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After hearing Chu Fengmian’s words, Ji Fei also chose to remain silent.

The matter between Sacred Son, but he does not have the qualifications to intervene. The Chu Fengmian in front of him, although he has not really become a Sacred Son, but in Ji Fei’s eyes, he is already the fourth Sacred Son in the Epoch Association.

“The ancestor Sir Long, the Sacred Son of Wandao, is the first Sacred Son in the Era Society. He has a solid foundation in the Era Society. His subordinates have a huge power, not just the dísciple, like the Dísciple. Even in the Martial Palace, there are many dísciples that have joined the command of Sacred Son of Wandao.”

Ji Fei said in a low voice.

Ji Fei’s words are also reminding Chu Fengmian.

Wan Dao Sacred Son has great momentum.

Let Chu Fengmian not rush to shoot.

Chu Fengmian also understands this. He is not a reckless person, even more how Chu Fengmian has no energy yet, so he should take care of Sacred Son.

He still has his own business to do.

“I am going to retreat for a while.”

Chu Fengmian looked towards Ji Fei, with a move of his palm, a group of Primal Chaos Divine Stone flew towards Ji Fei.

“If you have anything about Wandao Sacred Son, you can directly sound transmission and tell me.”

“Yes, many thanks Sir Long.”

Ji Fei took the group of Primal Chaos Divine Stone, also with ecstasy on his face.

“I won’t bother adults in retreat here.”

Speaking, Ji Fei turned into a retreat and disappeared in front of Chu Fengmian.

And Chu Fengmian took out the formation diagram in his hand and put it down toward the star below.

This formation diagram fell on the stars below, and there were countless lines appearing, carved into the stars. This kind of formation diagram, and these stars, came from the hands of the Star Palace.

These unique exercises naturally existed in it. Soon this formation diagram completely disappeared from the stars, and a huge Array rose up and enveloped the stars.

This Array has never been seen by Chu Fengmian, but in terms of the power it contains, it will take at least a while for Chu Fengmian to take a shot.

“It seems that this six-star formation diagram is indeed capable of fighting against the eighth-order immortal emperor.”

Chu Fengmian said to himself.

The formidable power of the six-star formation diagram is indeed powerful enough, but Chu Fengmian has not forgotten Ji Fei’s reminder.

The security in the Epoch Club headquarters is just that there is no threat from foreign enemies, but inside the Epoch Club, it is not without enemies.

Adding to the fact that Chu Fengmian has just arrived in the Era Club headquarters, Wandao Sacred Son is already pressing to do something with Chu Fengmian. Chu Fengmian wants to retreat and ensure his own safety is naturally the top priority. Important thing.

Chu Fengmian stepped into the stars, and again took out countless materials, and began to prepare for the formation.

Chu Fengmian just looted a large amount of Supreme Treasure from the treasury of Youdi, and the material can be used to form an array.

This star will be where Chu Fengmian will stand in the Era Society in the future. It must be arranged properly.

As Chu Fengmian stepped into the stars, his figure gradually disappeared.

On the other side, in the star belt of the Era Club headquarters.

Among these countless stars, a huge star is located in the center of the stars. This star seems to be the largest star in the entire star belt.

A huge Array shrouded this star. At a glance, you can even see many members of the Epoch Society patrolling here.

The members of the Epoch Society who can enter the headquarters of the Epoch Society are all four-star members. They are also a fifth-order immortal emperor when they are weak.

But now it turns out to be willing to patrol, like a soldier. From this we can see how noble the master of this star is.

On these stars, build these countless prosperous palaces, there are hundreds of them, but there is only one, the largest, and the most precious. On this palace plaque, the two words of ten thousand ways contain With endless majesty.

Before I came to this palace, when I saw these two words, I felt a huge pressure, which made people bow their heads involuntarily.

Several Martial Artists hurriedly arrived from the outside and came directly into this palace.

These Martial Artists are exactly the five Star Palace dísciples who have fought against Chu Fengmian before.

They are all pale, and their bodies are filled with a bloody smell. Obviously, they have suffered a lot of injuries after experiencing the battle just now. They helped each other and came to this palace.

See the figure above the Golden Throne in the center of the palace.

The dísciple of these famous star halls hurriedly knelt down and said.

“Meet Sacred Son.”

“Well? What a strong smell of blood, what’s the matter? What happened to what I told you?”

The figure above the Golden Throne, his gaze condensed, and he also saw these dísciples of the Star Palace, apparently suffering a lot of injuries.

This made his eyes flashed with surprise.

“The little fellow should be just a fairy, not as strong as you, how could you hurt so badly?”

This figure is Sacred Son.

This time the five Star Palace dísciple shot and attacked Chu Fengmian. They did indeed follow his instructions.

Originally, Wan Dao Sacred Son wanted to beat Chu Fengmian and teach Chu Fengmian a lesson. It would be better for Chu Fengmian to lose the qualification of the fourth Sacred Son directly.

But the result seemed to be unexpected.

“Tell my lord, we have acted according to your instructions, but the strength of the Ancestral Dragon is far surpasses. Wait, we are all defeated by this person.”

A star temple dísciple headed by him quickly spoke.

“One move to defeat?”

Wan Dao Sacred Son’s eyes condensed, and the surprised look in his eyes is even worse.

“Is the information wrong? This person has stepped into the Immortal Emperor Realm? Or is someone secretly taking action?”

A fairy venerable, even with high aptitude, is at best comprehending the six rules. This is the rule. In this era, no one has ever broken this rule.

Even the three major Sacred Sons of the Era Club, the sword demon Sacred Son, and the Heart Demon Sacred Son are the same as him, Wandao Sacred Son.

In the world of Immortal Venerable Realm, after comprehend the sixth law and the seventh law, it is impossible to comprehend to Great Accomplishment anyway.

Even if countless resources and countless methods have been used, they have completely failed.

It seems to be in the dark, no immortal deity is allowed, and it can be comprehend to the seventh law.

The six laws of comprehend are equivalent to the sixth rank of the immortal emperor’s strength. With the addition of the three Sacred Sons, they are all the sons of the era, mastering the Supreme Beginning Strength, with the shelter of this era, so many opportunities, so you can Fight across realm.

But this is equivalent to the strength of the 7th grade Immortal Emperor.

Sacred Son, the ultimate strength before entering the Immortal Emperor Realm, was the 7th grade Immortal Emperor.

Sacred Son, the sword demon who fought with him, is the same.

So in Wandao Sacred Son’s guess, Chu Fengmian’s strength should also be around the 7th grade immortal emperor, so he will specially send two 7th grade immortal emperors to act on Chu Fengmian.

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