, is here to come to this stone pavilion, he slows the extend the hand, stroking the sword, and feels the Sword Intent above.

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