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“Don’t kill me! who the hell are you? In this ancient battlefield, no one should be able to burst out such a powerful force!”

Seeing that all the generals standing in front of him were beheaded by Chu Fengmian.

The face of Shimiewang was full of panic and shouted.

He couldn’t even think that Chu Fengmian had such a terrifying power.

Moreover, in this ancient battlefield, such a powerful force can burst out.

The suppression of Heaven and Earth Law in the ancient battlefield can suppress the power of the high rank Immortal Emperor to the level of the immortal saint, so in this ancient battlefield, the strength of a single player is always limited.

In contrast, an army composed of countless warriors, human tactics, is the strongest tactic in this ancient battlefield.

With the start of the Nether Wars, this point of view has been proved countless times.

But when the Ten Destroyed Kings thought they had the chance to win, Chu Fengmian shot and directly destroyed his army, pushing him into a desperate situation now.

“Ten Annihilation!”

Looking at Chu Fengmian approaching step by step, the Ten Destruction King suddenly roared loudly.

On the sky, the power of the Great Array of Ten Deeds burst out, and the power of Ten Deeds condensed into a long spear on the volley, piercing Chu Fengmian down.

This great array of ten extinctions is already accumulating this power.

All of this can’t be hidden from Chu Fengmian’s eyes.

Chu Fengmian slowly raised the Spirit Sword in his hand, and drew a sword towards the sky.


The sword light soars into the sky, and the long spear that the power of the ten destruction turns into, is cruelly crushed under this sword light, and the entire great array of the ten destruction is divided into two by this sword light, directly break in.

The great array is broken.

The King of Ten Kills also lost his last hole card.

“You can’t kill me, my father is Supreme Elder of Black Sky City. If you dare to kill me, he will never let you go!”

The King of Ten Destruction hurriedly roared.

“Supreme Elder, if he dares to avenge him, please wait anytime.”

Chu Fengmian heard the words of the King of Ten Destructions, but his expression remained unchanged. There were more people threatening him. Chu Fengmian never cared, even more how Chu Fengmian’s enemy that many, didn’t care about one more trifling Black Sky City. Supreme Elder.

While Chu Fengmian spoke, the Spirit Sword in his hand was already beheaded. Under Chu Fengmian’s sword, all of the ten extinction kings were beheaded by a single sword, and their vitality was wiped out and completely fallen.

Chu Fengmian stretched out his hand and grabbed the space ring of the Ten Destruction King in his hand.

However, Chu Fengmian not at all stopped. After beheading the Ten Destruction Kings, Chu Fengmian turned into a sword light, chasing and killing the warriors of the Ten Destruction King’s army.

Chu Fengmian this time since he wants to expose his strength, he intends to kill all warriors who see Chu Fengmian’s strength, otherwise it will be troublesome if someone leaks it out.

I saw the sword light that Chu Fengmian transformed into, a warrior was beheaded, and in one minute, all warriors under the command of the Ten Destruction King were not left behind, and all were beheaded by Chu Fengmian.

Thanks to the Ten Destruction King, in order to completely occupy the entire bone stone forest, all the other warriors in the bone stone forest were driven away. Therefore, here, only those warriors who have seen Chu Fengmian are under the command of the Ten Destruction King.

Chu Fengmian can be so clean and cut them all.

After doing all this, Chu Fengmian entered the bone tower, and he slowly opened the space ring of the King of Ten Destructions.

What Chu Fengmian saw at a glance was the jade talisman piled up into mountains.

“About 170,000 pieces.”

To count the jade talisman in the space ring of the Ten Destruction King, Chu Fengmian transferred all these jade talisman to his space ring.

With the addition of these 170,000 jade talisman, the number of jade talisman in Chu Fengmian’s hands has also reached more than 300,000 at once.

At the same time, the number above Chu Fengmian jade talisman has also changed directly from “six” to “one.”

Chu Fengmian, who owns these 300,000 jade talismans, is now directly at the top of the Nether Wars Ranking List.

“It’s almost over.”

What Chu Fengmian has to do now is to wait, waiting for the end of the Nether War, and he can get the qualification to enter the inner sea of ​​the Nine Nether.

An ancient battlefield.

In an ancient city built of earth-yellow stones.

Located in the tall tower in the center of the city, a young man sits on the throne of the tall tower. By his side, there are several Mei Ji waiting here, serving tea and pouring water.

In this ancient battlefield, this scene seems to be out of tune with the outside world. This young man is like a vacationer, rather than entering a nether warfare and fighting a life and death battle.

But the reason he dares to be so relaxed is because the entire Yellowstone City has now been arranged with countless arrays, a large number of warriors, formed into teams, and patrolled in them. There are tens of thousands of warriors in the entire Huangshi City , Guarding this young man in the center tower.

“It’s almost over. It’s too easy to take this place. No one will challenge you. I hope that the inner sea of ​​the Sea of ​​Nine Nether can give me enough surprises. It’s not in vain that I lead the Guards. Participate in the nether warfare.”

This young man, the prince of Xi Country, sat on the throne, opening the mouth and said casually.

“That is, who dares to challenge His Royal Highness, Heavenly Venerate is nothing but an ant in front of His Royal Highness’s guards. Dare to challenge is tantamount to bring about one’s own destruction.”

Hearing what the prince of the country said, a woman next to her said with a smile.

“Nine Nether has treasure opportunities in the inner sea, but there are much more than those in the outer sea. Your Royal Highness will definitely have a big harvest this time.”

“If it weren’t for this, I wouldn’t want to wait so long for this inland sea…”

The prince of Xi Kingdom opened the mouth and said at will, and suddenly at this moment, the number displayed on the jade talisman who had been placed in front of him suddenly changed.

From “one” to “two”.


This sudden change did not escape the eyes of the prince of Xi Country.

“At this time, someone can surpass me in the ranking?”

Although the rewards for the first five of the Nether War are the same, the prince of the state of Xi led the guards this time, and he will naturally sweep everything. He is the top spot.

Therefore, the prince of the state of Xi has been leading the guards and plundering jade talisman. He stopped when he was firmly at the top of the list, but he did not expect that at this last moment, the ranking of jade talisman happened Changed.

“Interesting ……”

The prince of the stream country looked towards jade talisman, with deep meaning in his eyes.

It’s not just him, the glitzy Princess in the sky veins, the common people Heavenly Venerate in the wild forest, and the ancient world-zun on a lake, all have discovered the changes in the ranking of jade talisman, their eyes looked Towards jade talisman are all looking thoughtful.

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