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This bloody smell has lasted for a long time, and it has even become a part of this forest.

I don’t know how many warriors have been buried here.

Netherworld Wars will be held every ten years.

Ten years, for a warrior, is like a flash of time.

Nine Nether world was born at the very beginning of this era. This Nether Warfare was born almost simultaneously with Nether World.

Netherworld War is an event held once every ten years since the birth of Nine Nether World, and it has never stopped.

In every nether warfare, hundreds of thousands, even millions of warriors have fallen into it. In this ancient battlefield, every inch of soil is soaked in the warriors who once fell in it. Blood.

Here is the real place of blood evil.

Countless blood has been integrated into the surrounding environment. This bloody smell stimulates the human senses.

When people enter this ancient battlefield, a desire to kill will arise in the heart.

Even Chu Fengmian’s eyes are now flashing a bit of blood red.

Chu Fengmian originally got the inheritance of Blood Slaughter Demon Sword and was already deeply influenced by Blood Slaughter Demon Sword. Blood Slaughter Demon Sword was originally a Sword of Slaughter, and now I feel the bloody smell of this forest In Chu Fengmian’s heart, there was a killing intent.

In an instant, Chu Fengmian calmed down, and once he was stunned by the killing, he was more likely to fall into danger.

No wonder the number of warriors who have entered the nether warfare is so amazing. Once they come to this ancient battlefield, even the normally peaceful warriors will be full of killing intents.

The warrior of even more how Nine Nether world, that one did not roll over from a sea of ​​blood, and countless corpses stepped on their feet to achieve today’s achievements.

Affected by the meaning of killing in this ancient battlefield, many people will become monsters who only know how to kill.

“This place is unusual.”

Chu Fengmian’s eyes narrowed.

Even if it is a large amount of blood energy, it is impossible to accumulate such a terrifying Blood Fiendish Qi. This ancient battlefield is by no means natural to be like this, it is more like an external force. Look like.

At the same time, Chu Fengmian also noticed the different laws in this ancient battlefield.

Heaven and Earth Law here is too tyrannical.

Even Chu Fengmian had just entered it, and his power was directly suppressed by a Heaven and Earth Law Power. It had been suppressing his power to the immortal sage level before stopping.

Furthermore, under the suppression of the Heaven and Earth Law Power, Chu Fengmian wanted to use stronger power, even taking out the Immortal Grade in his space ring, which was something that could not be done.

This is exactly the same as what Chu Fengmian learned from the outside world.

Entering into the ancient battlefield, even Immortal Grade and Immortal Pill cannot be used. Except for the Spirit Sword obtained from the dark stone gate, Chu Fengmian can rely on his power.

This kind of suppression of Heaven and Earth Law Power is almost a high rank Immortal Emperor, powerless.

Even if a high rank Immortal Emperor enters this ancient battlefield, his power will still be suppressed to the immortal sage level.

Of course, this kind of suppression of Heaven and Earth Law Power is not completely impossible to resist. Chu Fengmian tries to use his power.

This Power of Heaven and Earth Laws is not invulnerable. If Chu Fengmian really uses his full strength, he may be able to fight one or two temporarily.

Although Chu Fengmian can’t reach the state of Chu Fengmian’s full strength, he can reach the level above the immortal sage.

“Heaven and Earth Law Power here, for the eighth-order Immortal Emperor, still has great suppression, but if it is for a ninth-order Immortal Emperor, it will be useless.”

Chu Fengmian said silently.

Even he can temporarily contend with Heaven and Earth Law here.

That’s for a 9th-order Immortal Emperor.

Heaven and Earth Law here is nothing at all, even the effect of suppressing a 9th-order Immortal Emperor is gone.

After all, the strength of a 9th-order Immortal Emperor is dozens of times, or even hundreds of times, that of the 8th-order Immortal Emperor.

The strength of Chu Fengmian, placed among the eighth-order Immortal Emperor, can be regarded as an extremely tyrannical one, but compared with the ninth-order Immortal Emperor, it is still far away.

So Heaven and Earth Law here does not have any suppressing power for the 9th-order Immortal Emperor.

However, if a 9th-order Immortal Emperor wants to enter the sea of ​​Nine Nether, he can enter with a swagger. There is no need to participate in this nether war.

Like You Emperor, both Immortal Emperor of Tier Nine, he can even carve out an area in the sea of ​​Nine Nether and occupy one side, and no one dares to provoke him.

Therefore, it is almost impossible for the warriors who come to participate in the Nether Warfare. Breakthrough is suppressed by the Power of Heaven and Earth. Chu Fengmian may be an exception, but he is also prepared to follow the rules.

After Chu Fengmian came to this ancient battlefield, he also noticed that the Spiritual Consciousness scanned above the sky, and the four supervisors headed by the blood crow Heavenly Venerate, still observe every move in this ancient battlefield.

Many outside warriors, concealed aura, may not be aware of it if they don’t make a move, but once they make a move, many people will be exposed.

In addition to suppressing power, Immortal Grade and other foreign objects, the Heaven and Earth Law of this ancient battlefield has also suppressed the fleshy body, but it is not as absolute as the strength. Bloodline Strength is the same. Although it has suppression, It is not absolute, it is still possible to mobilize part of the Bloodline Strength.

When the strength is at the same level, having this Bloodline Strength blessing is enough to surpass everyone for a short time and occupy a great advantage.

This is why, a warrior with tyrannical Bloodline Strength, in this nether warfare, has this opportunity to win a higher ranking.

“Since everything is clear, it’s time to do it.”

Chu Fengmian’s eyes narrowed.

He has already heard some fighting and screams coming from the surrounding forest.

The warriors who have entered the ancient battlefield have already begun to fight.

The first three days of the Nether War are the most chaotic three days. Similarly, it is also the best time to hunt down opponents and capture jade talisman. In the first three days, more than half of the warriors will fall .

Chu Fengmian must also seize the opportunity. In the first three days, he captured enough jade talisman to support his ranking and enter the Nine Nether sea.

Chu Fengmian’s goal this time is not as simple as the first 20, but the top five in the Nether Warfare this time.

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