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Nine Nether World is a huge world, and the sea of ​​Nine Nether is even more boundless.

In the Nine Nether World, there are countless dangers hidden, and there may even be giants of the 9th-order Immortal Emperor.

Chu Fengmian has never entered Nine Nether World. Some of his understanding of Nether World is also based on some rumors and some martial artists who have entered Nine Nether World.

In contrast, it is obviously much safer to enter the Nether World with the Dark Sword Heavenly Venerate this time.

Nine Nether World is now caught in the competition between Three Great Saint Territories and Nine Domains. Many of the powerhouses of the two sides have entered the Nine Nether World.

Chu Fengmian entered the Nether World this time, and did not intend to beat the grass to scare the snake. After all, as Chu Fengmian, once it appears, it will definitely attract the attention of Myriad Realms, Nine Domains, and many powerhouses. .

Especially after Chu Fengmian beheaded the fable Heavenly Venerate and had a lot of trouble with Saint King to lead Heavenly Prison.

Chu Fengmian’s threat to Myriad Realms is also growing.

Chu Fengmian is unwilling to cause unnecessary trouble.

Enter the Nine Nether World quietly. After achieving his goal, he left. This is Chu Fengmian’s idea.

“Nine Nether World, where is it?”

Chu Fengmian and the Dark Sword Heavenly Venerate, the two of them flew in this endless emptiness. Here, this area can be regarded as an extremely desolate area in the endless emptiness. The space here is extremely different. stable.

There may be an outbreak of space storm at any time.

However, with the current strength of Chu Fengmian, even the space storm erupting in the endless emptiness cannot affect Chu Fengmian. He naturally has no scruples and walks through it.

It’s just that the endless nothingness is huge, almost endless, but Chu Fengmian still doesn’t see the shadow of Nether World.

Where the Nine Nether World is in the endless nothingness, there are different opinions, and there is no standard answer.

There are very few people who will enter the endless nihility to find the Nether Nether World.

Before the outbreak of the Sacred Domain war, endless nothingness was an absolute desolate place. Except for the area connecting the Three Great Saint Territories and the Boulevard of the other side, almost no one set foot in it.

Most martial artists want to enter the Nether World, almost all of them enter the Nether World through the entrance of the Nine Nether World that appears in the Three Great Saint Territories, the Nine Domains, and some Smaller Thousand Worlds.

However, the power that these Nine Nether World entrances can contain is also limited. With the power of Chu Fengmian now, the general channel entrance cannot contain his power at all.

If Chu Fengmian wants to break into it forcibly, he may end up with a squeeze of the entrance. Therefore, for Chu Fengmian, if he wants to enter the Nine Nether World, he must first find the Nether World and enter directly among them.

Instead of passing through the Three Great Saint Territories, the entrance to Nine Nether World.

It was only three days of continuous flight. Chu Fengmian still didn’t see the shadow of Nether Nether World, so he couldn’t help asking about the dark sword Heavenly Venerate next to him.

“Nine Nether World is not a fixed world, it is always moving in the endless emptiness, so Nine Nether World also has many times, it may be bordered by Three Great Saint Territories, Heavenly Fine Domains, and even some Smaller Thousand Worlds. , In some worlds within the realm, the entrance of Nether Nether World will appear.”

Heard the Dark Sword Heavenly Venerate heard Chu Fengmian’s inquiry, and it was quickly replied.

“So Nine Nether World may appear in many places in the endless void, but this kind of movement has a trajectory. The martial artist of Nether World can use this trajectory to determine what the Nether World is. Where, return to Nine Nether World.”

Heavenly Venerate, the dark sword, finished speaking, and his gaze was looked towards the front.

“About two days away.”

When I heard the Dark Sword Heavenly Venerate, Chu Fengmian was also nodded.

As for the Dark Sword Heavenly Venerate, Chu Fengmian didn’t doubt. He was patient and continued to fly. Two days later, the surrounding area was not as desolate as before.

You can already see a lot of martial artists from the Three Great Saint Territories appearing around here. Chu Fengmian has already discovered the existence of several battlefields.

This kind of sign is the surface, Nine Nether World is nearby.

Nine Nether World is the largest among all Intermediate Wide Worlds. If there is a fifth Sacred Domain in the world, it must be the Nine Nether World.

In addition, Nine Nether World is extremely prosperous and prosperous, and it makes both Three Great Saint Territories and Tian Nine Domains want to include this Nether World in the bag and subordinate.

Three Great Saint Territories, Tian Nine Domains, near the Nine Nether World, launched a series of competitions, and countless battles broke out, so that there even appeared a main battlefield nearby.

The appearance of these sub-battlefields proves that Chu Fengmian is already close to Nether Nether World.

In less than an hour.

In front of Chu Fengmian’s eyes, a huge black hole appeared in Chu Fengmian’s eyes. This black hole was located in the endless nothingness. It was pitch black and extremely deep, and it seemed to be enough to swallow everything close to it.

Above this black hole, Chu Fengmian felt an extremely powerful Law Power. This Law Power was almost second only to Three Great Saint Territories, Heaven and Earth Law of Nine Domains.

“This is Nine Nether World?”

Chu Fengmian is also the first time I saw Nine Nether World.

Said it is an Intermediate Wide World.

But the size of the Nine Nether World is much larger than the ancient territory. In this boundless nihility, the body of the Nine Nether World, this black hole, looks extremely huge.

Just not far from this Nine Nether World, there is a huge continent floating. On top of this continent, you can clearly feel the tyrannical force bursting out of it.

There is a powerhouse at the high rank Immortal Emperor level, and the battle on top of this continent, here is a main battlefield in the endless emptiness, which was named the No. 4 main battlefield by the Sacred Domain Alliance.

The order of the main battlefields is based on the intensity of the battles. The main battlefield No. 4 can be regarded as one of the most intense main battlefields in the Sacred Domain war. Now Chu Fengmian has discovered it as soon as he arrives. Several high rank Immortal Emperors fight in it.

There are high rank Immortal Emperors from Three Great Saint Territories and high rank Immortal Emperors from Tian Nine Domains, but there are still two high rank Immortal Emperors who burst out of this pure Power of Darkness. , The aura of the two of them is very close to Dark Sword Heavenly Venerate.

These two people should be the high rank Immortal Emperor belonging to Nether World.

Nine Nether World is a purely Power of Darkness world.

So from the outside, it looks like a huge black hole.

The martial artist in Nine Nether World, no matter what Martial Dao he cultivates, is the law of darkness.

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