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Ji Fei heard Chu Fengmian’s words and thought about the actions of the Star Palace dísciple just now. It was also a big thing.

The behavior of the dísciples of these famous star palaces is indeed unusual.

Especially when they first started, these famous star temple dísciples are now ready to come, and they are accumulating this power long ago. Waiting for Chu Fengmian to take action, it will burst out with a thunder blow, causing serious damage. Chu Fengmian.

If these Star Palace dísciples are just asking for money, there is no need to make such preparations. After all, this kind of extortion, once it is spread out, will not be glorious for the Star Palace.

No, I chose such a big fan.

Unless it is the dísciple of these stars, from the very beginning, the goal is not to blackmail Chu Fengmian, but to act with Chu Fengmian.

“It’s not necessarily the hand that moved from the Star Palace, I’m afraid it’s fascinating from behind, it’s just the hand of the Star Palace dísciple that’s all.”

A sneer appeared at the corner of Chu Fengmian’s mouth.

He has probably guessed who is behind these star temple dísciples.

Among the seven halls of the Era Society, the star hall has always been independent, so there is no reason to trouble Chu Fengmian on the star hall.

In these five star palace dísciples, two of them are high-rank immortal emperors, just to blackmail Chu Fengmian, this battle is also a bit big.

So it is only possible that these Star Palace dísciples are actually deliberately directed at Chu Fengmian, asking for trouble, and the people behind them are the people who are the least willing to see Chu Fengmian and come to the Jiyuanhui headquarters.

“Wan Dao Sacred Son, Heart Demon Sacred Son.”

Chu Fengmian spit out two names.

Chu Fengmian was just and honorable this time and came to the Era Club headquarters, although some ordinary Era Club dísciple did not know the identity of Chu Fengmian.

But for all the giants of the Epoch Club, Chu Fengmian’s identity and details, they know all about it.

It’s like the Temple Lord of Nafa. As soon as I met, he expressed his kindness to Chu Fengmian and planned to win Chu Fengmian into the temple.

The senior officials of the other six halls are also fully aware of the arrival of Chu Fengmian. Under such circumstances, this time they sent these star halls dísciple to test, or they have a lesson in Chu Fengmian. .

The only possibility is his enemy, the least willing to see Chu Fengmian, it should be said that the least willing to see the birth of a new Sacred Son in this era.

There are only three, namely Sacred Son, Heart Demon Sacred Son, and Sacred Son.

Three Sacred Sons in the Era Club.

For the three big Sacred Sons, the fewer Sacred Sons in the Epoch Club, the more they can dominate.

On the contrary, once someone becomes the fourth Sacred Son, they will inevitably divide up their rights, resources, etc. This is something that the three Sacred Sons cannot tolerate.

So when Chu Fengmian was considered to be the fourth Sacred Son of the Era Society.

The three Sacred Sons in this era will be Chu Fengmian’s enemies.

It’s just that Chu Fengmian and Sacred Son, one of the three Sacred Sons, are an old acquaintance. Even if this sword demon Sacred Son does not want to see Chu Fengmian become the fourth Sacred Son, he will never Will be the first to shoot.

Since Chu Fengmian has a jade talisman connection with the sword demon Sacred Son, Chu Fengmian can be sure that the sword demon Sacred Son is not in the epoch club headquarters.

Since she is not in the Era Club headquarters, the chance of ordering people to test Chu Fengmian is much smaller. In addition, Chu Fengmian’s friendship with her is not bad.

Sacred Son, the sword demon, should not have this reason to act on Chu Fengmian.

So there are only two remaining goals, Wandao Sacred Son and Heart Demon Sacred Son.

Among these two, Wandao Sacred Son is the most suspicious.

Because now, the biggest party to draw Chu Fengmian together is Martial Palace, one of the Seven Palaces.

In the eyes of many people, Chu Fengmian should become the fourth Sacred Son in the Epoch Club as the Martial Palace Sacred Son.

And Martial Palace, is the temple with Sacred Son, the temple with the worst relationship, even the one that confronts directly.

Since Chu Fengmian is about to become Martial Palace Sacred Son, this Sacred Son does not need to be polite to Chu Fengmian, so he is the most likely person to take the shot.

“Wan Dao Sacred Son, Heart Demon Sacred Son, are they all in the Era Club headquarters?”

Chu Fengmian looked towards Ji Fei asked.

“Wan Dao Sacred Son is now retreating in the headquarters, while Heart Demon Sacred Son is not in the headquarters.”

Ji Fei hears Chu Fengmian’s words and can be replied.

Once Sacred Son returns to the headquarters, it is a major event, almost well known, so Jifei can easily know whether the three Sacred Sons are in the headquarters or not.

“Sure enough, it is Sacred Son.”

Chu Fengmian’s eyes flashed a little bit of chill.

It seems that Sacred Son is already eyeing him.

This time I sent these star temple dísciples here. One is to test the strength of Chu Fengmian, and the second is the idea of ​​wanting to teach Chu Fengmian some lessons. It can even be said that those star temple dísciples have just been shot, obviously more than a lesson. It’s that simple.

There is even an idea of ​​wanting to inflict Chu Fengmian.

Chu Fengmian is now the fourth Sacred Son in the eyes of the senior executives of the Era Society. Once this is the time, Chu Fengmian is suddenly severely injured and severely injured, which is enough to affect the judgment of those senior executives of the era on Chu Fengmian.

And even directly affect the strength of Chu Fengmian.

A Martial Artist, especially a genius, once suffered a serious injury, it is very likely that he will not be able to fall, or even regress in strength.

Many of the many geniuses in history have suffered a failure and then fell into disrepair.

This time Wandao Sacred Son shot, but it was extremely vicious.

Because of the three major Sacred Sons of the Era Club, when they were in the Immortal Venerable Realm world, their strength was probably at the 7th grade Immortal Emperor level.

Moreover, you still have to exert all your strength to reach the 7th grade immortal emperor level. Facing a 7th grade immortal emperor, you can contend, but it is difficult to defeat it.

If Chu Fengmian’s strength is really the same as most Sacred Sons.

Then the two high-rank celestial emperor dísciple shots are enough to easily severely injure Chu Fengmian. If Chu Fengmian is unwilling to be seriously injured, he has to directly choose to condense Smaller Thousand Worlds and forcefully step into the Immortal Emperor Realm. One way is optional.

However, I chose this step. Although it can temporarily resolve the crisis, once I become an emperor, the speed of Comprehend Law will slow down, and when the time comes, it will become much more difficult to improve my strength.

Without being a last resort, talented immortals like Chu Fengmian are unwilling to be promoted to Immortal Emperor Realm in advance.

The first Imperial Princess, the sword demon Sacred Son, had been promoted to the Immortal Emperor Realm before, and was forced to do it as a last resort.

Sacred Son’s temptation at this time can be called vicious. Chu Fengmian will always remember this hatred.

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