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Some warriors can’t help their greed, they want to leave the floating platform, enter the sea of ​​Nine Nether below, and plunder.

But at the moment when this martial artist wanted to leave the floating platform, a jet of dark rays of light suddenly landed and blasted down. The martial artist had not had time to leave the floating platform and fell into In the sea of ​​Nine Nether, he was directly bombarded by this pitch-black rays of light.

At this time, many warriors only noticed that there are countless arrays of prohibitions shrouded in the sky above this floating platform. If anyone dares to leave this floating platform and enter the sea of ​​Nine Nether below, the only way to be The end of the bombing.

“act recklessly.”

coldly snorted sounded.

The Blood Crow Heavenly Venerate, the overseer of the other three inheritance forces, came to this floating platform. They stood in the air, looking down at everyone present.

“Only those who have obtained the top 20 qualifications in Nether Warfare are qualified to enter the sea of ​​Nine Nether. If anyone trespasses, they have only dead end.”

“Whoever of you wants to enter the sea of ​​Nine Nether must enter the ancient battlefield, fight, loot, kill everything in front of you, and take the jade talisman of others!”

“Only the real winner is qualified to enter the sea of ​​Nine Nether!”

“Everyone, after acquiring the weapons, they enter the ancient battlefield! The bright people of jade talisman, go in now!”

Heavenly Venerate finished speaking, the space in front of him suddenly tore apart, turning into a pitch-black stone gate.

Chu Fengmian feels the breath in the dark stone gate, and you can judge that this ancient battlefield is like the Secret Realm that Chu Fengmian once entered in the Nine Domains. It should also be Desolate Ancient. , A fragment of Desolate Ancient continent.

Now it has been transformed into an independent space, which is used as a battlefield for the special assessment of Nether Warfare.

On this floating platform, the jade talisman in the hands of many people flashes rays of light. Some have some experience for a long time. It is not the first time to participate in the nether warfare, or directly body flashed Into this dark stone gate.

Before entering, they also took some weapons located in front of the dark stone gate.

In front of this dark stone gate, there are a large number of weapons, such as knives, spears and halberds, and even some weapons that Chu Fengmian can’t name.

Entering the ancient battlefield, the strength of all warriors will be suppressed on the same realm. Similarly, not only the strength, but even the strength of Immortal Grade will be suppressed, or even directly unavailable.

In this ancient battlefield, no weapons can be used. Immortal Pill, even some Rare Items of the heavens, etc., cannot be used.

So once you enter it, you can only rely on your own strength. All foreign objects have no meaning. This weapon is a spirit jade produced in the sea of ​​Nine Nether, forged and forged. The finished weapon, although the formidable power is only the formidable power of the ordinary Immortal Grade, it can be used in the ancient battlefield.

Every warrior who enters the ancient battlefield and participates in the nether warfare is qualified to obtain such a weapon.

a The selected warriors all entered the dark stone gate one after another. From this, into the ancient battlefield, there are some warriors, but they have some fear in their hearts. They took courage and received them. jade talisman.

But when it came to this last step, my heart retreated.

However, these hesitant warriors were thrown directly into the pitch-black stone gate by Heavenly Venerate.

As long as you receive the jade talisman, it means that you must participate in the nether warfare at this time. When you get here, there is no regret.

Soon, it was Chu Fengmian’s turn. Chu Fengmian stepped out and came to the dark stone gate, picked up a Spirit Sword, and stepped into the dark stone gate.

Chu Fengmian entered this dark stone gate without causing any disturbances. In contrast, figures like the Prince of the State of Xi are eye-catching.

“Be careful.”

“Don’t be targeted by the prince of Xi Country.”

“This prince of the state of Xi, this time has brought out the entire guards of the state of Xi. It must be the top five. It is bound to be won. We can’t touch it.”

“Be careful. Let’s get together first and make countermeasures.”

The one who entered together with Chu Fengmian is a small group of about a dozen warriors who are talking in a low voice.

The team of more than a dozen warriors, although far less powerful than the prince of the state of Xi, leading this army, is still not a weak force.

Like this, the first thing the warriors who walked in groups and entered the ancient battlefield did was to get together.

All the warriors who enter the ancient battlefield will be divided into different areas immediately. This action is to prevent some warriors from teaming up to form a team, even like the prince of the country, swaggering directly to lead the army into one of them.

Although they have gone through so many Nether Wars, the warriors who come to participate in the Nether Wars are all very familiar with the maps in the ancient battlefield.

But this will take some time.

Generally, the first three days of Nether Warfare are the most chaotic times. Even some warriors who have entered the ancient battlefield in teams may not meet with their teammates. Most of them are alone.

So the first three days were the most chaotic three days, and it was also the best three days to hunt and capture jade talisman. After three days, some weaker warriors all formed a group. , It is much more difficult to seize jade talisman from the opponent.

Chu Fengmian came to participate in the Nether Warfare this time, and he has the will to win the quota to enter the sea of ​​Nether Nether, so he has already understood many rules and techniques in the Nether Warfare.

His plan is to hunt wildly first, capture jade talisman for three days, and then take another step.

Soon, when Chu Fengmian’s body completely entered the dark stone gate, the scene in front of him began to change. In the blink of an eye, the surrounding space changed again and again.

In a few moments, Chu Fengmian appeared in a forest.

The trees here are all ten thousand zhang and dozens of ten thousand zhang high. Chu Fengmian recognized it at a glance. They must be part of the Desolate Ancient continent.

Everything here is the existence of the Desolate Ancient era. On the branches and leaves of these giant trees, and even in the soil under their feet, Chu Fengmian saw countless blood stains, a bloody smell, and it poured in. Chu Fengmian’s nose.

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