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When Chu Fengmian’s body completely entered the space channel, and was gradually submerged in it, the space channel slowly dissipated.


As soon as he stepped into this space channel, Chu Fengmian was in front of a piece of white, making him unable to see everything around him.

Reluctantly opening his eyes and making a careful identification, Chu Fengmian realized that the surrounding scene was a scene of changing space, but the speed was so fast that it looked like a piece of white.

Chu Fengmian looked at it for a while and felt a little dizzy. The space channel and Space Transmission built by this formation diagram are hundreds or thousands of times faster than the average space channel.

At this speed, Chu Fengmian can hardly see the changes in the outside world.

After Chu Fengmian made sure that he was not in any danger now, he simply didn’t look at it, closed his eyes, and waited slowly.

After a while, this whiteness gradually dissipated. Chu Fengmian slowly opened his eyes. What he saw was a gray mist.

“This is Primal Chaos?”

This gray mist is exactly the aura of Primal Chaos.

This is not the first time Chu Fengmian has seen it.

But now, he has crossed a huge Primal Chaos area. There are dozens, hundreds of Smaller Thousand Worlds in this area.

“In this world, there is such a rich Primal Chaos area?”

Chu Fengmian looked towards outside, I felt a little weird.

In the beginning, Primal Chaos, the universe, nothingness.

It was opened in the early days, Primal Chaos was born, the universe multiplied, and nothingness shattered.

The era of Primal Chaos was extremely short. After some creatures were born, Primal Chaos completely dissipated and turned into the world of heavens, now the Three Great Saint Territories, the Nine Domains, and even many of the worlds of Zhongqian. Smaller Thousand Worlds are all born from Primal Chaos.

It can also be said that they were transformed from the aura of Primal Chaos. Primal Chaos transformed into countless worlds and dissipated.

There are only some areas. For various reasons, Primal Chaos may still exist, but they are only in some small spaces.

But now this area is as big as the Fine Nether world, and the Primal Chaos aura is everywhere, and the Primal Chaos aura here is extremely rich, comparable to the Blood Slaughter Demon Sword mastered by Chu Fengmian , Jianyuanjieshi within the realm’s concentration of mixed energy.

The Sword Source World is the world in the Blood Slaughter Demon Sword. It does not belong to this era at all. It is not surprising that there may be such a strong Primal Chaos atmosphere.

But here, it is definitely a part of the present era, a place in the endless emptiness, but the aura of Primal Chaos is so strong.

Furthermore, it is incredible that such a large area has not been discovered by any forces.

Boundless nothingness.

But all parties, Three Great Saint Territories, Nine Domains, and even some Zhongqian worlds, Smaller Thousand Worlds, the exploration towards the endless nothingness is also endless.

Now that there is no endless emptiness, most of the area has already been set foot by Martial Artist. Such a large area is impossible to hide, and the atmosphere of Primal Chaos is so strong here. It is simply a natural place. The cultivation Holy Land.

Here, whether it is cultivation or healing, it has the effect of half the results for twice the effort.

“No, this is being covered by supreme!”

As Chu Fengmian penetrated into this piece of Primal Chaos, he suddenly discovered that in this piece of Primal Chaos, it was completely shrouded by a force. This force gave all of this piece of Primal Chaos. Completely enveloped.

So the Martial Artists outside actually couldn’t discover the existence of this piece of Primal Chaos, even a little bit of detection, they couldn’t do it.

Chu Fengmian also passed the space channel of the formation diagram before directly entering this piece of Primal Chaos.

“Ninth-order immortal emperor? No, the ninth-order immortal emperor does not have the power to completely cover this piece of Primal Chaos…”

The expression in Chu Fengmian’s eyes was full of deep fear. This kind of power, the power that such a piece of Primal Chaos can completely envelope, is impossible for the Ninth-order Immortal Imperial Capital.

After all, this piece of Primal Chaos is as big as the Nine Nether world.

If a ninth-order immortal emperor wants to cover up a Small World, or even a Smaller Thousand Worlds, it is all possible, but a Zhongqian world is too big.

Even if it is the Emperor You, the powerhouse of the 9th-order immortal emperor who has reached the Dao Transformation realm, he is impossible to have the power to conceal a mid-thousand world, and can put this method in existence, there is only one possibility.


Chu Fengmian said silently.

This is definitely a means of dominance.

Only by surpassing the existence of the immortal emperor, even surpassing the epoch, can the master possess such a heaven-defying means, with supreme divine force, to cover up such a large piece of Primal Chaos.

This is what the master behind Epoch will do.

This piece of Primal Chaos is actually where the headquarters of the Epoch Club is located. The headquarters of the Epoch Club is located at the center of this piece of Primal Chaos.

“Almost there?”

While Chu Fengmian was observing the all around, he also found that the speed of this space channel was getting slower and slower, and finally stopped completely in a starry sky.

At a glance, a huge continent is located in the center of the entire Primal Chaos. Around this continent, there are thousands of stars surrounding the continent.

Above these many stars, Chu Fengmian felt an extremely tyrannical array of prohibitions. Obviously, these stars all have masters to prevent outsiders from setting foot on them.

“This is the headquarters of Era Club.”

And Chu Fengmian’s gaze was looking towards the huge continent, the headquarters of the Epoch Association, right here.

Chu Fengmian finally came here.

After arriving at the headquarters of Era Club, Chu Fengmian can finally lift the veil of the mysterious Era Club little by little.

“newcomer stop.”

Just as Chu Fengmian was about to enter this huge continent, a figure suddenly came to Chu Fengmian.

“The Era Club headquarters here, only members with four or more stars can enter it.”

“I’m here to participate in the assessment.”

Chu Fengmian was not nervous when he saw this person. With a move of his palm, Jade Talisman, the identity of the Epoch Society, appeared in his palm.

“Oh? A newcomer to participate in the assessment?”

The Era Club member glanced at the jade talisman in Chu Fengmian’s hand, and then put it down again.

“Yes, you have already met the requirements for promotion. You only need to pass the assessment to become a four-star member of our Era Club and be promoted to a core member.”

The Era Club member said with some smiles on his face after seeing the identity of Chu Fengmian, jade talisman.

“Zu Fellow Daoist Long, I am here to congratulate you in advance for joining our Era Club headquarters.”

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