
You can search “Nine Domains Sword Emperor Miaobi Pavilion (” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

If there is enough time, Chu Fengmian doesn’t mind spending it like this.

Anyway, under the command of the Ten Destruction King, there are only two thousand warriors.

The beheading of Chu Fengmian a sword, a sword will sooner or later kill all these warriors.

But now for Chu Fengmian, he doesn’t have this time. The Nether War distance is over, but only the last four hours are left.

Just to kill these warriors, four hours of time may not be enough. In addition, the King of Ten Deeds still has a final hole card, that is, the great array of Ten Deeds.

The power of the Great Array of Ten Destructions has not been stimulated. If the King of Ten Destructions continues to delay, it will not be good for Chu Fengmian.

The King of Ten Destructions has been operating this bone stone forest for several days, and has already built the bone stone forest into an indestructible fortress. Chu Fengmian’s hard drive was the only result.

However, if Chu Fengmian changed his goal, the result would actually be the same. Whether it was the prince of Xi Country or the Vanity Princess and others, they had already managed their own territories and turned them into a fortress.

“If it doesn’t work, I can only use that trick.”

Chu Fengmian’s eyes narrowed.

He still has this last hole card, but he is not willing to take the risk before the last moment.

In this army, Chu Fengmian was in a stalemate with the warriors in the army of the Ten Destruction King. One hour, two hours, three hours, and four hours passed.

More than half of the warriors in the army of the King of Ten Destructions were beheaded by Chu Fengmian, and there were only a few hundred warriors left.

But these hundreds of warriors still surround the Chu Fengmian group, which prevents Chu Fengmian from breaking through this wall. However, after four hours, Chu Fengmian’s speed at beheading the warriors is obviously slower. Go down.

“It seems that this dark sword is also starting to lose its strength.”

“Four hours have passed, this person’s Bloodline Strength is really terrifying.”

a General, looked towards Chu Fengmian in the army, whispered.

“The distance is over, there should be only one hour left.”

“It seems that this time, it should be impossible to kill this person.”

“However, this person has no threat to adults. What he is doing now is Stranded Beast’s Struggle that’s all.”

There is only one hour left before the end of the Nether War.

The current Chu Fengmian is still trapped in the army. It is almost impossible to try to charge ahead the army.

In these four hours, Chu Fengmian has tried countless times.

All ended in failure.

even more how Chu Fengmian now seems to be exhausted. Although self-protection is enough, it is impossible to threaten the King of Ten Destructions.

Even the Ten Destruction Kings walked out of the bone tower and stood among the generals, looking towards Chu Fengmian.

“It’s a pity, there is no way to kill this person.”

The eyes of the King of Ten Destructions also showed a bit of greed. With the strength of Chu Fengmian, there are definitely a lot of treasures in the space ring.

If you can kill Chu Fengmian and seize the space ring from Chu Fengmian, you can also make a fortune, but now it seems that time is too late.

When the nether war is over, all warriors will be directly forcibly teleported out of this ancient world, forcibly stopping all battles.

Counting the time, it should be too late.

“It’s okay. This person seems to be just a Loose Cultivator. When the adult enters the inland sea, his strength will increase. When he joins the Black Sky City, it is not a matter with no difficulty. I want to kill this dark sword, with no difficulty.”

A general whispered beside him.

“Yes, this time I entered the inner sea of ​​the Sea of ​​Nine Nether, I have the hope of hitting the strength of the high rank Immortal Emperor. I will join the Black Sky City, which is also the core Elder. I will look for a chance to kill this dark sword.”

Said with a sneer appeared in the corner of the mouth of the King of Ten Destructions.

The words of the Ten Destruction King and the general, although they were sound transmissions, were still heard by Chu Fengmian. Upon hearing these words, Chu Fengmian’s mouth was full of sneers.

Since the King of Ten Destructions intends to leave the ancient battlefield and is killing him, it is a pity that today the King of Ten Destructions has no life to leave this ancient battlefield.

“Time should be almost up.”

Chu Fengmian said silently, and it was time for his last hole card to be displayed.

A quarter of an hour, two quarters, three quarters…

The end of the Nether War, only the last quarter of an hour is left.

The Ten Destroyed Kings are already smiling, thinking that the outcome is already settled.

Chu Fengmian suddenly lifts the head.

He felt that the Spiritual Consciousness, who had been observing the four overseers in this ancient battlefield, disappeared at the same time.

“Time to do it!”

Chu Fengmian’s eyes flashed a little killing intent.

Without a supervisor, Chu Fengmian doesn’t need to hide any strength.

The power of Divine Tree burst out, and I saw that the power of Chu Fengmian’s body was rising steadily. After a few breaths, his power had more than doubled.

The skyrocketing strength of one time has increased Chu Fengmian’s strength, but it was several times that, when Chu Fengmian stepped out with a sword, a dark sword light slashed down in the air, and the dozens warrior in front of him , All under this lacquered Black Sword light, his body was completely swallowed.

Just a sword.

The warriors who stood in front of Chu Fengmian were directly beheaded by him.

The other warriors didn’t even have time to continue intercepting Chu Fengmian. They saw Chu Fengmian’s escape, and the speed was amazing. He directly turned into a sword light and walked through this army.

Where the sword light passed, the nearby warriors were directly beheaded. After a few breaths, more than one third of the remaining hundreds of warriors were killed by Chu Fengmian.

“What’s the matter?”

“What’s wrong with this?”

“How did this person’s strength increase so fast?”

“This Dark Sword has been fighting fiercely for several hours, how can it still have such a powerful force?”

The generals looked at the sudden changes in the army, and their eyes showed unbelievable expressions.

But no matter how they didn’t believe it, the sword light of Chu Fengmian had already come to them, and Chu Fengmian’s sword was aimed at the Ten Destroyer Kings.

“Stop him!”

The Ten Destruction King loudly roared.

The other generals suddenly woke up at this moment and stood in front of the King of Ten Destructions.

But these generals still couldn’t stop Chu Fengmian’s sword light. The Spirit Sword in Chu Fengmian’s hand flashed past. The bodies of several generals who stood in front of the King of Ten Destructions fell from the air to the ground. Chu Fengmian beheaded with one sword.

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