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This jade talisman can be faked, but his power cannot be faked, especially Xiao Jiu, as the first Heavenly God beast, his power is the unique and unmatched power in the world, impossible by someone in disguise.

The content in the jade talisman is very simple. It is to tell Chu Fengmian that Han Yueli and Luo Xi have gone to a far place and cannot come back within a short time, so Chu Fengmian doesn’t need to worry.

“This jade talisman was brought back by a Sword Dao dísciple about six years ago.”

Sha Jianjun looked towards Chu Fengmian and said.

Six years ago.

Chu Fengmian said silently.

Six years ago, the Sacred Domain war was about to break out.

I don’t know if it was Han Yueli, Luo Xi, or Xiao Jiu who discovered something and left at this time.

But that’s fine.

Now that the Sacred Domain war has broken out, Chu Fengmian himself is powerless to defend himself. If Han Yueli and Luo Xi are involved in the Sacred Domain war, it would be extremely dangerous.

The two of them followed Xiao Jiu and left, so they happened to be able to escape this time Sacred Domain war.

Xiao Jiu has a contract with Chu Fengmian, so no matter how far apart, Chu Fengmian can clearly feel Xiao Jiu’s power, which can ensure that Xiao Jiu, Han Yueli, and Luo Xi are not in any danger now.

Since there is no danger, Chu Fengmian doesn’t pay much attention to it. Han Yueli and Luo Xi also have their chances, and Chu Fengmian will not stop them either.

I gave Sha Jianjun a few more words. Sha Jianjun is nodded and turned and left. In this great hall, except for Chu Fengmian, there is only Shao Guang.

“Shake the light.”

looked towards Yaoguang, Chu Fengmian is also a little guilty.

The last time he left, he has been away for ten years, leaving the Sword Dao gate completely. The Sword Dao gate can be maintained, and even developed so well. In addition to Sha Jianjun, it is a shaker. Light is the hardest.

Especially in Nine Domains, after Chu Fengmian saw Yao Guang again, he didn’t have much time to settle down, and there were few opportunities for the two to meet.

Shaking Guang just silently guarded the Sword Dao gate for Chu Fengmian.

“If you can come back, everything is worth it.”

Shaking looked towards Chu Fengmian, her eyes were full of tenderness. What she feared most was hearing the news of Chu Fengmian’s death just like 10,000 years ago.

If I can see Chu Fengmian here, there is no resentment in her heart.

“This Sword Dao gate is your painstaking effort and the painstaking effort of the former Master. As long as I am here, I will maintain all this.”

Shake the light slowly and speak.

“I have suffered you.”

Chu Fengmian looked towards Shao Guang, and also sighed. As the daughter of the Star Emperor of Big Dipper Palace, she betrayed Big Dipper Palace and came to the Sword Dao gate for Chu Fengmian.

During these ten years, she has been guarding the Sword Dao gate and maintaining the growth of the Sword Dao gate.

“This is my willingness. I regret the regret 10,000 years ago. I don’t want to repeat it a second time.”

Yang Guang listened to Chu Fengmian’s words and said with a smile on his face.

“Being with you, everything is worth it.”

Chu Fengmian was speechless, stepped out, holding Shao Guang in his arms…

One day later.

“I promise you that I will be back soon. At that time, I will make up for you.”

Chu Fengmian looked towards Shaking the light slowly.

He also wanted to stay in the Sword Dao gate for a period of time, but time does not treat others, Nine Nether World, may be involved in the war at any time. At that time, Chu Fengmian wants to enter To Nine Nether World, it is much more dangerous than it is now.

Since it is inevitable to decide to go to Nine Nether World, the sooner the better.

After spending a day among the Sword Dao, Chu Fengmian was about to leave.

“I understand.”

Shaking light looked towards Chu Fengmian, and the voice is gentle.

Although she doesn’t know all about it, she can guess how much pressure Chu Fengmian is facing.

She can’t help Chu Fengmian right now. What she can do is not to stop it.

It’s just that Chu Fengmian had just returned for a day, and he was about to leave, making Yao Guang’s eyes a little lonely.

This loneliness was also seen by Chu Fengmian, but now he has no choice.

After saying goodbye to Yaoguang, Chu Fengmian turned into a light, set off, left the blood martial world, and marched toward the Nine Nether World.

Endless nothingness.

After Chu Fengmian left the blood martial world, he left the northern border all the way and entered the endless nothingness.

The approximate location of Nine Nether World, located in the Three Great Saint Territories, in the endless void at the center of the Nine Domains, is an independent Intermediate Wide World.

Nine Nether World, the largest Intermediate Wide World, is also very powerful. In many corners of the Three Great Saint Territories and Nine Domains, there may be an entrance to the Nether World.

There are actually not a few martial artists who have strayed into the Nine Nether World. Among these martial artists, some of them have had amazing opportunities in the Nine Nether World. Since then, they have risen to the sky, and their strength is ascending to the skies with a single leap.

There are also some martial artists who fell into the Nine Nether World.

The opportunities contained in Nine Nether World also contain many dangers. For example, the last time Mo Hong was chased by the ethereal Divine Palace martial artist, he strayed into the Nine Nether World.

At that time, Mo Hong was chased and killed all the way. In this crisis, he had no choice but to enter the Nether World. In the end, Mo Hong successfully escaped that chase. .

But the jade box was also thrown into the Nine Nether sea of ​​Nine Nether World by Mo Hong.

Chu Fengmian wants to enter the Nether World this time, the first goal is to find the jade box that was thrown into the sea of ​​Nether by Mo Hong, Lord of Sword Dao left to Chu Fengmian.

This jade box may be related to the secret of Chu Fengmian’s life experience, and Chu Fengmian must get it.

The second is to obtain a large amount of the Principle Supreme Treasure of Darkness. It is best to comprehend the Dark Law to Great Accomplishment. Once it can comprehend to Seven Law, Chu Fengmian can condense Smaller Thousand Worlds in one fell swoop, the real Step into the world of Immortal Emperor Realm.

These two things are Chu Fengmian’s biggest purpose for going to Nether World.

In the endless nothingness.

Two escape lights, all the way to the direction of Nether Nether World.

The one leading the way is the Dark Sword Heavenly Venerate.

Heavenly Venerate, the dark sword, is not a martial artist of the Nine Domains. His real origin is from the Nine Nether World. It is also in the Nine Nether World that successfully achieved Heavenly Venerate.

Only later, the strength of Dark Sword Heavenly Venerate skyrocketed. In order to make his strength even further, he left Nine Nether World and went to Nine Domains.

Compared to Chu Fengmian, all information about Nether World is obtained from other sources.

Heavenly Venerate, a dark sword from Nine Nether World, is familiar with Nine Nether World. It must be far surpasses Chu Fengmian.

Because of this reason, this time Chu Fengmian went to Nether Nether World, and he took the Dark Sword Heavenly Venerate specially.

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