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Chu Fengmian glanced away, and he casually searched for a remote place in the Nether World.

Nine Nether world’s Martial Artists are mostly gathered in areas rich in Power of Darkness, such as places where Power of Darkness is relatively thin, and few Martial Artists are willing to set foot.

Chu Fengmian quickly found a valley. The Power of Darkness in this valley is extremely thin. In addition, this place is relatively remote, and there is no trace of Martial Artist within a radius of thousands of miles.

Moreover, the thin Power of Darkness can also ensure the accuracy of the formation diagram to prevent it from being affected by external forces.

Entering into the valley, Chu Fengmian did not lay out the formation diagram in a hurry, but moved his mind to summon the Dark Sword Heavenly Venerate, Xingwu Sword Emperor.

“My lord.”

The two looked towards Chu Fengmian, both bowed, and stood in front of Chu Fengmian respectfully, waiting for Chu Fengmian’s instructions.

“You two, leave this Nether world, return to the blood war world within the realm, and protect the blood war world. Once there is a major event on the blood war world, notify me immediately.”

Chu Fengmian plans to go to the Jiyuanhui headquarters this time to avoid the limelight, I’m afraid he won’t leave in a short time.

After all, Chu Fengmian went to the Epoch Club this time, not just to avoid the limelight, he also has to participate in the assessment of the Epoch Club headquarters, and it is precisely to be promoted to become a core member of the Epoch Club.

Subsequently, Chu Fengmian needed to use the identities of core members to explore some of the information of Sacred Hall and Myriad Realms. Similarly, Chu Fengmian was extremely afraid of this deeply hidden Epoch Society, and he also needed to investigate it carefully.

All of this takes a long time, so in a short time, Chu Fengmian will not return to the realm within the realm.

In addition, now that Sword Ancestor is already eyeing Chu Fengmian, if Chu Fengmian returns to the blood warrior within the realm, it may bring the disaster to the blood warrior within the realm. In contrast, Chu Fengmian should not go back in the short term, it is the best choice.

So Chu Fengmian planned to leave the Star Wu Sword Emperor, Dark Sword Heavenly Venerate, who has been following Chu Fengmian before heading to the Jiyuanhui headquarters, and return to the Blood Martial World within the realm to protect the blood martial world.

The place where Chu Fengmian is going is the headquarters of the Epoch Association. As a member of the Epoch Association, Chu Fengmian’s safety should be guaranteed.

What Ji Yuan will say, it is also one of the three *** forces. No one should be able to invade his headquarters, and Chu Fengmian himself does not need any protection

And this dark sword Heavenly Venerate, Xingwu sword emperor, is Chu Fengmian’s sword slave who shaped the Fleshy body with the Spirit Sword.

Although it looks like ordinary people, there must be powerhouse as clouds in the headquarters of Epoch Association. Imperial Capital of the Ninth-Order Immortal will exist. If they can see this dark sword Heavenly Venerate, the sword emperor Xingwu’s Secret, but it may be a little troublesome.

This time I went to the Era Club headquarters. Chu Fengmian plans to go there by himself, and he can better keep the secret of Chu Fengmian Blood Slaughter Demon Sword.

The news that the Demon Sword really fell into Chu Fengmian’s hands should be discovered as soon as possible.


This dark sword Heavenly Venerate, Xingwu sword emperor, is a sword slave. It is connected to Chu Fengmian’s consciousness. Hearing Chu Fengmian’s order, he also understood Chu Fengmian’s thoughts at once, without any stay, these two people It turns into two escape lights, flying towards the outside of Nine Nether world.

It happens that Nine Nether is within the realm, Three Great Saint Territories, and Martial Artists of Nine Domains have not all left yet. The two of them can now leave with the crowd, which can save a lot of trouble.

After the Dark Sword Heavenly Venerate, Xingwu Sword Emperor ordered to leave, Chu Fengmian opened the space ring and took out the formation diagram in the space ring.

This formation diagram looks incredibly complicated. It is definitely possible that the refining is successful through the cooperation of several immortal emperors. The densely packed inscriptions carved on it are difficult for Chu Fengmian to see through.

However, judging from the complexity of this formation diagram, the headquarters of this era society should be located in a very remote place, so that such a complicated formation diagram is needed, open the space channel, and send it there.

On this formation diagram, in addition to the countless inscriptions that are extremely complex, there are black vacancies. These vacancies are all high-quality celestial stones that must be filled as a source of strength. Only then can this formation diagram be used.

There are a total of nine hundred and ninety-nine black vacancies like this, which means that at least nine hundred and ninety-nine celestial stones are required, and the top grade celestial stones are required to activate this array.

Each time this formation diagram is activated, there is a big price to pay. The Martial Artist under Heavenly Venerate cannot afford this type of formation diagram at all.

Of course, the members of the Epoch Society who can go to the headquarters of the Epoch Society are all at least four-star members, and they are definitely all Tier 4, and above Tier 5 immortal emperors.

This price is naturally affordable.

As for Chu Fengmian, he even owns the Divine Vein. There are as many immortal stones as he wants to condense, even the Primal Chaos Divine Stone, Chu Fengmian doesn’t take it seriously, even more how is some immortal stones.

Chu Fengmian waved his hand casually, and nine hundred and ninety-nine immortal stones appeared, flew out of him, and inserted them into the black vacancies in the formation diagram.

These immortal stones are all condensed to the extreme by Chu Fengmian. Compared with the top grade immortal stones that are naturally born, they are much more powerful. Ninety-nine hundred and 19 immortal stones are inserted into the black vacancies.

Soon the countless inscriptions on this formation diagram shined, and I saw a huge space channel appeared in front of Chu Fengmian. This space channel was ten meters high, more than The general space channel is much larger.

Moreover, the Space Power in this space channel is also extremely stable. It is difficult for a high-rank immortal emperor to break this space channel.

“This formation is a bit too big, it seems that I have done a little too much.”

Chu Fengmian muttered to himself as he looked at the huge space channel in front of him.

A general space channel, which is as tall as a person, can accommodate general human Martial Artists into it.

And the space channel opened by Chu Fengmian now is obviously too big. This should be the fairy stone used by Chu Fengmian. The power in it is too quintessential and has something to do with it.

However, fortunately, the area in which this valley is located is extremely desolate, and there is no Martial Artist nearby. This pattern is not enough to attract Martial Artists from the Nether World.

This is also the first time Chu Fengmian used this formation diagram to go to the Epoch Club headquarters, so I made it a little bigger just to be on the safe side.

“This space channel should be enough to hold my strength.”

Chu Fengmian looked at the space channel for a while. After confirming that there was no problem with the space channel, Chu Fengmian stepped out and stepped into the space channel.

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